Elizabeth Warren is the superstar of the democratic party but she may not want to run and deal with all that comes with it. I don't think Hillary is going to run. I hope not. She's worn out thank god. She's severely flawed and a shitty politician, but a lifelong politician who is now too known and predictable and a lot of men dislike her.
I'm afraid they are going to show loyalty and let Biden get a shot but he's an ass and doesn't have a shot at winning. For some reason democrats like him and I have yet to figure out why.
If the Warren decides to run, the republicans better come up with someone who isn't in the game now because there isn't a single person who could win if the election were today.
Jesse Ventura? Really? the guy who says Bush masterminded (biggest oxymoron in history even more than "Jumbo Shrimp") September 11??? who on either side would help him raise money? he's been living in Mexico for years which won't sit well with the anti-brown republicans which is a big %. he had some great ideas once but then he went fucking looney. It figures red-whatever would be a Jesse Ventura fan geez-us
the biggest opponent of the republicans is the republicans themselves. the last election was a disaster. a guy who ran on his ability to manage and rescue blew through nearly 150 million of his own dollars and got beaten in a landslide. And let's not forget the hundreds of millions pumped into his campaign by Karl Rove and Sheldon Adelson alone. Not to mention the arrogance that his team had in being so certain that he was going to win that he didn't even write a concession speech and rode to the vote night party with full secret service detail. I watched the interview with Dick Morris and he was talking about how he had guaranteed Romney to win in a landslide and it cost him his job at Fox. He said the entire party was blind sided by the loss.
So until the republicans come up with some new ideas and toss out some of the old ones i.e. war, war on drugs, gay marriage & healthcare (obamacare) they are going to continue to lose by bigger and bigger margins. As the old republicans die off the younger population is far more liberal than any other generation before.
And the fact that Sarah Palin still has a voice in the party tells you how far away they really are from being a contender again. They can try and send Rubio to be their token or even Bobby Jindal but how many rednecks are going to vote for either one? For fuck's sake half of the country thinks the new Miss America is a Muslim Arab (her parents are from India)