fake tits- yuck or yum?


but your looking at the tits not the penis. So, think of it this way- you see a person with long hair and sunnies on, looks like that person might be pretty and wow - big boobs. Don't tell me your not turned on (as your a fake tit lover) until you find out there is a penis involved. So, why let the penis worry you when it was the tits all along that turned you on?

To answer the original question, people with fake tits belong

A. in the field, amongst their bovine sisters
B. in the circus, amongst the other freaks
C. in a psychiatric hospital, amongst the other loonies (why would someone in his right mind mutilate his or her own body?)

Anyway, as you already concluded, a large majority of the Americans still believe in bigger is better and most of the porn market is aimed at US customers (just try to join a random site, besides the credit card option, most payment options are limited to US and Canadian people in 80% of the cases), so the industry aims to please those customers.


Closed Account
I don't like fake tits. But it's all in the mind I guess.
A good looking woman with nice tits that has her clothes on might turn me on. But once she takes her clothes of and I see that she has these plastic tits... cold shower, game over.
Even when it's a job extremely well done where you can't see it and believe they are natural. Can make me horny. But once I know they are fake - could be that I sudenly notice, that she tells it, that I feel it when I touch them, etc - it's over. I don't mind that tits might look 'not perfect', but I like the real deal (or as close as possible).

All these chicks with fake tits, fake lips, fake eyelashes, a fake ass, fake nails, etc, fake moaning, you might as well jerk off looking at a tree.


Hmm, so whats the final decision, fake or real? :)

I think you will find that the decision is Americans like fake tits, the rest of us prefer natural ones. I personally would be ok with fake ones if they were not so obviously fake. As the guy who must have a fake titted wife (probably why he gets so upset and keeps insulting me) pointed out in the survey he sent, sometimes you can't tell. In that case, I suppose it is fine, but when they are huge unnatural and obviously fake ones- count me out


Hey, roronoa, how much did you pay for your girls tits? Happy with them? Good on you- personally I can't pretend something is real whem it is not, but you go right ahead. I won't call you an idiot if you do, just deluded.


Official Checked Star Member
Mine are natural - I don't like the Terms "Fake" or "Real" - I think it demeans things.

Morgan Leigh has a great set, and they are a great example of yummy "Enhanced" boobs.


Hi there, I am sorry, but Morgan Leighs are the exact reason I hate fake tits. I would not call them enhanced at all. Enhanced maybe if there was some semblance of what they originally were once, but those look extremely unnatural to me- I would get no more turned on by her tits than I would looking at a beach ball.