A turning tide? Public is not opening its pocketbooks to Democrats in the statehouse races

Has the failure of the blue states finally bit the Democrats on the butt?

We all know that President Trump is struggling in the polls. But campaign finance figures for statehouse races like these suggest plenty of trouble for Democrats.

According to Breitbart's Matt Boyle:

Americans significantly decreased contributions to Democrats running for state legislature seats in the second quarter as the Democrat Party has turned hard left, fundraising information announced this week shows.
The lackluster performance by Democrats at the state level could have broader national implications. First off, state-level political trends sometimes forecast later looming national trends — "from the State House to the White House," the saying goes.

But more importantly, the state legislatures elected this year will handle redistricting next year heading into the 2022 cycle — influencing the direction of and perhaps control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the next decade.
The drop-off in Democrat Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) fundraising — which has Democrats $20 million shy of their stated cycle-long goal of $50 million total — comes as their Republican counterparts nearly doubled the total raised by Democrats in the second quarter.

That's good news for Republicans and their prospects of shifting the power of legislatures to a conservative, pro-America direction. We know for sure that the high Republican statehouse-fundraising and indeed state legislative and gubernatorial victories in 2012 set the stage for the Republican takeover of the House by 2014, so past may be prologue.

But more important, these shifts signal that "Had enough?" is not just a Republican slogan. Voters are in fact disgusted, at their limits, quite possible even in blue states.

They've had enough.

Blue-state rule, particularly the one-party rigged kind, is starting to disgust voters.

What's the Democrat record, after all, after years and years of power?

The Democrats' coronavirus response certainly serves as one indictment. Nursing homes were seeded with COVID patients, despite the availability of U.S. federal accommodation, likely to get rid of the old people with their high health care costs, but costing some 12,000 blue state residents their lives, given the disproportionately high death toll from this cause. Lockdowns continued endlessly; every week, a new goalpost moved, as people saw their jobs and livelihoods evaporate. Effective treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine, were demonized, not on science grounds, but to Get Trump.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...ts_in_the_statehouse_races.html#ixzz6RdDB2LAL
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