Nigerian attempts to blow up Northwest flight


Hiliary 2020
yeah just read it.

"One of the U.S. intelligence officials said the explosive device was a mix of powder and liquid. It failed when the passenger tried to detonate it.".

i'll wait for more info on the matter.

More from the religion of "peace"

They claim that they are misunderstood yet they are supposed to take the Koran literally and there are TONS of passages about killing infidels (not just in self defense). Its not just the extremists, the rest that sit around and do nothing while "condemning" the attacks are just as guilty.


Well...Obama admin: 2 terror hits in 11 months...I'm feel really safe now!
Hey, Holder...bring this asshole to New York, too!:thumbsup:
They can all high-five and tell the world how cruel we are...someone probably hit him a time or two on the plane. Are they gonna bring charges on the passengers for assault?:rolleyes:
I feel sorry for the Nigerian dude. He's never been smart enough for the e-mail scams that provide for 80% of his country's population. So they retrained him as terrorist. Apparently, he's even too dumb to blow himself up.


Muslim jokes...
2 Moms talking about their kids...
"Little Achmad is 5 now! He's already beginning to study Koran ! How's your Abdul? "
"Abdul is all grown up...he's a Jihadist now...he's practicing to be a Martyr in Afghanistan!"
"Ahhh...children...before you know it, they're all blown up!":D

Ya know why Muslim Sex Dolls are the best-selling of all?
You take'm outa the box, and they blow themselves up!:thumbsup:


Powder and liquid, did they really think they would mix?
Well...Obama admin: 2 terror hits in 11 months...I'm feel really safe now!
Hey, Holder...bring this asshole to New York, too!:thumbsup:
They can all high-five and tell the world how cruel we are...someone probably hit him a time or two on the plane. Are they gonna bring charges on the passengers for assault?:rolleyes:

Really, we've had two "hits"? Wow....was the Richard Reid attempt a "hit" too???


what the fuck you lookin at?
Amateurs...either blow shit up the right way or don't bother.


I'm glad those people had the guts to subdue the guy. When are these idiot terrorists going to learn. Try to pull some shit by yourself on an airplane or some public transportation here in America and you better hope it goes as planned...because if not, you are going to have some big tough hard working americans with everything to live for, beating the living shit out of you. And guess what else, when you do something crazy like suicide bombing, you don't die and go to utopia with eleven virgins, you go to purgatory and get ass fucked by eleven bad ass americans and they use you as an ashtray afterwards for their post sex cigs. I'm sorry, I just hate terrorists and their extremist beliefs. It is never ok to kill innocent people. period. No matter what religion you believe. :eek:


Really, we've had two "hits"? Wow....was the Richard Reid attempt a "hit" too???

See...what did I predict?

HMs pissed 'cause the bomb didn't work...not any ripped to shreds babies and Mommies.
And how dare I attribute a terrorist hit to a failed bomb? Richard Reed a hit.
Feel better? What'll you call the next terrorist success story...another Dick Cheney Right-Wing plot to discredit the Obama admin?
Just like the Twin Towers; they blew them up to justify a war, why not the next massive death strike?
Those pesky Right Wing NeoCons Dick, Dubya, Rummy...just love blowing up and burning alive Americans to get their warlike way. Tsk tsk...
If they want to punish him in a horrible manner they should make him stay and live in Detroit for the next couple of years.
See...what did I predict?

HMs pissed 'cause the bomb didn't work...not any ripped to shreds babies and Mommies.
And how dare I attribute a terrorist hit to a failed bomb? Richard Reed a hit.
Feel better? What'll you call the next terrorist success story...another Dick Cheney Right-Wing plot to discredit the Obama admin?
Just like the Twin Towers; they blew them up to justify a war, why not the next massive death strike?
Those pesky Right Wing NeoCons Dick, Dubya, Rummy...just love blowing up and burning alive Americans to get their warlike way. Tsk tsk...

Not sure :wtf: this idiotic rant is about other than you apparently received a lobotomy for Xmas.

I was just pointing out in your goofy haste to redefine what a "hit" is for some lame political swipe that you missed some spots.:wave2:
Here's an actual link to the story.

What I'm curious about is why they let a guy named Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab on a plane in the first place. Doesn't the name itself raise flags left and right? :dunno: