Atheists sign here.

Atheism is fashionable right now. I'm not a believer in organized religion, nor anyone's "god", per se, but I'd like to think there's some higher power.

And I love the technique of the O.P. Very old school religious figure of you, sir.

"Here's what I think, and I want to know who's with me! No discussions! No disagreements! Let's all just agree."-- Pope Gabberman I (2009)
Is this some trick by the catholic church to weed out all those who say they arent believers for a new holocaust? because if it is, Im with whoever doesnt put me in an easy bake oven.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Hmmm... well, I am a non-believer, too.

Except in being kind to others and in the principal goddness of mankind.

A loonie, in a nutshell ^^
Do I have to sign here?

I don't believe in anything, but having to sign here just seem silly :D. Let the religious heard themselves like cattle into groups. Not me ;)
I don't believe in a God or Gods, Goddess or Goddesses or a supreme being that created the whole universe with a plan to eventually destroy it anyway. On one hand I could use the "No proof no truth" line but on the other hand I would use the "There is no need for proof that there is no such thing as God".
I don't believe in a God or Gods, Goddess or Goddesses or a supreme being that created the whole universe with a plan to eventually destroy it anyway. On one hand I could use the "No proof no truth" line but on the other hand I would use the "There is no need for proof that there is no such thing as God".

Well said! And that's the the great response for the debate of if god exists or not. I agree that even if he/she/it existed, it wouldn't change a thing and actually give athiests an chance to chew god out and see what the hell his problem is.