Will the next President of The United States be a Democrat or Republican?

He/She will be a Democrat.

Very likely so unless the Democrats gain control of both houses in 2014. If that happens they will ultimately try and pass an amnesty law and gun legislation which could hurt them in 2016. If Hillary runs and wins she will be a one termer. No way the Democrats can muster more than 12 years straight without the economy catching up with them.


Official Checked Star Member
not to mention its already proven that she is bed with big business and military contractors which doesn't sit well with a big portion of the liberal people capable of funding her campaign.
Very likely so unless the Democrats gain control of both houses in 2014. If that happens they will ultimately try and pass an amnesty law and gun legislation which could hurt them in 2016. If Hillary runs and wins she will be a one termer. No way the Democrats can muster more than 12 years straight without the economy catching up with them.

Amnesty? Yes. Gun legislation? Not really. There's a lot less support and momentum for gun laws than you might think. I think the Democrats will try state gun laws, not that it will really solve the problem, in the opinion of the average Democrat voter.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
2 more years to go and a decision from the left must come in in the next 8-10 months. Joe and Hillary and Kerry. All are poison. The right would love to have Christie but he better have some sort of unemployment numbers to take that step. Otherwise he is toast. My bet is that he won't run. Andrew Cuomo? Baggage. One of these parties are going to invent someone.
2 more years to go and a decision from the left must come in in the next 8-10 months. Joe and Hillary and Kerry. All are poison. The right would love to have Christie but he better have some sort of unemployment numbers to take that step. Otherwise he is toast. My bet is that he won't run. Andrew Cuomo? Baggage. One of these parties are going to invent someone.

Christie is NOT that conservative, he's a little right of the newly elected Democrat Senator Cory Booker. He will never be the nominee unless the party does a fundamental shift to the left and yet somehow finds votes to make up for disgusted conservatives.

What I'm saying is I don't think he'll be the nominee. I don't think he can even deliver NJ on a VP ticket.


Official Checked Star Member
Elizabeth Warren would be a great candidate for the people of the country. she is excellent in debate and very smart and has fought the vultures (banks and credit card companies) for years.
Still riding Pocahontas Warren's jock. First she has only been a senator since January you know like Ted Cruz? Then there is the matter of her claiming to be Cherokee so she could qualify as a minority on her professorship application. She probably has stronger ties to the throne of Moldavia than her 1/32 Cherokee bloodline. How many real minorities did she screw over that were real minorities on her ethnically challenged enhanced resume'?

Now to the point of her taking on the banking industry. Here we have a woman who grandstands in the senate chamber but doesn't even understand the basics of the student loan program. She advocates a 0.75 rate for students which she says is fair because that is what the Fed charges banks. She doesn't even realize that is a penalty rate. Actually banks charge each other less when they loan to each other. Stafford Loans made to students of low income families have the highest default rate of any loan program around 27 percent. Almost 4 times higher than the loan program with the second highest default rate which is the FHA at 7 percent.
Essentially Madam Warren's proposal would raise the cost of making these loans 3 times what they are now to around 40 billion a year from 13 billion a year. So yeah please bring on a female senator from the people's republic of Mass as the nominee. Her lack of understanding of basic lending practices and her embellished resume' will make for greap political theatre.


Official Checked Star Member
Please. She created the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and then the Republicans refused to have her head the very program she created. So to follow through with her commitment to change the banking laws and protect the American citizen from predatory banking she ran for senate. you can boo hoo all you want about the fact she has Indian blood but who gives a fuck? I bet you didn't mind that Bush's daddy kept him out of vietnam right? or that Romney believes in a religion invented by a teenager and that Jesus is from Missouri? You admittedly voted for both knowingly. So she claimed her Indian heritage. Oh well.

She has faced down banks and their fucked up rape and pillaging of the American consumer for years. Well before she ran for Senate. You can crow all you'd like but I have to believe she knows far more about banking and the legal aspects than anyone posting on a porn site, myself included.
The bitch was holding real estate closings in her home not long ago. She doesn't even understand the ramifications of lowerimg the interest rate on the riskiest of student loans. Nor can she grasp the concept of Fed rates as compared to interbank
lending yet she is a banking expert LMFAO! You really need to explore original thought. Warren was the economic genius advocating a 22 an hour minumum wage. Let me explain this in terms that most people can understand. When the minumum wage goes up to 22 my hourly rate goes from 400 to 800 or more. Please bring on madam Warren. We will rip her to shreds and she won't have a friendly senate comrade to save her next time.


Official Checked Star Member
yeah well many of your tea party heroes were dentists and car salesmen 4 years ago. she said that if wages were increased equal to cost of living it would be $22 hourly. she didn't say it, she repeated it from a study done. a mustang GT in 1980 was $7500 and the minimum wage was $3 hour now a mustang GT is $40,000 and the minimum wage is $7.25.


Elizabeth Warren Presses Federal Agencies For Enforcement Records On Financial Crimes


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Wednesday pressed three financial regulatory agencies for information on their criminal enforcement records since the financial crisis. In a letter to the heads of the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Warren also highlighted the prosecutorial record of bailout watchdog SIGTARP -- noting that despite puny staff and budget numbers, the organization had secured dozens of convictions.

