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  1. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes Round 2! December 2nd - 16th!★

    You could probably persuade some votes with fansigns. They seem to be pretty popular around here nowadays.
  2. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes Round 2! December 2nd - 16th!★

    I will be sure to ask Petra to change my name later. No problem. I will continue to vote for you in those categories. You definitely deserve to win something. :)
  3. sporty_carr

    Fansigns and shiz for SpexyAshleigh voters! :D

    Will they include tight black leather like your avatar? :o
  4. sporty_carr

    Who Should Be President Next?

    Mel Gibson
  5. sporty_carr

    Was your very first ejaculation the hardest?

    ^ What he said.
  6. sporty_carr

    Have You Started / Finished Your Christmas Shopping?

    Stood in line for 5 hours on Black Friday to get a laptop for my dad.
  7. sporty_carr

    Sting vs Phil Collins

    Where's the option for "I'd rather shoot myself in the face than listen to either.".....??? Any era of music > today's music > 80's music
  8. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes Round 2! December 2nd - 16th!★

    My votes today: Miss Freeones Miss Hybrid Jane Burgess Spexy Ashleigh Taylor Stevens Dylan Ryder Best Euro Miss Hybrid Krisztina Sereny Best Cam Girl Spexy Ashleigh Taylor Stevens Adult Model Spexy Ashleigh Taylor Stevens Newcomer Spexy Ashleigh XO Eve Official Site Miss Hybrid Taylor...
  9. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    You're welcome. :)
  10. sporty_carr

    Fansigns and shiz for SpexyAshleigh voters! :D

    Notice anything different about me? I was going to use the 2nd fansign you did for me, but you wouldn't be able to tell me apart from titsrock.
  11. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Got my last votes in right before voting stopped. I voted for Miss Hybrid, XO Eve, Spexy Ashleigh, Taylor Stevens, Jane B, Devon Michaels, Dylan Ryder and Pussy Kat in various categories.
  12. sporty_carr

    Actor Wesley Snipes headed to prison for tax evasion

    Wesley: "Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have bought that 30 ft tall 24 karat gold statue of myself dressed as Superman!"
  13. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ My votes for today: Miss Freeones Miss Hybrid Jane B Spexy Ashleigh Taylor Stevens Rachel Starr Dylan Ryder Naughty Allie Devon Michaels Mariah Milano Vicky Vette Best Euro Miss Hybrid Rebekah Dee Krisztina Sereny Best Cam Girl Taylor Stevens Spexy Ashleigh...
  14. sporty_carr

    Xo Eve - AKA: Evelyn, Evelyn Cates, Xo Evelyn

    Re: Asian Alt Model, Evelyn Ok, I'm game. I voted for you as best newcomer today. :)
  15. sporty_carr

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Saw Due Date yesterday. Best comedy I've seen in awhile.
  16. sporty_carr

    Damn. Airport security may have crossed a line...

    Well, the removal of the nipple rings is completely understandable. I mean....she could have some how removed them during the flight and then scratched the pilot which would have.......I can't defend it, nevermind. :facepalm:
  17. sporty_carr

    The Politics of the Miss Freeones Contest

    Meh, you can have it. Kurt Cobain's been dead awhile anyway. While you're at it, take Alaska too. We don't need it anymore. I call for the Mud Pit-O-Doom!!!! :nanner: :insert tribal drums:
  18. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ This comment made me laugh. :1orglaugh A bunch of virgins living in their mom's basement aren't exactly busy. Just sayin'
  19. sporty_carr

    Has Dylan Ryder or Faye Valentine done an interracial video?

    Ummmm, your link didn't work. Was it supposed to be a Dylan video?
  20. sporty_carr

    Fansigns and shiz for SpexyAshleigh voters! :D

    Thanks for the fansizzign and shiz......:dunno:........Ash! You look really hot! :D And congrats in the contest. It looks like you could win in a couple categories this year. topless fansigns? :( know, if you showed a little more bewb in another fansign (or at...
  21. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ Just now saw this video. My, you have with words. Yes, that's what I was going to say....a way with words. Yes....I've finally gotten into Miss Hybrid's box. Now to just figure out how to get into her bed. Whoops, did I say...
  22. sporty_carr

    Thanks for the rep, madam. :D

    Thanks for the rep, madam. :D
  23. sporty_carr

    Well, you've officially won me over with your posts in the Miss Freeones thread. I've also been...

