The Democratic Party is the Problem


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Lack of progress, despite a senate that can't overcome the filibuster with two Democrats joining Republican obstruction still managed quite a bit... (



On the dark side of the moon
You need bigger fonts on that chart for us visually impaired folks.

Bidenโ€™s top accomplishment is still not being Trump.


On the dark side of the moon

I guess kids will be kids, whether their last name is trump, or biden.
Or Kushner? He got $2 billion from the Saudis for his โ€˜investmentโ€™ firm after they deemed it inexperienced and unsatisfactory. Why would MBS overturn the board? Was it for past performance of looking the other way?


On the dark side of the moon

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
@bubb NY is trying to overtake Illinois in corruption.

They would have to work double time, and weekends to accomplish that.
Just about the only marginally significant thing Biden has done is the 1400 dollar stimulus check way back at the beginning of his term that they said was going to be 2000, and the $15/hour minimum wage for federal contract workers that has so many provisos that not nearly as many people actually got it as some think. I'm one of them as my employer does operations and sales near exclusively with federal contracts and I still haven't got a wage hike. I give him credit for getting out of Afghanistan as messy as it was, and as much as the liberal friendly media actually bitch at him for. The supreme court pick that aligns with the party philosophy is pretty much a layup so easy that even he couldn't fuck up so doesn't really count as an accomplishment.

Hell Biden didn't even absolve student debt like he campaigned on and could have done at any time. He also pretty much has backed down in any support for unions other than useless talk.

The most significant thing Biden has done is be bent over and anally reamed by Manchin, the de facto actual president, like Biden is stuck in prison with him while being a pathetic weakling and offering next to no opposition. Hell, Manchin not only went against what most dems want, he went against what most of his constituents want both Republican and Democrat. In the face of that it's pathetic he's so scared to go against him.

The Democratic Party's biggest achievement is either claiming they aren't Trump, or somehow blaming progressives for pushing the party too far left, while also somehow doing that while actually doing jack shit for as far as progressive legislation goes for anybody to be upset or more likely happy about. Them getting money from the donor class is probably still pretty swell for a lot of them though.

Biden did manage to jack up military spending yet again so whoopyee. I guess while the poor get more desperate in this country and fall into the hands of demogauges and charlatans and away from the dems it's a good think nobody ever goes "but how we gonna pay for that" with all the bloated military stuff.

But never fear anybody. I hear the the Dems are going to get together to talk strategy soon, and what are they going to do? Enact agendas that will vastly help the working people of this country better their lives? Hell no. Go absolutely all out in very dramatic bold all in gambits to win the populace to their sides. Fuck that. What they will do is try to come up with some catchy new slogans and work on "messaging" while the dumb fucks fail to realize to have a messaging failure implies one ever did shit in the first place to be able to message about. They haven't. I don't know about anybody else, but when I see the Republicans become so bad, pure bat shit crazy, and authoritarian they have literally become an existential threat to our very democratic republic the last thing I think is a good idea to counteract that is go, "Lets come up with some really catchy slogans". This country is staring down catastrophe from the Republicans and in the face of it they are worthless.

The next major elections are going to become a practical exercise in either choosing a quick and and very painful death, or a long dawn out and somewhat less painful death. Wow, who else is just thrilled about that?


On the dark side of the moon
Does Hunter have an official (or unofficial) job in the administration?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Unlike the children of The Orange Pig, Biden's offspring doesn't grift from the White House.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

I've wondered about her senility for a lot longer then this. But the fact is, if her district has re-elected this.......person, to office, for as many times as they already have, then the person they newly elect, will be basically a clone, differing only, possibly in race, and gender. The song remains the same. So why would she care? She's been around long enough, give another young fire brand a chance to infect the world.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

I'm just curious if anyone can tell me, if belonging to this organization, in any way shape or form, will compromise the United States sovereignty, and or cost use a fortune in aid and taxes, that most of use can't afford as it is. I also wonder if this opens our borders to any dangers. I do agree Putin is a flaming pile of shit, that needs a good stomping out, but not at any cost other then a bullet, and the salary of the sniper that will put it there. Actually 2 bullets. Johan has pointed out to me, the second in command over there makes Putin look pretty good, so he'll have to go to. But anyway, I agree he has committed war crimes, and atrocities, and should pay the price, however I don't believe our country should sacrifice any soldiers, or freedoms to do so.


On the dark side of the moon

I've wondered about her senility for a lot longer then this. But the fact is, if her district has re-elected this.......person, to office, for as many times as they already have, then the person they newly elect, will be basically a clone, differing only, possibly in race, and gender. The song remains the same. So why would she care? She's been around long enough, give another young fire brand a chance to infect the world.

The average age in the Senate is 64. It the highest in our history which is to be expected since life expectancy is higher than ever. Feinstein is the oldest Senator with Chuck Grassley 3 months younger - barely a rounding error at 88 plus. For both of them, you are correct - their replacements would be fairly similar. I do wonder why they're hanging on as well. Pass the baton to the next Feinstein or Grassley.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Today has 2 very significant anniversaries.

1) The day Janet Reno, and Bill Clinton, amongst other Democrats, decided it would be okay to brutally murder people at Waco, because they "had evidence" the Branch Dravidians had illegal weapons. Of course much like nobama and the cunt clinton, and the shyster holder, never faced charges for their crimes against America, and humanity.

2) The bombing of the Oklahoma federal building. In my opinion, a horrible atrocity, that thankfully was brought to a conclusion. I still have some doubts about whether or not a lot of life could have been saved. There was some question as to whether or not the FBI had credible evidence something was going to happen. What was concerning is, they said none of the agents were in their offices when it happened, which allegedly brought up the question if they had an idea it was coming, but chose not to evacuate everyone, but they themselves vacated the area. That was what was alleged, and I do not know if it's true or not, but to me, it sounds like something those clowns would do.