Today has 2 very significant anniversaries.
1) The day Janet Reno, and Bill Clinton, amongst other Democrats, decided it would be okay to brutally murder people at Waco, because they "had evidence" the Branch Dravidians had illegal weapons. Of course much like nobama and the cunt clinton, and the shyster holder, never faced charges for their crimes against America, and humanity.
2) The bombing of the Oklahoma federal building. In my opinion, a horrible atrocity, that thankfully was brought to a conclusion. I still have some doubts about whether or not a lot of life could have been saved. There was some question as to whether or not the FBI had credible evidence something was going to happen. What was concerning is, they said none of the agents were in their offices when it happened, which allegedly brought up the question if they had an idea it was coming, but chose not to evacuate everyone, but they themselves vacated the area. That was what was alleged, and I do not know if it's true or not, but to me, it sounds like something those clowns would do.