The Blue Flame was not a car

I'm sorry but this has been a major pet peeve of mine.

To refer to it as a car is a lie.

It was an aircraft, or rocket without fins or wings.

That is all.

Still pissed about this being called a car.

Oh and BTW the Bonneville Salt Flats are not a road.




its got wheels and it stays on the ground
drop it from a plane and it will defititely be a rocket
put a chute on it and/or land it in one piece and you have an intact rocket that flew- otherwise its metal scrap


Was King of the Board for a Day
The Blue Flame not a car?

Next thing I know you'll be telling me The White Shadow wasn't Bill Cosby's best role on television.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Nice car but it might be difficult finding a parking spot for it at the grocery store or squeeze through the drive-thru at my local friendly neighborhood McDonald's.

And mind you, I think it has no reverse gear, as it has no gearbox, I think.

As a car, it IS astretch of the definition, yet, it technically is a car, I believe.

Of course, those saltlakes are no actual roads, I'll give you that, as little as a gas tank is the sky.