Multiple consoles mean corporate competition and thats a good thing. It keeps each Company on the edge to create that next step up in the gaming community. I hope different platforms continue to exist despite fanboys trying to tear down one or the other. Why? Cos then it comes down to just one console on the market. When that happens you will see a lackadaisical approach by the Manufacturer. Prices will soar, Technology will stay the same and Consumer satisfaction will fall. That's economics 101, something every fanboy out there just doesn't fucking understand.
So to answer the original question, get both. If you absolutely must go with just one then don't worry, you'll be entertained no matter which one you get and there's always that chance that you too will become a fanboy. Pucker up, corporate ass kissing has never been so popular.
- A victim of corporate and consumer ignorance.
Get both is the answer? Well yes, if you feel like wasting 1000 dollars...for two machines that are essentially the same thing. Its simple, try them both out grow some nuts and make a decision. You can't really be disappointed in either, since both consoles play video games. Exclusive titles are quite rare, when compared to the selection of multi platform games.
Both. If you can't afford both then maybe focusing on your career and income instead of a gaming console should be something to consider.
- A victim of corporate and consumer ignorance.
Get both is the answer? Well yes, if you feel like wasting 1000 dollars...for two machines that are essentially the same thing. Its simple, try them both out grow some nuts and make a decision. You can't really be disappointed in either, since both consoles play video games. Exclusive titles are quite rare, when compared to the selection of multi platform games.
Dumbest condescending shit comment I've ever heard.
it costs a thousand bucks to buy both a 360 and and PS3??? If you paid that much for both then you're the victim of corporate and consumer ignorance and not me. lots of people have both machines and both machines still don't even come close to the cost of my gaming pc. if you can afford it, buy it, why is this even a fucking debate? are you like my parents trying to tell me how to spend my allowance? I have nuts, i grew a pair and said fuck yeah I can afford both and still buy every god damn game i want! just cos you're poor don't mean you got bigger balls. it doesn't work that way. But nice try. :hatsoff:
Best Buy price on a XBOX 360 = $130
Best Buy price on a PS3 = $260
where i'm from that comes to grand total of $390, very short of a thousand bucks, not even half really. who's being ignorant? If that bothers you it falls under the category of "not my problem"
if that's the dumbest condescending shit you've ever heard then you really need to stop playing your console and get out more. just sayin........
That does go to show the xbox failed in trying to get more sales, releasing it earlier than the PS3 to get more sales just resulted in them having to improve what they could of already had.
MS never though they could get more sales,the goal was just to disrupt SONY PLAYSTATION brand
That is categorically false.
Microsoft wanted to beat Sony to the next-gen market and finally have something to beat the PS2,
and pushing the 360 out early was an attempt at that. The Playstation "Brand" was at the time absolutely nothing outside the PS2.
how it false
do you really think they would just get infront of the biggest brand in gamign jst like that
they are slowly climbing the ladder
nobody beats the PS2
you would be suprised that even the period from when 360 launched PS2 has outsold it
MS just released 360 to start before PS3 as they just couldn't compete with it at the same launch
the PS brand was big in PSP at the start
and even the PS2 itself was the bigggest thing in gaming
Strike 1.
Simply put, that is categorically false. Sony is not the biggest brand in gaming, and never has been. Nintendo has worn that crown since the 1980s.
Strike 2.
Of fucking course the PS2 outsold the 360 when it launched, it cost $300 less, had a regnant array of games, and had been out for 6 fucking years.
Surprise, surprise, the PS2 hasn't outsold the 360 since June of 2007,
Sony, in it's infinite wisdom hasn't pulled the plug on the PS2 yet, and the fucking thing is outselling the PS3, this year.
PS3 is selling more than the PS2 and no PS2 is not selling more than PS3 from a long time and not this year
and why would SONY pull the plug on PS2 as it is bringing them profit and its selling and also they have a 10years promise
Strike 3.
That's may be the single most ignorant statement I've read. Microsoft launched early to do what Sony did with the PS2 to the Nintendo 64, that is, to dominate the market with superior technology,
how the hell is it ignorant?????????????
