Search results

  1. Wainkerr99

    What religion are you?

    Christian. '"I have said ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the Most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes" [literally heads]. Psalm 82:6.' 'Jesus said, "Is it not written in your law, I said ye are Gods?"' St Paul was a thinker of his age. He studied...
  2. Wainkerr99

    >>> FreeOnes Wishing You a Merry Christmas!!

    What he said. ^^ A Merry Christmas to you. Stay warm.
  3. Wainkerr99

    10 ways to traverse deep space.

    Earth to Mars in 39 days. Uuuaaaaauuuuu. I can live with that. Who would have thought that we would hear of such a thing so soon. This is a bit, in fact a lot of positive knowledge to end the year and begin the new one with. Of course, once we reach another star, we can always peek around, and...
  4. Wainkerr99

    First porn film in your life

    I think it was the Kentucky Fried Movie. I saw it some years after it came out at a friends' house when they were out. He had the video. Boy was it a shocker for me:
  5. Wainkerr99

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    Well I kind of am in major crush with both Laurie Holden and Radha Mitchell, so I would say Silent Hill. Radha said in BTS that she couldn't finish the script that night as it was too scary. She had to wait until morning. The horror that waited around every corner, intensely crazy super-religio...
  6. Wainkerr99

    York Vicar Encourages Shoplifting

    His point was really reaching out to his congregation in a Robin Hood sort of way. Rather preach that God will provide, then try organise some food or grocery in the local churches. People are dying though. Being hungry over this season just is not an option, not for anyone. In addition, it is...
  7. Wainkerr99

    Hiya. Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful season and a better and great New 2010. [img] [img]

    Hiya. Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful season and a better and great New 2010. [img] [img]
  8. Wainkerr99

    Shot Down :(

    You are not going to sue the 'Axe' advertisers like that Indian dude are you?
  9. Wainkerr99

    Most Annoying Person 2009?

    Oprah, just because I am past wanting to see her face on her 'O' magazine.
  10. Wainkerr99

    Sandra Shine Or Savanna Samson?

    Yes I did spam to get this many posts.
  11. Wainkerr99

    Hi there. Here is wishing you a very merry Christmas. May your day be a good one. [img]

    Hi there. Here is wishing you a very merry Christmas. May your day be a good one. [img]
  12. Wainkerr99

    Hi there. May you have a a fruitful and productive New Year and a happy Christmas. [img]

    Hi there. May you have a a fruitful and productive New Year and a happy Christmas. [img]
  13. Wainkerr99

    Hi there. I hope and trust you and yours will have a great Christmas day. Have a relaxing time...

    Hi there. I hope and trust you and yours will have a great Christmas day. Have a relaxing time. [img]
  14. Wainkerr99

    Hi Marlo. I hope you have a pleasant and peaceful Christmas day, and all the best in the year...

    Hi Marlo. I hope you have a pleasant and peaceful Christmas day, and all the best in the year ahead. [img] [img]
  15. Wainkerr99

    All the best over the Christmas period. Hope you and your family have a great day. [img]

    All the best over the Christmas period. Hope you and your family have a great day. [img]
  16. Wainkerr99

    May your Christmas day turn out to be a good one. [img]

    May your Christmas day turn out to be a good one. [img]
  17. Wainkerr99

    Have a good yuletide day. All the best and stay well. [img]

    Have a good yuletide day. All the best and stay well. [img]
  18. Wainkerr99

    Hi marc. I hope your Christmas day turns out to be a pleasant and great one. Regards to you and...

    Hi marc. I hope your Christmas day turns out to be a pleasant and great one. Regards to you and yours. [img]
  19. Wainkerr99

    Happy and merry Christmas to you. May you have a peaceful day. [img]

    Happy and merry Christmas to you. May you have a peaceful day. [img]
  20. Wainkerr99

    Have yourself a merry little Christmas. [img]

    Have yourself a merry little Christmas. [img]
  21. Wainkerr99

    All the3 very best to you for the New Year. I hope you have a very happy Christmas. [img]

    All the3 very best to you for the New Year. I hope you have a very happy Christmas. [img]
  22. Wainkerr99

    Babes with Beautiful Legs / Great Legs / Best Legs

    Re: Who Has Great Legs?? / Best Legs Bianca Beauchamp, Veronica Zemanova.
  23. Wainkerr99

    I´m looking for a softcore movie

    You could try Googling Gabrielle Hall, Kira Reed, Kim Dawson, Shannon Whirry, Shannon Tweed, + softcore+films, or Rolf Kanefsky the director, to see where it takes you.
  24. Wainkerr99

    Brittany Murphy dead at 32!

