I was hoping Orakpo would fall to San Fran too, but with Crabtree available, we'll have to pass.
This pick seems to have the gurus stumped....
I was hoping Orakpo would fall to San Fran too, but with Crabtree available, we'll have to pass.
Yeah, I lived in Colorado from the age of 9-16, then moved to South Florida.
Completely agree. I like players like him that show up in the biggist games. I think Percy Harvin IS the next Steve Smith (Carolina).
Here's some advice my friend. DUMP DENVER:thefinger You have access to models, the beach, salt water fishing....burn that Bronco gear and wear that Dolphin gear with PRIDE my friend.....
Why aren't there hotties anywhere at the draft? Those draft tables should have hotties hanging out with the players...I want to see some goddamn cleavage dammit!
Sorry, but I bleed orange and blue... but I do go to a lot of Dolphis games.
STDIVA...finish the sentence..
Michael Crabtree will be the next....Jerry....
Here's some advice my friend. DUMP DENVER:thefinger You have access to models, the beach, salt water fishing....burn that Bronco gear and wear that Dolphin gear with PRIDE my friend.....