MS pulled the plug of original XBOX just 4 years,now why was that cause it wasn't selling cause of the competitors
and do you really think XBOX could really compete with PLAYSTATION at same launch,no they couldn't
if you think brand is nothing then you are foolish
yes SONY did it with PS2 but it was because of the reason that PS1 was already 7 years on the market and it wasn't N64 but GC WITH PS2
although this time with the signature Microsoft avarice. Microsoft talked publicly about launching the 360 contemporaneously with the PS3,
if you go on believing PR then you are foolish again
but publicly acknowledged the success of the PS2 was the primary motivation behind their early launch:
no it wasn't as PS1 already was the biggest brand so PS2 continued it
XBOX had a small brand
"We really needed to focus on what the market wanted moving forward. There were no disillusions about what the Playstation 2 was, or what type of success it was enjoying. We needed a way to really establish the X-Box family of consoles, and it was clear that the only way to do that was to offer a product that was technologically superior to the PS2" - Peter Moore, former Vice-President of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business Division in 2005.
so just because he said it you believe it................lmao
and this is Peter Moore is the same person who once said MS entered the gaming market to eliminate SONY's PLAYSTATION as they were taking over the entertainment part of the living room which is PC Windows
Strike 4.
Holy fuck, you've swung and missed on this one so hard I don't even know where to begin.
Let's see:
Playstation sales up to the launch of the PS2: 22.4 million (79% of the sales were strictly in Japan).
Nintendo 64 sales up the launch of the PS2: 30.7 million.
you have really gone bonkers and live in a world of your own
PS1 sales upto PS2 were way over 22.4
and N64 was nowhere near PS1
you really think PS1 sold 81million after PS2 launched as PS1's total sales as of 2006 is 103million
you are just taking numbers out of ur ass.
and i'm starting to thinking ur are a Playstation hater from ur comments.
PSP sales: Approximately 60 million.
Nintendo DS sales: Approximately 128.9 million.
we are not discussing current sales
ds is 132.04 as of June 2010
psp is 62.70 as of june 2010
So this "brand" that Sony had set up, was that intentionally perennially outsold by the competition?
it wasn't outsold by competition until PSP and PS3
PSP was outselling DS the first 1-2 years but after piracy hit and dev let go of the platform,it went downhill
and PS3 was solely because of the price.a console like PS3 which is just 3.6million behind 360 and currently oustselling Wii in Japan and very close to the Wii in Worldwide even being at a far higher price,now thats brand power
Nintendo would have a better brand if they continued with a single console name but they keep changing with every console
Because by the numbers, Nintendo has historically kicked the piss out of them.
you can be only 2 things after all those comments
a really big misinformed fool if you think PS1 and PS2 got outsold,no offense
or a fanboy hating Playstation
Also, Sony did to the PS2 what they're doing with the PS3 now: not phasing out the older console.
The PS went on to sell almost 75 million units during the time the PS2 was out.
Microsoft didn't give a shit about the PS3 until about the time the PS3 became cheaper,
really you think a competitor wouldn't give shit about the other company
and a company which was leading
and is that why Aaron greenberg and other MS employees just keep bashing SONY all the time.they also never bash shows what their aim is
which oddly enough, started the process of Sony's gaming division hemorrhaging money.
SONY was already losing money on PS3 launch
when PS3 became cheaper their loss became lower not more
But fuck, don't let reality ruin a good story.
yeah your reality is quite a work of fantasy
oh really thats why N64 and GC bombed
i don't think you believe in reality
Since other people actually read these threads, it's probably best that your particular brand of wrongness not go completely unchallenged.
According to SquareTrade, the PS2 outsold the PS3 for the months January through March of 2010.
Call me a Playstation hater all you want, I've been more than fair to the Sony, but the numbers just don't agree with you.
At this point, if you'd like to troll more, feel free, as again, I hope you don't let reality ruin your story.
Your sales figures are really off.
According to NPD Group (these are just the U.S. figures) ps2 has not even sold 500,000 units in the first quarter.
Here is a graph from NPD Group:
Full news article:
PSP was outselling DS the first 1-2 years but after piracy hit and dev let go of the platform,it went downhill