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  1. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    yes, and my proof could be either police station surveillance footage, witnesses or my own recollection of the event. so stick that one in your pipe and smoke it.
  2. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    thanks for playing, but survey says that's the incorrect answer.
  3. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    yes, i understand. but there are certain rules and definitions that are supposed to be followed. if someone can sufficiently demonstrate that, for example, i wasn't actually making a scene but peacefully, legally making a complaint, then something is wrong. i mean, i'm no lawyer, but i don't...
  4. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    legally, someone is not allowed to put there hands on you and force you to do something unless it is justified within the bounds of the law. now regardless of you people here saying such ignorant things as "you're just bitching," the bottom line is unless you can prove that it is legally within...
  5. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    let me give an example. this may or may not be the reason i walked into the police station originally. let's say someone had recently threatened my life and said that if i walk out of that police station i am going to be killed. now i walk into the station and wait in line. now as i'm waiting in...
  6. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    man, you're just one big walking willful ignorance machine, aren't you? i'm not even going to bother responding to you as my experience from a few days ago is that regardless of what i say to you, no matter how rational and well articulated, you are going to pretend that you are right. so...
  7. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    i expect them to acquiesce because i did not break any laws and it is their job to listen to citizens concerns. it's not against the laws to assault someone with no justification? just because someone calls you out for being incompetent doesn't give you the right to abuse someone.
  8. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    man, i'm telling ya. the degree to which some people are borderline fascist in their justification/dismissal of things that are blatantly wrong really boggles my mind.
  9. M

    I was abused by the cops an hour ago!

    So here's my story for your viewing pleasure. A few hours ago I decided to make a complaint to the police about something that happened to me. The complaint is irrelevant to this story though. So i'm standing in line at the police station as there is one other person in front of me when i walk...
  10. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    only that people like you make me lose a little more faith in humanity.
  11. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    willful ignorance: The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguments because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs. This practice is most commonly found in the political or...
  12. M

    Why the World Hates America

    so philbert, am i going to get an answer as to what is the evidence that jesus would bomb afghanistan? or would anyone else of similar whacky opinions like to explain it to me?
  13. M

    Why the World Hates America

    chomsky tries to tell dimwits why they are moral criminals. but of course dimwits by definition don't get it.
  14. M

    Why the World Hates America

    you people are clueless.
  15. M

    Why the World Hates America

    "drop the fire of Heaven on the Taliban and AlQada fighters." just read that and think for a second. i'm not sure this person is mentally balanced enough to handle the shocking revelations of someone of the caliber of chomsky.
  16. M

    Why the World Hates America

  17. M

    Why the World Hates America

  18. M

    Why the World Hates America

    are you a christian? do you think jesus would have bombed afghanistan?
  19. M

    Why the World Hates America

    because al-qaeda was in afghanistan therefore it's o.k. to bomb the fuck out of afghanistan. in the world of logic and humane decency this doesn't really make sense, but jingoists are usually prone to fanatical irrationalities.
  20. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    Maybe you don't want to listen to what i'm saying because you think i want you to kill your kid or something. i don't know. whatever. here is a short little summary from an article at BBC NEWS from a few years ago. Africa's hunger - a systemic crisis Tuesday, 31 January 2006 By Martin Plaut...
  21. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    africa a thriving colony? what the hell are you even talking about? first of all, africa is a continent with dozens of countries. maybe you realize that, maybe you don't. explain to you why africa has many starving people? i kind have been doing that throughout the thread but apparently you are...
  22. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    hey don't pick on the high school dropouts. george carlin never graduated from high school and he has more sense and knowledge then a lot of college graduates. you make africa sound like it's some kind of fucking 9th circle of hell in terms of it's natural capacities for food production. you do...
  23. M

    Why the World Hates America

    because this person believes that because al-qaeda was in afghanistan therefore it's o.k. to bomb the fuck out of afghanistan. in the world of logic and humane decency this doesn't really make sense, but jingoists are usually prone to fanatical irrationalities.
  24. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    i think it is easier on big hurt and many other people's consciences to pretend something that is so obviously disturbing like starvation is so impossible to solve. it absolves them of any need to think deeply about the situation and educate themselves why there is so much hunger in the first place.
  25. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    just read the post i wrote after the one you just quoted and you'll see i address what you just said. in case you missed it: why haven't we? because a lot of people don't really care. just like you don't seriously care about third worlders starving, a lot of ignorant people in the u.s. for...
  26. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    why haven't we? because a lot of people don't really care. just like you don't seriously care about third worlders starving, a lot of ignorant people in the u.s. for example don't care about homeless veterans. you don't have to give equal amounts of food to everybody. you allow them the...
  27. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    there are biological necessities for certain levels of food intake based on height, age and activity level. i for example can get by on about 2,000 calories a day. shaquille o'neal can't because he is over 7'0 and very physically active. someone shorter then me could get by on less then 2,000...
  28. M