    I Cannot Believe It. You will be sorely missed Brittany. What a talented soul.
  25. Wainkerr99

    The decade in news photographs

    Ahh murder, misery, slaughter, mayhem. Fun times. A few nicer ones in there too.
  26. Wainkerr99


    flowing like a river
  27. Wainkerr99

    Cold Winter vs Warm Winter (North vs South [America])

    Oki if you want to hate on another member, here's the time. In Oregon it is winter, yes, but nothing like the rest of the States. It is cold enough to need to dress warmly, but we might have snow in December. If it ever does snow it only lasts two weeks. Summer is not too hot either. So, you...
  28. Wainkerr99

    Britain bounces checks after 300 years

    In the US you can use a 'free checking' account, which charges a lot of money to issue and use a cheque. I rather use money orders. .49 cents buys you a simple transaction.
  29. Wainkerr99

    Why is wanting sex all the time a turn off to my man

    Is he a Piscean? They can be a bit cool sometimes: sex once or twice a week and all that. Sounds like it could be stress, though, and important other things. I could be cynical and say welcome to marriage, but, it sounds like you really make more than an effort from your part...
  30. Wainkerr99

    This user spams me everyday.

    Well one less on the mod wannabe list. Freakin' bullybeef.
  31. Wainkerr99

    Tokio Hotel or Jonas Brother, wich is the worst rock band ?

    By definition Dylan is rock. I think you get my point. Even in the arena of Glam Rock or Hall and Oates these numbers may not stand. Maybe more of the simple nylon/acoustic guitar driven tunes will make a comeback.
  32. Wainkerr99

    Extracellular Matrix--Are We Playing God?

    Nope. Got brains, use 'em.
  33. Wainkerr99

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    So hope the voting is based on quantity and quality of posting, beauty, brains and sheer attributing to an unrivaled quality of production, ability to hang in there and paying attention to members....... because definitely in that case, well Sandra Shine should be entered in the nominations. She...
  34. Wainkerr99

    Sharon Tate, Most Beautiful Woman Who Ever Lived?

    The kids/people who have gone missing or who were otherwise removed from this life over the years have almost all been really beautiful or extremely sweet looking. It is like the best of us was taken.
  35. Wainkerr99

    I Saw A Woodpecker Today!!

    Kewl. Woodpecker sound .27 seconds:
  36. Wainkerr99

    The 10 Hottest Teachers To Hook Up With Students

    One ex teacher resisted temptation, going on to become famous, really famous:
  37. Wainkerr99

    What would you do with the time you spend if there were no FO?

    I'd try all the scary stuff I have been avoiding, like learning how to do cartwheels, learning how to write blogs using the whatever it is you are supposed to use script, finish my writings, tan.
  38. Wainkerr99

    TV's Hottest Moms / Hottest TV Mom

    Re: Tv hottests mom Jane Kaczmarek always did it for me:
  39. Wainkerr99

    Grapes are good :P

    Well there was this one time with a chocolate that went in somewhere wet and warm.
  40. Wainkerr99

    explorer 8 annoyance , little help please.

    Isn't this the part where you go to your control panel, open up display options, then go to appearance and fiddle around there?
  41. Wainkerr99

    Does Kesha's tik tok music video turn you on?

    M A D O N N A clone with a bad hairdo. And trying to show of her nail art. Oh, and lets not forget the part about capitalising on the set a bad example to the kids to lead them out of innocence and right into rebellion against the parents cos we know better schmeer. Same old same old. She will...
  42. Wainkerr99


    Jenna Jameson.
  43. Wainkerr99

    Tough times in the porn industry

    Savannah Stern is really quite beautiful. She is a Taurus, so she would have somewhat more square features. If I had $150 000 in my bank account, I would be in seventh heaven. There would be almost no limit to...
  44. Wainkerr99

    The 50 Richest Members of Congress

    1% of Americans owns more wealth than the bottom 90%:
  45. Wainkerr99


    Facebook was started by a Jew - Zuckerman. That should tell you something about Konspiracy and the Illuminati. He made $250 million last year. Zynga likewise. No don't groan I am kidding. NeoKonspiracy? KIDDINK!!! Seriously. Zuckerman means sugar mountain...
  46. Wainkerr99

    Kendra Wilkinson

    Re: kendra wilkson Kendra gave birth. Question is can she breastfeed?
  47. Wainkerr99

    Cameron's 3D could change cinema forever

    I would like to see it, but am not eager for the 'usual' war storyline. Why must a story revolve around fighting? He could have gone in a different direction than that. Look at 'Stargate Universe' for instance. So far the only battle was the one in the beginning. They have made it to 10 episodes...
  48. Wainkerr99

    Arizona Sunset of the Day

    I was beginning to wonder if there are are any stunning sunsets in the US. Thanks - can't rep you yet.
  49. Wainkerr99

    Christmas is canceled.

    ^^ Politics were so simple in those days, damn racists. :o