Any free Tube/Stream sites that are stictly HQ/HD?

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Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Yea I stream porn, all the time.. I happily do it too!... do I watch you and your sorry ass videos? FUCK NO!

You busted your ass???? YOU TOUCH YOUR TITS AND SMILE AT THE CAMERA! You don't know what hard work is believe me.

Get a real job you trash bag.

OK.....I understand it was fun & why the thread was left open, but this is just way too much. Someone needs to end this.

I've gotta agree Andy. This crossed the line for me.

This will be my last post on this thread, otherwise I'm gonna say something that I'll regret. :mad:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
60 hour work weeks doing HVAC.

how about you?

Great career. Stay with this and retire. If you can stand the cold and the heat, at 60 hours a week. Plus those off hours bonus dollars? Many bucks for you.
Nice av there nacho

thank you big cock.. sadie west if you were wondering.

Is this fuck stick going to be allowed to continue being a fuck stick, or is there a ban coming?

I say we vote on it.

you can vote on it if youd like.. ill take the ban if that's the inevitable punishment for this quarrel.

or you can close the thread and proceed with your usual.

whatever will help you guys sleep at night.
you can vote on it if youd like.. ill take the ban if that's the inevitable punishment for this quarrel.

or you can close the thread and proceed with your usual.

whatever will help you guys sleep at night.

Just to be clear, there is no quarrel here. You got called out on something, and promptly began acting like a premenstrual teen girl with diminished mental capacities. As the thread developed, you continued to please.
Just to be clear, there is no quarrel here. You got called out on something, and promptly began acting like a premenstrual teen girl with diminished mental capacities. As the thread developed, you continued to please.

I got called out? I told everyone exactly what I was seeking.. no secrets there lurkingdick..

its time for you and your posse to go play in traffic.

and that larss joker could run through a cactus patch covered in aids blood for all i care.

neither of you have bothered me one bit.

so proceed with the ban, close the thread, or keep coming back for more.. ill fit you into my schedule.
Afew things i've noticed about Imadickman

1. He is clearly an Idiot
2. He thinks way to highly of himself
3.He needs to stop patronizing people(given point 1)

Imo, he should get off the internet and go and play with his toys like a good little boy
I got called out? I told everyone exactly what I was seeking.. no secrets there lurkingdick..

its time for you and your posse to go play in traffic.

and that larss joker could run through a cactus patch covered in aids blood for all i care.

neither of you have bothered me one bit.

so proceed with the ban, close the thread, or keep coming back for more.. ill fit you into my schedule.

You got called out. Yes, you were very clear what you were looking for, and then you were told that's illegal, and not discussed here. Then an OCSM took issue with it. Following that, you made post after post that proved you are perhaps just shy of retarded. I've just gone back through this thread. It's a great read. Know why? It's a great read because you get more and more ridiculous.

You're cocky, but stupid. It's a very entertaining combination. I eagerly await your next post. Oh, how I hope you can fit me into your schedule.

Afew things i've noticed about Imadickman

1. He is clearly an Idiot
2. He thinks way to highly of himself
3.He needs to stop patronizing people(given point 1)

Imo, he should get off the internet and go and play with his toys like a good little boy

or you can be a trendsetter and click that little unsubscribe button at the top... its an option, whether you choose to take it or not would clearly be up to you.. maybe you have a crush on me or something.. pretty impressive post count you got going though.. good luck with your dating goals in 2012
You got called out. Yes, you were very clear what you were looking for, and then you were told that's illegal, and not discussed here. Then an OCSM took issue with it. Following that, you made post after post that proved you are perhaps just shy of retarded. I've just gone back through this thread. It's a great read. Know why? It's a great read because you get more and more ridiculous.

You're cocky, but stupid. It's a very entertaining combination. I eagerly await your next post. Oh, how I hope you can fit me into your schedule.


i am glad i can bring a little excitement into your life.. i bet you havent had this much fun since daddy used to give you a sponge bath.

as stated many times before, the shit storm can rest when changes are made.. or you can keep bickering with me. your call.
or you can be a trendsetter and click that little unsubscribe button at the top... its an option, whether you choose to take it or not would clearly be up to you.. maybe you have a crush on me or something.. pretty impressive post count you got going though.. good luck with your dating goals in 2012

Funny you speak about dating. I had a quick look at your posts, all of which involve getting the name of girls or something to do with porn, then add that to looking for illegal porn. Now I'm not saying I'm a quality poster, not by a long shot. But I'm still a hell of a lot better than you.

I have a girlfriend, infact I've had a few. You on the other hand. I don't know about
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