Do These Make Anyone Else Chuckle?

I (personally) took these pictures of everyday things that I found a way to turn dirty and laugh at. Am I just crazy or does someone else see the humor? Let me know what you guys think!


  • Poppycock Bag.jpg
    Poppycock Bag.jpg
    68.3 KB · Views: 342
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These should be kept on the nightstand of all facial fans, LOL


  • Wet Ones Hand and Face Wipes.jpg
    Wet Ones Hand and Face Wipes.jpg
    45.8 KB · Views: 340
Right? You just have to be perverted to the point of near retardation like me, see... My mind isn't in the gutter, it's in the sewer.
Nah. It's all good. Some are funny, some are kind of gratuitous in nature. It's all good though. I mean, this is Freeones ;)


Postal Paranoiac
I didn't see any "Homo milk: $1.29/gallon" signs. :D
Right?! I really thought people would like this thread... I think I'll take it down soon if it doesn't do better.

Don't worry about it! :glugglug:

This won't be your first thread you make that will go in this direction. Besides, some are good. Just go with the flow! Don't sound needy though in regards of good or bad threads you make... we prey on that kind of thing here!
