TIME'S Person of the Year 2010

Here's the list of finalists for TIME's Person of the Year for 2010. Who do you think will/should win and why?

I think "the Unemployed American," and the Chilean miners are both satisfactory choices, for displaying perseverance, patience and hope in situations and circumstances that look completely bleak and hopeless.

Also, with past winners such as Charles Lindbergh, FDR (x3), Winston Churchill, JFK, MLK Jr., 2 different Popes and Gorbachev (i.e. people who have made real, tangible differences and impact in this world), can someone please explain to me how LeBron James, Lady Gaga, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin (amongst others) are finalists?

The Candidates
-Julian Assange
-Glenn Beck
-David Cameron
-The Chilean Miners
-Arne Duncan
-Recep Tayyip Erdogan
-Jonathan Franzen
-Lady Gaga
-Robert Gates
-Tony Hayward
-Hu Jintao
-LeBron James
-Steve Jobs
-Hamid Karzai
-David and Charles Koch
-Liu Xiaobo
-Barack Obama
-Sarah Palin
-Nancy Pelosi
-Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
-Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert
-The Unemployed American
-J. Craig Venter
-Elizabeth Warren, Mary Schapiro and Sheila Bair
-Mark Zuckerberg

Oh, yeah I didn't even see him on the list when a perused it initially, but what the hell is Glenn Beck doing on there??
The criterion for choosing a Person of the Year is "a person, couple, group, idea, place, or machine that for better or for worse, has done the most to influence the events of the year"

In short: None of the above.

My vote goes to Andres Iniesta.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Stewart and Colbert should win for their rally/march to restore Sanity/keep fear alive.

Where the fuck is Justin Bieber on that list?!?!?!?!?

Seriously though I don't know everybody on the list but Liu Xiaobo deserves it but he already has won a peace prize so I'll go with The Chilean Miners. They were amazing and inspirational.
I don't know about this person of the year business, but I'd like Sarah Palin to go down the shaft and stay there longer than a Chilean Miner. ;) If you get what I'm sayin. ;)
^ They got stuck in a mine and got caught cheating on their wives. How is that inspirational.

Stuck in a whole with little resources, some losing up to 20 lbs, rationing water and going days with out eating all whle temperatures reached 90()F, 33 men all survived for two months. They had survived on handfuls of tuna and a glass of milk every 48 hours before food could reach them after weeks.
Kind of United the world for a few hours. :dunno:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It should be Stewart and Colbert, but something tells me it is going to be Jintao.
Sarah Palin? I think Bristol Palin's had more influence on the world this year. flylicker
I think it'd be a nice gesture to give it to Liu Xiaobo, given his current situation. But knowing how the media loves to appeal to the lowest common denominator they'll probably give it to some asshole like Lady Gaga because she made one speech about gay marriage that caught a lot of media attention or Julian Assange because he raped someone ("allegedly").

Not that this "honour" means anything....


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I think the list can be split evenly into three categories: "legit", "meh" and "lol".