bigdan1110 said:
Clinton approval rating was through the roof when he left office, even tough Kenneth Starr threw everything he could imagine to tarnish the Clinton era... If Bush is such a "great" president, his approval rating should be really high... well guess what, its not, so right there, you have to ask yourself a question... do i want the same president who put us in this situation OR do you want somebody else to clean up that mess ? I think the choice is really obvious... :2 cents:
Little bit of fact you missed. Clinton left office after his 2nd term, Bush is about to start his. Lets give it 4 more years.
And what does that say about the Demos. If Clinton was so great, why couldn't the Party, or Gore, capture that vote and turn it into another victory? Face it, Gore, Kerry and the Democrates are not up to snuff.
do i want the same president who put us in this situation OR do you want somebody else to clean up that mess ?
Please, dear God, show me where Kerry has laid out how he will fix what you call a problem. Where, and what is his fool proof plan that will solve your problems? Come on Dan, haven't you seen enough of this from our Liberals? Remember Chreiten promising to ditch the GST, TWICE!!! Still have that don't we? Remember Martin saying he would get to the bottom of ADscam? We any closer there? What about his pledge to add to our Armned Forces (as a Canadian Soldier has died from a fire in one of our Subs that we bought used)?
Just because Kerry has said he has a solution, doesn't mean he actually has one. Guess what Dan, my cock is huge. Well, don't ask me to prove, just believe me OK?
That "mess" will get cleaned up when everyone gets on board instead of bitching about it and giving these terrorists motivation.
I don't care how long it takes, how much it costs, or how many lives are lost. I want every single person, who wishes to cause harm on the innocent, dead and gone. If everyone in the World thought that, these murders would be gone. But by whining and bitching, it gives them motivation to just hang on a bit more, take a few more lives, and hope the sweethearts get their way.