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  1. SabrinaDeep

    Muhammadization (Enjoy Integration - Part II)

    Oh i did :) I was just using your line to elaborate a thought.
  2. SabrinaDeep

    Muhammadization (Enjoy Integration - Part II)

    From the article above, it looks like we are learning to live together with them. The question is: are they learning to live together with us? My concerns are not about a stupid muslim pretending to have a Christian corpse exhumed and moved (well, i'm not sure they care is the corpse is moved or...
  3. SabrinaDeep

    Muhammadization (Enjoy Integration - Part II)
  4. SabrinaDeep

    The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

    Please, define evidence. 130 years of data mining cannot produce any evidence of climate change on a millions of years scale. Not even on a 100k years scale. Not even on a 10k scale, not even on a 1000 scale. And yes, let's follow the money: the so called "green" energy and recycling industries...
  5. SabrinaDeep

    The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

    Somebody please explain to me why scientists are worth our trust, when their theories are not supported by rock solid evidence. Are we talking about a new sort of religious faith here? Thousands and thousands of well erudite pedophile teachers around the world would like to convince us that...
  6. SabrinaDeep

    The fight against ISIS

    What are we talking about? They brought Ghaddafi and Moubarak down, they are foraging terrorists with weapons and commandos against Assad, they are peeing on Putin's head. The actual situation is exactly what the US and some other foolish European politicians (Sarkozy, Cameron over all) and...
  7. SabrinaDeep

    Jesus speaks

    People pay me for outbursting and treating them like shit. I don't do that for free or i'd lose business. And beside jokes, i have nothing against Johan so i'd have no real reasons to outburst. I just disagree with him on some things and let him notice some inconsistencies and some excessive...
  8. SabrinaDeep

    Jesus speaks

    After having considered to shut my mouth as per your freedom-of-speech-inspired suggestion, i have autonomously decided to ignore your tip. I'm in favor of freedom of sppech and, any other day, I would have approved the publishing of such cartoons but this is realy not the right time to...
  9. SabrinaDeep

    Jesus speaks

    I thought you condemned the hebdo cartoons about mohamed. Oh right, Christians are not going to kill you, if you make fun of Jesus. Now that's what i call islamophobia.
  10. SabrinaDeep

    Jewish community center in France is scene of yet another stabbing attack

    When people have to go back hundreds of years to defend indefensible matters of the present they are called whiners. Oh look, my ancestors got enslaved by white people 200 years ago, so today's white people can't judge me when i do wrong. Oh look, Christians fought and killed my muslim ancestors...
  11. SabrinaDeep

    2014 Was The Warmest Year in Modern Record

    100% humidity all year long and not complaining; and don't let me speak about the heat. Ah, these people from Texas....
  12. SabrinaDeep

    2014 Was The Warmest Year in Modern Record

    "The globe is warmer now than it has been in the last 100 years and more likely in at least 5,000 years," climate scientist Jennifer Francis of Rutgers University told the Associated Press. "Any wisps of doubt that human activities are at fault are now gone with the wind." Warmer now than in...
  13. SabrinaDeep

    I always mean the few rep i spread around, pleasure. Thanks for friendship, although i...

    I always mean the few rep i spread around, pleasure. Thanks for friendship, although i haven't understood yet what's its purpose in this system. Shalom.
  14. SabrinaDeep

    Should Christians vote?

    I once was together with a guy named Christian. He didn't vote. The sex wasn't good either, but his lasagna were awesome. I had to leave him, though, because it felt contradictory for me, a pornstar, to be together with a Christian. I think Christians should be left alone to do whatever the fuck...
  15. SabrinaDeep

    2 Poor Japanese Fellas About To Have Their Heads Cut Off By Islamic State

    I doubt it that they would be interested, as Islamism is not an immediate threat to them, with only 100k well integrated muslims in the country, but considering that the Western world has armed all the possible earth' scum in the name of the fight on terrorism, i don't see why we couldn't seek...
  16. SabrinaDeep

    Does Anyone Still Believe The Pope Is Infallible In This Day And Age?

