Miss FreeOnes voting?

For all the voters out there, how do you decide who to vote for? What do you take into account when deciding who to vote for? This applies to all the categories not just the the Miss FreeOnes category

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
For Miss Freeones I take into account forum activity and picture sets and video on their pages.

For best OCSM I take into account how long they have been a forum member and how active they are on the forum

For the Best Web cam girl I take into account how long they have been doing shows, are they good at it, etc.

It is hard with all the cateories
I vote for the girls I think would best represent the category for what I'm voting them in.

There are plenty of girls who's work I like personally and am a fan of per se but I don't vote for them because I don't think of them when I think of any of the categories in the contest for this site.

There is a girl I am a big fan of who participates on FOs to a decent degree but I don't think she much cares about this contest as she's shown very little interest in politicking for votes. She tends to do pretty well considering anyway but though I'm a big fan I don't vote for her consistently like some of the others I voted for.

I vote for her at times because my conscience says I should since I like her but since she seems to not care either way about contests and awards and stuff (out of her own mouth/posts) I have to vote for girls who seem to care more over her at times.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My votes are based on character.


Closed Account
For Miss FreeOnes and Euro Babe: if she's hot (obvious), the picture sets and vids available on the pages. And what I can find on the forum about her.

Best newcomer: the looks and if it's promising

For OCSM is a little difficult since I don't have that much activity yet on the forum, so I don't know yet. I'll find out in the next month who is really into the forum

I don't vote for Best Cam Girl since I do not use the cams and got no idea about who, and who is good or not.
I take a lot of things into account when deciding....like will she represent FreeOnes well if she would win...does her work turn me on...does she use paper or plastic at the grocery store.....does she have character and is she of strong moral fiber....how likely is it that she will sleep with Sporty_Carr.....will she make me a fan pic showing her bare soles.......how often does she interact with us fans...does she recycle...would she rush into a burning building to save a babies life....what does Lurking Dirk think of her....does she floss!!

I research all this and then think long and hard about all that.............then choose the one with the biggest boobs!!! :hatsoff:


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I don't vote. No contestant is giving me any of her winnings so it doesn't concern me. Why would I care who wins?


For the EMPEROR!!
I vote for my hardcore favourites in the main categories. The others I just wing it on the day and from what I see on the posts.........Oh and nice tits help as well.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well my first method of deciding who to vote for is looking at a girl's name and asking myself "Is her name Claire Dames? If yes, please check the box next to her name. If not, go find her and please check the box next to her name."

After that, I usually just pick my favourites for Miss FreeOnes: Dors Feline, Taylor Stevens, etc.

For OCSM I vote for the girls who have been around here for a long time and contribute outside of one thread during the contest (*cough*Play With Alisa and JaneB*cough*)

As a notice to all the contestants out there, my methods leave me with plenty of free votes that can be bought by fansigns or by simply saying hello.


persona non grata
I don´t vote for anyone in miss freeones or any of the other catiogories that´s just a popularity contest, simply because i have no interest in popularity contests. I have voted in the "best OSCM" category, and i voted for someone who actually have something to say in threads that isn´t about herself and who isn´t just here to spam her site (that someone might even have posted in this thread). I should have voted in the "best official site" category as well if i had been a member of more of the contestants sites, but since i only have been a member of a couple i can´t really say what site is the best one.
I pretty much go with whomever I see most often on here. Which means the ladies in this thread got a vote, not to mention Spexy, Play With Alisa, and a few others.