put to good use
B BlueBalls Dead Dec 22, 2009 #2 Pfft! There are parts of Africa where they can't get clean water. How unethical of her! Nice body though....
Pfft! There are parts of Africa where they can't get clean water. How unethical of her! Nice body though....
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Dec 22, 2009 #3 no wonder they grew so big, they have been watered regularly
Shadowfax 10 Dec 22, 2009 #5 A waste of drinking water when you next to a swimming pool. I like her body though and nice boobies.
~~whimsy~~ Dec 22, 2009 #6 I thought beaches had that shower station where you stand under it to get the sand off? Who does this bitch think she is wasting drinking water??? And put some clothes on! Whore!
I thought beaches had that shower station where you stand under it to get the sand off? Who does this bitch think she is wasting drinking water??? And put some clothes on! Whore!
Ace Boobtoucher Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol Dec 22, 2009 #7 If she's going to sport sweater shredders as nice as that, the least she could tone up her ass a little bit.............wait, that's not the point. Nice tits.
If she's going to sport sweater shredders as nice as that, the least she could tone up her ass a little bit.............wait, that's not the point. Nice tits.
Wainkerr99 Closed Account Dec 22, 2009 #9 Trying to see if water will cause the bikini bottom to dissolve.
JADick Dec 23, 2009 #10 who needs bottled water Attachments 96 Two Chicks Soaking Each Others Tits.jpg 39.8 KB · Views: 178
jasonk282 Banned Dec 23, 2009 #11 so she is dumping bottle water on her when she could just jump into the pool. STUPID NEOCON'S!!!!!!!!!
so she is dumping bottle water on her when she could just jump into the pool. STUPID NEOCON'S!!!!!!!!!
Cyclops_34 Dec 24, 2009 #14 What ever they put in that water, we need to distibute to women everywhere.