Apartment BANS American Flags

Will E Worm

That's not exactly true. Apartment complexes outlaw all sorts of things from pets and BBQs to gun ownership. You're also not allowed to disregard noise and cleanliness regulations...

What you do inside and out-of-sight is another matter. But what you do in plain view does have to conform to the complex's policies...

That's true. management said there was a policy that bnas flags and sport flags, BUT the apartment complex has a flag that advertises 1 and 2 bedroom places, seems hypocritical to me.

I see the hypocrisy. We can advertise using a flag and we can tell you what to do in a supposedly free country.

Apartment complex's think they are above the law. If you have to just live in a trailer. ;)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
A few months ago, there was a story up here about a community asking a woman to take down a Canadian flag that she had put up to honour her brother, who was in the military. I'm not sure how it ended; I think they let her keep it up, but she had to fly it from a flag pole (She was hanging it from a tree, which actually is pretty disrespectable).


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Idiotic condo commandos out of control. Fucking stupid....I'd like to see them come and try to take away my flag!


Idiotic condo commandos out of control. Fucking stupid....I'd like to see them come and try to take away my flag!

I'd rep you for this but I have to spread it around a little

so i'll just say :hatsoff::glugglug:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Management at Oak Apartments said it's part of their policy that helps protect them and their residents from any forms of hate. They added that if they allow one form of symbolism, they have to allow them all.

makes sense. I know I'd be pissed if my neighbor was flying a mexican flag.


Hiliary 2020
No it doesnt legz, why would anybody not permit displaying a flag of the country in that country? Especially for the reason they gave?
Fuck, didnt the Empire state building recently light up in the colors of the Chinese flag?


makes sense. I know I'd be pissed if my neighbor was flying a mexican flag.

How is flying the american flag in america hateful? Hell these same tentents can go to the post office and see the hateful american flag or drop their kids off at school and it's there.
It's sort of going overboard, but I can almost see why they would do that. They are also right. As long as they allow some, then the rest of the people left out would always be bitching about how they are treated worse than the others.
makes sense. I know I'd be pissed if my neighbor was flying a mexican flag.

would you be pissed if your neighbor was flying a confederate flag?


Closed Account
Madness takes its toll.

He can drive up to the apartment, then quickly remove the flag before people hate him for his flag? Hate comes from the heart, not from a flag.

Who makes the rules around here? Does he not have a Constitutional right to display the flag? Not only that, this is America. I must be told in my own country not to fly my country's flag?

If I had a son I would not want him to know about this if he were fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan.

I hope this tenant can fight back at this.


Rules are rules. If he doesn't like it, find another apartment.

I know it's the managers rule but there is this federal law called the Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005.