    So you are saying that you got repped by good intelligent ppl, while those who repped Blue are bad and stupid. This reminds me of European "liberals" who call themselves the paladins of democracy and tolerance while slamming as idiots, intolerant, not worth of consideration and fascist the tens...
  17. SabrinaDeep

    Saudi King Abdullah dies

    If there's something good in being a pornstar is that im not gonna be fucked by these ppl, when i die.
  18. SabrinaDeep

    Does Anyone Still Believe The Pope Is Infallible In This Day And Age?

    Jesus was fallible and so is the Pope, like every human being. The infallible label has always been just a political weapon dressed in religious clothes. Like for Mohamed until these days.
  19. SabrinaDeep

    No-go zones, In France, really ?!

    I can tell the very and artificially misinformed Mr. Foster what are the no-go zones in London, having myself lived in the city for 4 years: Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Acton, Luton, to name the very worst ones. An interesting two years old reading for Mr. Foster and all the negationists...
  20. SabrinaDeep

    I'm good, thank you! Smoochies!

    I'm good, thank you! Smoochies!
  21. SabrinaDeep

    "Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate" muslim event draw thousands of protestors.

    Re: "Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate" muslim event draw thousands of protestors. Basically they said: become a muslim and no more terror and hate. Now, that's fucking moderate. :facepalm:
  22. SabrinaDeep

    Is it contradictory for a pornstar to be a christian?

    Indeed the only judgement that counts for a Christian is the one from God when the time comes. Judging in the name of God is as sinful as taking a bbc (white too, before the moralists jump in) up the ass for work or lust, so, again, the OP title and its supporters are nothing more than a fart on...
  23. SabrinaDeep

    Is it contradictory for a pornstar to be a christian?

    Sorry xfire: that means that being a Christian is contradictory for everybody? So there are no Christians in the world? The Pope doesn't sin? To me it rather confirms that it is not contradictory for a pornstar to be a Christian. We are sinners like anybody else. Salvation is not directly...
  24. SabrinaDeep

    Is it contradictory for a pornstar to be a christian?

    Christianity's forgiveness is a wildcard? Wow! That's what you don't understand, guys: we are all sinners, we can all do our best to gain forgiveness through faith. There are people following the Bible literally who might not be saved because in truth they have no faith and there are atheists...
  25. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    Suspected Islamists? That sounds pretty islamophobic. Just suspected terrorists. Ah, bad fascist media!
  26. SabrinaDeep

    Is it contradictory for a pornstar to be a christian?

    Are you suggesting that it is contradictory for someone who gets drunken or angry to be a Christian? What about rivalries? No heaven for CEOs and footbal players? Soldiers and policemen they all go to hell? It might be so, but then it is contradictory for 99.9% of the worldwide population to be...
  27. SabrinaDeep

    Experiment: Women agree on compliments made by guys in text conversations. Screenshots are awesome

    I know, they are cuter than yours :2 cents: Kidding (well, i don't know you) and smoochies! And i agree with Harley on that, beyond the "experiment": get a compliment, be polite and say thank you, then move on if not interested. People seem to mentally masturbate for everything that moves...
  28. SabrinaDeep

    Experiment: Women agree on compliments made by guys in text conversations. Screenshots are awesome

    The worse is the guy who seemed to have a date with her. What a moronic dick lmao.
  29. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    I love people disagreeing with me, i never had a problem with that. In fact it helps to comprehend things better and sometimes even to change my mind on things. It's when people attack you over details because they have nothing else to say that i get bored. It's easy to misunderstand a good...
  30. SabrinaDeep

    Is it contradictory for a pornstar to be a christian?

