Search results

  1. Wainkerr99

    Apartment BANS American Flags

    Madness takes its toll. He can drive up to the apartment, then quickly remove the flag before people hate him for his flag? Hate comes from the heart, not from a flag. Who makes the rules around here? Does he not have a Constitutional right to display the flag? Not only that, this is...
  2. Wainkerr99

    My First 100 Posts

    Ask nicely. Use search. Like 'search this thread/forum'. In any case, look here: There is also a video Petra set up which you can find out about here...
  3. Wainkerr99

    Driver Charged For Splashing School Kids

    That driver must have been doing about 50 km/h at least. He actually sped up some more to get to the children faster. He even was beeped - probably for going too fast near an island. He thought it was immensely funny drenching them. Small minds are amused by small things like this. Of...
  4. Wainkerr99


    When I was small I wanted to be an astronaut. My eyesight failed, so there went that one. Strangest thing. One afternoon I was washing dishes. I was about 9 or ten. As I stood there, suddenly in my mind's eye I had an image of myself on a stage, singing my own songs in front of a full audience...
  5. Wainkerr99

    Pornstar Chasey Lain Hits Rock Bottom

    Yes, let's hope so. This shows strength of character. I am so happy for her. I trust Chasey Lain will surround herself with loving friends.
  6. Wainkerr99

    See? That's why I'm so nice. 'Looking at nature makes you nicer If you can't get outside, download a landscape screensaver, study suggests. excerpt: “If it weren’t for Central Park, all us New Yorkers would kill each other,” says Ruta Fox, a 50-something jewelry...
  7. Wainkerr99

    Tory Lanes pubic hair.

    Go Tory. Love it. :nanner:
  8. Wainkerr99

    Christina Aguilera

    Re: Christina Aguilera.....
  9. Wainkerr99

    New da Vinci painting found

    It seems the painting wasn't German after all. It is worth $150 mil. da Vinci was a very poor man, always working out his budget.
  10. Wainkerr99

    Happy sex

    Nikki Blonde needs a decent meal once in a while.
  11. Wainkerr99

    Chinese are eking out a living

    This article will show how the Chinese are suffering and struggling while we live in the lap of luxury: Like that Chinese lady who bought an expensive dog I put in another thread.
  12. Wainkerr99

    Hilary Swank

    Hilary is just impossibly beautiful.
  13. Wainkerr99

    Hilary Duff
  14. Wainkerr99

    Julia Stiles

    I was wondering if I would ever see her again. It is a pity she seems to have dropped out of films. The last I saw of Julia Stiles was some B DVD with Macy.
  15. Wainkerr99

    Diora Baird

    Yeah huh? There is a pleasant film called "Hot Tamales" Diora was in some years back that is really worth checking out. She is in it with Randy Spelling - the one in the family that can actually perform for the camera. Maybe if she had gone to drama school she could have applied for more roles.
  16. Wainkerr99

    The last person to post here WINS!

    And so the plan is set in motion. Muwahahaha.
  17. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  18. Wainkerr99

    The Evolution of The Simpsons

    Society in a capsule. Welcome to the human race. The trick is to get them all to shout at the same time.
  19. Wainkerr99

    The last person to post here WINS!

    I'm not posting here anymore, because I am waiting for you all to go, then I will win. :nanner:
  20. Wainkerr99

    Former Reagan Administration Official Wants Pot Legal

    If people want to destroy their health and pass out, why not make $14 billion off of them, especially considering the type of individuals these youngsters encounter while in prison, or the long term effects with regard to them trying to find employment form hypocritical prospective employers who...
  21. Wainkerr99

    The Member Above Me....

    Goes coastal every so often.
  22. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  23. Wainkerr99

    Caption Contest

    Aww sweet. :pukey:
  24. Wainkerr99

    The 5 Stages of Most Relationships

    Love is blind.
  25. Wainkerr99

    Chimps can teach us about relationships

    'Is empathy a uniquely human trait? Research released just today indicates that human culture rather than raw genetics is the prime factor behind altruism on a wide scale - that is, the sentiment that moves us to respond to tragedies involving people we don't even know.' 'For decades, de Waal...
  26. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  27. Wainkerr99

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! I watched the first three episodes or Stargate Universe. It looks promising. Fastforward. Brannon Braga is one of the producers. (From Star Trek). It has Ralph Fiennes. I see Johnny Cho is coming up in the TV world to.
  28. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  29. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  30. Wainkerr99

    Have you ever.............

    Pretty much. Sneezed so hard your entire body is in severe pain?
  31. Wainkerr99

    I'm hungry.

    I saw this when looking to see if there are any Red Robins in Ontario. I heard last week that Red Robin burgers are excellent. "Susi" is right, there are few Denny's in Mississauga, Brampton and Toronto, and I know of 2 in Niagara Falls ON, as she said the other are not known in this area or...
  32. Wainkerr99

    Water fluoridation

    That's what I thought. Just the taste is slightly different. I have tasted true spring water. It is different to the water in bottles or out of the tap as pure sugar is to saccharin.
  33. Wainkerr99

    How has Porn Culture Influenced and Pervaded Mainstream Culture ??

    One sees the influence of porn in advertising. There is more use of softer, richer colour. Sometimes the music is a bit more racy. Of course in the clothing industry, nude or near nude images are almost the norm. Suggestive poses are used for jeans ads, et al. Words used in advertising are more...
  34. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  35. Wainkerr99

    'Veggie' spider shuns meat diet

    Interesting that it is named after Rudyard Kipling's Bagheera.
  36. Wainkerr99

    Divide your rep by your post count

    3089 divided by 41529 ♥ 13
  37. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  38. Wainkerr99

    The Member Above Me....

    is the one person on this fair planet who doesn't like pizza.
  39. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

    sey ;) fancy
  40. Wainkerr99

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! Ooooooooh I'm so super duper chuffed. I even stopped feeling sick for the moment. Because I'm watching the first episodes of.... STARGATE UNIVERSE. Yup. That should do it.
  41. Wainkerr99

    What are you drinking right now?

    Green tea.
  42. Wainkerr99

    Do These Make Anyone Else Chuckle?

    They remind me a bit of this thread: Can't say I haven't thought the same thing about nuts.
  43. Wainkerr99

    Water fluoridation

    I remember my mother going batty about this when I was growing up. All part of the insidious plots. It would probably explain why everyone but me has sparkling clean healthy teeth. (I didn't grow up in the States).
  44. Wainkerr99

    The Member Above Me....

    has failed me for the last time:
  45. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  46. Wainkerr99

    Give me a Cow!!

    This schnitzel recipe for four only costs around £4.55 to make. Use chicken or turkey breasts, flattened, instead of the pork, if you like. You can freeze the sauerkraut for up to 2 months. Serves 4 Ready in 50 minutes Nutritional Information Per serving: 506kcals 21.6g fat (3.9g saturated)...
  47. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  48. Wainkerr99

    The Member Above Me....

    Makes good congratulatory threads.
  49. Wainkerr99

    Sex in silence

    We have a winner.