Man Fired For Marrying a Porn Star

So wait by the time I get married Who will I be able to married. I cant marry a man (dont want to any how, sorrys fellas), I cant marry a woman if my boss doesnt agree with their job, I cant marry my goat, dog, cat, horse named Alalbama thunder clap, cow, sheep, mouse, my chimp named Cheetah, donkey, mule aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddd . . . nope thats it.

So when did any form of government get to say eh your life is to distracting. your fired. Whats next, "your lifes too distracting your interned, next youll be genocided" (yeah not a real word or form of it).

Sounds to me like the ones who are distracted by it are the ones who fired him. Self rightious religous whack-jobs

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Most city managers have a morals clause in their contracts. I think this will probably work out better for the guy who got his contract canceled for "no cause" than for moral turpitude.

"No cause" doesn't cast any dispersions upon a person's character like getting fired for say, running up a huge tab on a company credit card at a titty bar. It's like saying someone is just not a good fit for their administration.

The mayor in his own way had the moral high ground here. And in a community of probably mostly retirees this bit of gossip would have definitely negatively impacted the husband's performance amongst the public.

I hope he lands on his feet but I don't think this is actionable.
Was this pornstar still acive in porn? Because I heard she was in her 40's.
This shows the idiocy of our country. This would never happen in Europe. In fact the french Prime minister could fuck all the prostiitutes in the world and none of the citizens would care.

Actually none of the citizens here care either. One of those news shows interviewed a bunch of the citizens where this happened and not a one of them thought he should be fired.