In South Africa the Afrikaner built up an economy from scratch. That was so strong, that even now it is teetering on the brink of collapse - 14 years after Apartheid. Before that, the Zulu lived by moving his cattle across the land from one grazing to to another. He did not even bother to replant the grass. Under Shaka, who taught the nation to fight and become a nation, he learnt to battle the other nations. They were so strong that they almost stopped the immigrant Dutch/German/French settlers once for all.
The rest of the time he drank his phuza while the women planted corn.
That was then.
Even now the Sahara is encroaching on the South, something that could have been avoided. How the fuck any gov aid is going to affect African gov is beyond me.
They seem help bent on destroying their own people.
When aid is sent, it is often intercepted by a rebel force that is conquering thet rebel force that is trying to overthrow the government, such as it is.
The wealth in Africa is astonishing. Diamonds in the Congo. Platinum, silver, coal, trees, vanadium. The list is long.
The Jackson family wants to build a big hotel in Nigeria to near to where Negro slaves were led to captivity, to mark the suffering. That money could be better spent on food aid, and a comprehensive farming education programme.
This to me is utter stupidity at its Capitalist ignorant imbecilic finest.
I have to say I am stunned at the efficiency at which Portland as a city is run here in the U.S. If only the systems were in place even in South Africa that are working here. It is amazing. I, for one, am deeply grateful for help I received while unemployed, from financial aid to food parcels to guidance counseling on the work market.
I really hope some day I can somehow initiate a program of aid in Africa, even if it is in one small community.
In South Africa, since 1994, Black people have been studying, applying for good jobs, learning how to plan their work and work their plan. I read encouraging articles on Black small farmers, and business ventures.
Really I wonder how much education was given to African countries before. Anyway, stinky polluted trickles under the bridge.
One can do a small part. Often it is one person that makes a difference. One woman as far as I can remember began growing trees in the Amazon after they were plundered. All it takes is one person to make a difference. The rest will follow suite.
I know individual and corporate managers in South Africa have worked very hard on pushing employees to work efficiently, to put in the extra effort. This is how the economy survived in the infrastructure that was kept. If Zuma and his gang come into power, all that work may be lost, or again maybe he may listen to good advice. I can only hope the latter. If that happens, again, the rest of Africa might actually listen, especially as Zimbabwe is looking to South Africa for support. There may be hope yet.