    Why the World Hates America

    indonesia in west papua and east timor is one example. and of course the u.s. totally backed indonesia in these genocidal endeavors, but that's just one of those dirty little secrets no one cares to acknowledge.
  29. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    i never said i personally would kill a kid or neglect it or whatever. i might be a better parent then you for all you know. caps lock are annoying? and putting certain words in bold like you do isn't?:confused: it's a matter of preference, just like taking on responsibility.;) letting a random...
  30. M

    Why the World Hates America

    I nominate General Warcock for Ruler of the Universe. Step back Johannes Baader.
  31. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    when a child is born it is no one's responsibility unless someone chooses to take on that responsibility. no one is to be held responsible unless they take on the responsibility. responsibility doesn't just magically get imposed on the biological parents or anyone else simply because a little...
  32. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    if you are a biological father or mother of a child the only thing you are responsible for is the birth of the child because it was your semen or egg that produced the offspring. you can't say it was someone else's semen or egg so only in that sense are you responsible for something. but that...
  33. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    ding ding ding. we have a winner johnny.
  34. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    you are only responsible for it if you decide you want to be responsible for it. once you give it up for adoption, it's not your responsibility anymore. many people who give kids up for adoption are considered to have made a wise choice. responsibility is not something you should accept because...
  35. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    A recent poll by the Program for International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland showed that most Americans still imagine that 20 percent of the federal budget goes to foreign aid. In reality, less than 1 percent of the budget is for foreign aid, and only about one-third of that is...
  36. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    do you realize how fascist it is to have rules about what someone can say? i guess that concept goes over your head. whatever aid is given is a fraction of what could be given. instead enormous amounts are wasted by wealthy countries on frivolous things. you really have to look at each specific...
  37. M

    To be or not to be a dog?

    depends on how you define crappy. humans can be pretty fucking brutal to eachother.
  38. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    no, YOU'RE the fucking moron. you only have a responsibility because you choose to have one, which must be the third time now i said that. you could choose to not have the responsibility just like you could choose to take on a sense of caring/responsibility for others if you were so inclined...
  39. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    actually no i won't rephrase because you didn't grasp the essence of my original point which was that you have to make a choice whether you take on responsibilities. to be specific, you could just give your kid up for adoption or kill your kid or some other means which would end your...
  40. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    it's only your responsibility because you choose it to be your responsibility. you could easily decide you are also responsible for helping others who are in need because they have to deal with such shitty circumstances whereas you are relatively privileged largely through being given the chance...
  41. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    my guess is you haven't read anything by professional philosophers who argue for donating large portions of your income to charity or taking on a sense of care for others in need through various ways. i didn't say the u.s. doesn't give any money in aid to other countries, i simply said it is a...
  42. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    some philosophers would argue it is the trust dick's responsibility. the idea that the u.s. seriously attempts to solve other people's problems is a myth. so is the idea that there is some incompatibility between solving your own countries problems and international problems. there is also a...
  43. M

    4% of the bailout can end world hunger

    that's like a trust fund dick saying to a homeless child "what have you ever done for me. it's not my fault i was born with a silver spoon relative to your misery." it's heartless i tell ya.
  44. M

    To be or not to be a dog?

    star wars? o.k. that's enough:1orglaugh
  45. M

    To be or not to be a dog?

    yes luke. i am your father.
  46. M

    To be or not to be a dog?

    well, maybe if i develop a technique to have a species change where humans can become dogs you'll change your mind. just don't forget that you can enjoy yourself as a dog and you get to avoid a ton of bullshit people have to put up with. being stuck inside depends on the owner. some owners take...
  47. M

    To be or not to be a dog?

    not even buddha or splinter can answer that my son.
  48. M

    To be or not to be a dog?

    it's alright. insight and enlightenment can take time.