    Assuming that being a pornstar is a sin, sinning does not clash at all with Christianity. It's part of it. Jesus came and died to cleanse our sins, and confession and repentance play a big role in the life of a Christian and their Church. Christians do their best to follow the precepts of Jesus...
  31. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    Man, thanks a lot for bringing this back on track. It might be, at least subconsciously. And yet sometimes i have the feeling that killing them on the spot whenever there was a chance to take them alive is simply more convenient (wrongly, in my opinion) from a pr point of view: i must trial...
  32. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    Mayhem, please, ignore me; you can't contextualize words or anything else, for what i'm concerned, you don't know history and yet you talk about it and you are really annoying. The French government fled Paris and refused the Brits help to resist Hitler's army and not a shot was fired by the...
  33. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    Yes that is a fact, of course. History repeating: some fight, some bend over. That's my point.
  34. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    Assari Assari....Petain refused to party with the Brits to resist the Nazis and signed the armistice with the Nazis handing France to Hitler and becoming prime minister of the puppet French government. Later, at the end of the war, he was tried and convicted for treason.
  35. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    I'll pass on the clarity which falls upon the writer thingy... The last time someone was passive in the hope to be left alone, French (ironically enough) got invaded by the nazis and not a single bullet was shot. At war you fight and this is a war, you like it or not. These people won't leave...
  36. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    So, you really believe that you have understood my post and that we are talking about the same thing? Because if it's so, try again. This is a thread about apples; for one about pears there is the NEW THREAD button. Although i despise those actions depicted in the images you posted, they have...
  37. SabrinaDeep

    The Difference Between Them And Us (Disturbing)

    We always kill the terrorists, they always capture alive and film the killing (it's irrelevant if the killing is staged or real, before someone tells me that there is no blood in the video).
  38. SabrinaDeep

    Because Stupidity Has No Religion Maybe Obama sent Michelle and we didn't know :D
  39. SabrinaDeep

    I am afraid I am going to have to defend Obama on not showing up for the Paris march

    He could have sent someone, though. Biden or something. The problem is that he didn't go because he was busy or little notice, but because his agenda is not to get officially involved with anything which mentions Islam attached to violence. He is a moderate muslim and his main concern after the...
  40. SabrinaDeep

    Dear French and Worldwide Friends, Enjoy Integration With Islam (video)

    I don't know where the Lowlands are, but they must surely be boring. Very bad and ignorant (literally, like in no-knowledge) attempt to dismiss a topic bringing a completely different up filled with factual and historical lies and seasoned with the childish attitude typical of those who defend...
  41. SabrinaDeep

    Dear French and Worldwide Friends, Enjoy Integration With Islam (video)

    The millions of muslims who are appalled by this act. I'd be happy with 10,000 of them rallying the street with signs stating something near "We are muslims and we condemn such acts: fuck you jidhaists!". Just to balance the 10,000 "moderate" muslims who rallied the streets of London with signs...
  42. SabrinaDeep

    Dear French and Worldwide Friends, Enjoy Integration With Islam (video)

    London, 2006, "moderate" muslims moderately protesting against Mohamed cartoons. Feel free to integrate with them. For videos of moderate muslims protesting against the 2015 Paris attack i accept submissions. Note: un/use of quotes intended.
  43. SabrinaDeep

    A serious question: Fake Pornstars

    You do realize that many of us includes you, right?
  44. SabrinaDeep

    Happy Birthay, Kim Jong-un!

    Oh, i really thought he was 7yo judging from the size of his penis. My apologies, Kim.
  45. SabrinaDeep

    Dear French and Worldwide Friends, Enjoy Integration With Islam (video)

    I do appreciate their mission statement. I also notice that only 500 people (which are not necessarily all muslims, since i'm one of them for example) follow them. I'm sure and aware of the fact that other muslims condemn the attacks and any form of terrorism and i agree that it is in their...
  46. SabrinaDeep

    Dear French and Worldwide Friends, Enjoy Integration With Islam (video)

    From their Twitter profile: The Muslim Canadian Congress is a grassroots group that provides a voice to Muslims who seek a secular & liberal environment to fight Sharia and Armed Jihad. 518 followers. Canadian muslim population: 1.000.000 Do i need to explain? This is the main article that...