Anyone get their pass?

Don't want to spam Petra's inbox ;), so I'll go ahead and make sure I'm not the only one. Did anyone here get their passes for the past competitions?
I recieved my Twisty's pass in the mail on tuesday :)


persona non grata
I got the one i won in the daily draw (or whatever it was called), but not the ones from the other competitions and auctions.
I am assuming email? Or was it a sheet of paper with the info mailed to a home address? That would awkward in my situation, haha.

Ha ha, it was mailed to my home address. It came in a plain white envelope from Double Take Net Media, so it was discreet.
I got a PM informing me I had won a daily quiz....but still haven't heard any word on how to claim it :dunno:
Still waiting for Aziani pass but I won a contest a year ago and it took about a month to receive my prizes.
This place is a goddamn chicken shack during Miss FO season. Petra has her hands full managing the ladies.

Take into account that in a pool of 400 women, on average 50 (fifty!) of them are having their period on any given day. The extent of PMS swirling around FreeOnes HQ must be beyond human comprehension. :eek:

Let's all pray to Cthulhu that Petra will somehow survive these weeks of turmoil. And then eventually, when she might have recovered a bit, she will send us our passes.



Was King of the Board for a Day
Hmm....I never got a PM when I won, yet I know I did because I was smart enough to check. That concerns me somewhat, but I'm sure that I'll still get what's coming to me eventually.
I sent a PM five minutes ago, I only just spotted the thread. I havent recieved anything either, granted an acknowledgement of having won, but zilch afterwards.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Received 2 of my 3 passes so far.

I didn't even look into one of them yet. Didn't have time. But hey, it's a lifetime pass! I have enough time to look all the stuff up! :D

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I sent Petra a PM a couple of days ago about when I might expect my pass to Nikki Nova's site and she promptly responded thusly:

Petra said:
When I have a few minutes of doing something other than make sure a big ass project like Miss FreeOnes is running smoothly.

:1orglaugh I thanked her and told her it was no big deal, I was just curious. It's probably good that I took a nonchalant tone lest she send Cthulu to smite me in my sleep.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I got my train pass, for the commuter rail.
I sent Petra a PM a couple of days ago about when I might expect my pass to Nikki Nova's site and she promptly responded thusly:

:1orglaugh I thanked her and told her it was no big deal, I was just curious. It's probably good that I took a nonchalant tone lest she send Cthulu to smite me in my sleep.

I'm the last person to criticise here, but wouldnt it make more sense to tuck one project away before starting another? The raffle was a big deal to those who entered (and given the replies on this thread, some people already got their prizes while the rest of us are left waiting cause something better came along).

Just sayin'