More than five years since Lehman Brothers collapsed, no top Wall Street executive has been criminally charged in connection to the 2008 financial crisis. Bank regulatory agencies have civil enforcement powers, but cannot prosecute criminal cases. They can, however, refer criminal cases to the Department of Justice, which traditionally grants significant deference to regulatory recommendations.

SIGTARP, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), is tasked with making sure banks don't defraud the government by abusing TARP funds. The funds were meant to help stabilize the banking system during the financial crisis. Most wrongdoing under TARP has been concentrated among relatively small financial players so far. Former SIGTARP head Neil Barofsky has complained in the past about political interference from the Treasury Department over efforts to crack down on big bank abuse of the bailout program.

Warren noted that SIGTARP's enforcement budget peaked at $48 million in 2009, with maximum enforcement staffing of 164 in 2012. In contrast, she noted, the three bank regulators receive hundreds of millions of dollars a year, with enforcement staff in the thousands. The Fed has the largest enforcement staff, at 4,071 in 2012, on a budget of $1.1 billion.

Warren posed six questions to the heads of the Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commission, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency:

1.The number of individuals your agency has charged criminally, including the number of senior officials you have charged;

2.The number of criminal convictions your agency has obtained;

3.The number of prison sentences your agency has secured;

4.The number of individuals your agency has charged civilly, including the number of senior officers you have charged;

5.The number of individuals your agency has suspended or permanently banned from working in the financial industry or elsewhere; and

6.The total amount of funds your agency has obtained through civil judgment or orders of restitution.

Warren, whose election to the United States Senate in 2012 was fiercely opposed by the financial services industry, has used her position on the Senate Banking Committee to press regulators about their enforcement records. In a clip that went viral, she asked regulators when the last time was that they took a big bank to trial. She has repeatedly criticized the practice of settling with financial institutions versus taking them to court, arguing that it does not deter criminality in the nation's financial system.

JP Morgan Chase recently reached a settlement with the Department of Justice for $13 billion that ends civil probes, but does not make the bank immune from criminal prosecution, Bloomberg reported. Though the settlement is a record, it is likely tax deductible and is just a portion of the bank's record $21.3 billion in profits last year.

Big banks have spent $66 billion on legal fees related to the financial crisis, according to SNL Financial, but it is just a fraction of the $207 billion made in profits by the six largest banks over the past three and a half years.

In her letter, Warren also highlighted the enforcement record for SIGTARP, which was created as a watchdog agency in the same bill that authorized TARP. She noted that despite a small budget compared to the Fed, the OCC and SEC, and narrow jurisdiction, the agency has a strong record in bringing senior officers to trial and getting criminal convictions.

OCC did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and the SEC declined to comment. A Fed spokesman told HuffPost that the agency had received the letter and plans to respond.
since Warren was for Janet Yellen becoming the next fed chairman, I'm interested to see how much Warren will question Yellen's strategy as she ramps up Quantitative Easing which will continue to devalue the dollar over the long run because Yellen has stated that Bernanke did not do enough QE, this should be interesting to say the least
I hope hilary doesnt run. im not a fan. lifelong politician and sleazy and loves special interests. she also wouldnt get a huge portion of the undecided votes because she is not well liked outside the democratic party.

I want elizabeth warren to run. she is what we need to reign in the corruption and nail the regulations on the big corporations and she would speak for the people, rather than the rich people only.

Spot on actually
Elizabeth Warren is the superstar of the democratic party but she may not want to run and deal with all that comes with it. I don't think Hillary is going to run. I hope not. She's worn out thank god. She's severely flawed and a shitty politician, but a lifelong politician who is now too known and predictable and a lot of men dislike her.

I'm afraid they are going to show loyalty and let Biden get a shot but he's an ass and doesn't have a shot at winning. For some reason democrats like him and I have yet to figure out why.

If the Warren decides to run, the republicans better come up with someone who isn't in the game now because there isn't a single person who could win if the election were today.

Jesse Ventura? Really? the guy who says Bush masterminded (biggest oxymoron in history even more than "Jumbo Shrimp") September 11??? who on either side would help him raise money? he's been living in Mexico for years which won't sit well with the anti-brown republicans which is a big %. he had some great ideas once but then he went fucking looney. It figures red-whatever would be a Jesse Ventura fan geez-us

the biggest opponent of the republicans is the republicans themselves. the last election was a disaster. a guy who ran on his ability to manage and rescue blew through nearly 150 million of his own dollars and got beaten in a landslide. And let's not forget the hundreds of millions pumped into his campaign by Karl Rove and Sheldon Adelson alone. Not to mention the arrogance that his team had in being so certain that he was going to win that he didn't even write a concession speech and rode to the vote night party with full secret service detail. I watched the interview with Dick Morris and he was talking about how he had guaranteed Romney to win in a landslide and it cost him his job at Fox. He said the entire party was blind sided by the loss.

So until the republicans come up with some new ideas and toss out some of the old ones i.e. war, war on drugs, gay marriage & healthcare (obamacare) they are going to continue to lose by bigger and bigger margins. As the old republicans die off the younger population is far more liberal than any other generation before.

And the fact that Sarah Palin still has a voice in the party tells you how far away they really are from being a contender again. They can try and send Rubio to be their token or even Bobby Jindal but how many rednecks are going to vote for either one? For fuck's sake half of the country thinks the new Miss America is a Muslim Arab (her parents are from India)

Well this was spot on...