Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

I think that the prequels were utter shit and the new CG clone wars might just be the nail in the coffin for this franchise (although Tartakovsky's version almost made up for it.)

I always wanted to see sequels to the original trilogy, and I still think that could be a possibility. what do you think?

I think that even in the 90's they could have used the original cast if they made those instead of the prequels, but now they are too old, so they would need to recast.

I'm not sure about the first movie, But I think that for the other two they could have Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Jedi Acadamy with a combination of the Dark Empire story, with the students having to fight off Palpatine's spirit in the Yavin temple.
can't stand starwars or startrek or anything alike, sorry.
it's cool. perhaps I should have made this a poll.
I'd like to see a Knights of the Old Republic movie, a Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight movie, and The Force Unleashed as a movie (especially since this could be done pretty easily as everybody in that game was an actor).

Other than that I wouldn't like too many Star Wars flicks.
Other than that I wouldn't like too many Star Wars flicks.

so only like four or five then? haha.

I can see Force unleashed, but I'm not sure about dark forces 2, especially without any dark forces 1. It's an interesting story, but I don't think that people would really get behind a SW movie with unfamiliar characters.
I don't know, it'd be nice to see something different than the story of Vader. I do agree you'd probably need a Dark Forces 1 movie in order to do 2. I wouldn't mind having certain characters from the OT/PT mentioned or have Darth Vader cameo or something like that though.

Kyle Katarn could be a pretty likeable character though, he's like Han Solo and Luke Skywalker combined. Revan would be awesome to see on the big screen, and Sam Witwer did a pretty great job doing the apprentice from the movement to the acting.
No, I think the 3 original parts were perfect the way they were, im not a huge fan of the series but I did like the originals. The prequels dont even count as movies do they? I think a trilogy is perfect. And would you really trust George Lucas to make another one? Look what he did to the prequels and how he butchered the originals buy adding the "fantastic" CGI to them. If there was a sequel made he would be involved no doubt about it, so no, leave them alone.
A setting as expansive as the Star Wars Universe offers plenty in the way of cool stories. As long as they focussed on plot instead of special effects (as they did in the prequels), I'd welcome more Star Wars movies.
haha. good point. what the heck happened to that guy?
haha. good point. what the heck happened to that guy?

I think the problem was that he felt the need to explain everything that happened in the original movies or make up for certain things that happened in the OT like Boba Fett dying off in such a punk ass way by giving him and Jango Fett a big part in Episode 2; he's a perfectionist. Unfortunately for us our vision of perfection differs from his.

Lucas does a good job writing basic scripts or putting in little ideas here and there, but when he does everything himself? Bad things happen, like midichlorians.
Count me as a hater for the Prequels. Lucas really fucked up the legacy of SW by making those piles of shit movies. I'd love to see Episodes 7, 8, and 9 but anybody but Lucas making them. I hate to say it but only chance it'll happen is if Lucas bites the dust and there's no clause prohibiting anyone from continuing the SW saga.


are you talking to me?
no more SW please!!!
No, I think the 3 original parts were perfect the way they were, im not a huge fan of the series but I did like the originals. The prequels dont even count as movies do they? I think a trilogy is perfect. And would you really trust George Lucas to make another one? Look what he did to the prequels and how he butchered the originals buy adding the "fantastic" CGI to them. If there was a sequel made he would be involved no doubt about it, so no, leave them alone.

I agree with this completely. I can add nothing more to it other than quote it and enjoy it again...:lovecoupl

The prequels were misguided. Does anyone really care HOW Vader BECAME Vader? He is LORD Vader--the scariest MoFo villain, arguably, ever. I don't really give a shit about the Young Anakins. They were annoying, whiny and I just wanted them to go away.

I COULD be convinced that 3 movies in a POST-EPIV "World" could restore this franchise to its former GREATEST EVER position. But as Ballzy said, Lucas has burned up his movie cred. I don't think he can make a decent movie anymore....
I'm pretty much siding with titsrock and BlueBalls on the question.

...but if there is ever more Star Wars movies, i will watch them regardless. :o
I would have rather have seen movies 7, 8, and 9 than the first three. They were such garbage. But, that being said, I don't think I have much faith in Lucas anymore to make good movies.

I'll stick with 4, 5, and 6. Those are still some of my favorite movies ever.