Caption Contest

What's that? :confused:


  • lustich12.jpg
    64.4 KB · Views: 256


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Hotel room for business trip: $300

Taking boss to strip club to celebrate getting contract: $500

Waking up in the morning with your head on a big, soft titty: priceless

(realizing your ass is sore and sticky but you are now a vice-president: a different thread entirely)
what you would get if u cross a walrus with a piece of wood!.....:D
hopefully they aint passed out from explorin each other last nite..........
and wat a pic 2 post...... thanks for the eyesore!!
In my best David Attenborough impression:

". . . and now after the mating ritual is over these two bare chested walruses, curl up with one another and rest in the full knowledge that their work is done for now. Until of course their wives get back from the supermarket and an almighty war of attrition will begin. But for now all of this is unknown to them and these two wonderful creatures can just bask in the light of the flickering television, naked and exhausted. Content in the knowledge that this picture will never make it onto the Internet.

This is nature at its finest.

Pillsbury dough boy in middle age with his gay what leave 'em alone...

I still love his crossiant rolls! (and apparently so does his lover!)


My Penis Is Dancing!
You know, dude, when you invited me over for the Skins and Bears, I never imagined it would be like this...our own little secret. Don't tell the other guys at the gym.
Free Willy 2?


what the fuck you lookin at?
"can you feel the baby kick?"