    Well, you've officially won me over with your posts in the Miss Freeones thread. I've also been paying attention to your posts in other threads. I like the way you think're really intelligent. ;)
  24. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ Sorry girls, I wasn't able to get on and vote yesterday. Here are my votes today. Miss Freeones Miss Hybrid Taylor Stevens Jane B Mariah Milano Vicky Vette Got Gisele Dylan Ryder Spexy Ashleigh Devon Michaels Naughty Allie Best Euro Miss Hybrid Sophie Dee...
  25. sporty_carr

    Let's find Rocki Roads

    We're going to have to narrow the search down. Ok....I'll start. She's not in my bed.
  26. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ Nevermind, you did remember embarrassing. :o How did I lose track of a day?!?! Where did that day go? I hope it didn't slip into an alternate dimension. We're not in an alternate dimension now are we? Do alternate dimensions count leap years? :dunno:
  27. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ Same as yesterday. Miss Freeones Taylor Stevens Miss Hybrid Got Gisele Naughty Allie Spexy Ashleigh Jane B Rachel Roxxx Rachel Starr Devon Michaels Dylan Ryder Best Euro Miss Hybrid Sophie Dee Krisztina Sereny Best Cam Girl Taylor Stevens Got Gisele Spexy...
  28. sporty_carr

    Kobe Bryant catching flak for his appereance in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Ad

    Jimmy Kimmel = Proud Noob :1orglaugh
  29. sporty_carr

    Really really hard? :dunno: Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:

    Really really hard? :dunno: Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:
  30. sporty_carr

    The entire Palin family is retarded.

    Could a retarded girl make it to the finals of Dancing With The Stars? Oh snap! Pwned!
  31. sporty_carr

    fake tits- yuck or yum?

    BOTH! I prefer a girl to have one fake breast and one real breast so I can compare and contrast.
  32. sporty_carr

    Miss FreeOnes voting?

    I base it on the likelihood I have of sleeping with them.
  33. sporty_carr

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ (last day to vote!)

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2011 Round 1★ This is who I voted for today. Not much changed from the first time. Miss Freeones Taylor Stevens Miss Hybrid Got Gisele Naughty Allie Spexy Ashleigh Jane B Rachel Roxxx Rachel Starr Devon Michaels Dylan Ryder Best Euro Miss Hybrid Sophie Dee Krisztina Sereny...
  34. sporty_carr

    My name is Jane Burgess in Miss Freeones Contest

    People can make it to the voting page but can't figure out that JaneB is Jane Burgess....? :facepalm:
  35. sporty_carr

    Anyone get their pass?

    Did you tell your wife it's like NetFlix?
  36. sporty_carr

    fake tits- yuck or yum?

    :confused: Of course! The thought of that image should make you want to squeeze any kind of breast. Oh didn't have the reverse effect did it? You don't want to squeeze old man penis do you?!?!? I've failed again.....first BlueBalls, now this. :facepalm:
  37. sporty_carr

    fake tits- yuck or yum?

    Then there is no cure for you. :dunno: I'm sorry....I have failed. :facepalm:
  38. sporty_carr

    fake tits- yuck or yum?

    Well......what do you think about this girl?
  39. sporty_carr

    fake tits- yuck or yum?

    I am an equal opportunity breast lover, sir! :mad: This whole thread smells of nothing but bigotry and discrimination! Every year millions of boobs don't recieve the love, attention, or fondling they deserve simply because they're "different."
  40. sporty_carr

    Jessica Alba

    Re: Wanna see Jessica Alba's boobie? ....Well come in. I'd recognize that chin mole anywhere...that is Jessica Alba! :eek: fap fap fap fap!
  41. sporty_carr

    Man Shoots TV

  42. sporty_carr

    TIME'S Person of the Year 2010

    Kanye West will not approve of this list.
  43. sporty_carr

    Green Latern First Trailer

  44. sporty_carr

    Let's find Rocki Roads

    Is this like Where's Waldo, except with bigger boobs? :dunno:
  45. sporty_carr

    >>>BETA TEST Miss FreeOnes 2011<<<

    The voting worked for me this time. So no Southern Brooke this year? That's two girls I was planning to vote for gone.
  46. sporty_carr

    whos willing to fuck me in my a**Hole

    Only if you didn't wipe.
  47. sporty_carr

    >>>BETA TEST Miss FreeOnes 2011<<<

    Yeah, when I vote all I get is that big red X too. Also, did Southern Brooke enter or am I just not seeing it?
  48. sporty_carr

    >>>BETA TEST Miss FreeOnes 2011<<<

    :( :crying: That's too bad. That completely changes how I was going to vote. Oh well, maybe she'll have more time next year. Dylan has posted on here several times before and has OCSM status. Is this profile somebody else? :confused: Nice to meet you Tessie. Good luck in the competition...
  49. sporty_carr

    This Is Me Right Now...

    Dance offs?!?! What happened to the good ole days when people would just shoot eachother? It was less painful than this.
  50. sporty_carr

    what game are you playing right now?

    Black Ops.......of course.