'Veggie' spider shuns meat diet

A spider that dines almost exclusively on plants has been described by scientists.

It is the first-known predominantly vegetarian spider; all of the other known 40,000 spider species are thought to be mainly carnivorous

a spider is a spider 'orrible lil critters
"They are jumping spiders, so they don't build a web to catch food, so they have to catch their prey through pursuit. And the Beltian bodies are not moving - they are stuck - so it is a very predictable food supply."

Survival, Darwinian style. Nice post again MD:thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
ugly little fucker!
I love these posts by You Mini....

Good stuff.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Pretty cool, but they would have to have the lamest webs in the world, sitting around, waiting for a tree to come wandering around. And the only things that are going to be scared of them are a bunch of pansies.
Nature never ceases to amaze me with its sheer variety of its species! Cool story off the Beeb (always has all the best stories!). Spiders may be horrid looking creatures, but very good for the eco system (act as natural pest control), if it wasnt for spiders we may well be inundated with flies and many other sorts of insects!
He's a little ant-dodging ninja. That was pretty cool.


Postal Paranoiac
No sound. But I suppose even spiders realize that green is the scene! And thank you Al Gore...:D


This is what I saw when I read the post...

A spider that dines almost exclusively on planets has been described by scientists.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.