Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

Who are you voting/rooting for?

  • Democrats: John Kerry/John Edwards

    Votes: 64 57.1%
  • Republicans: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney

    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • Reform Party: Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Green Party: David Cobb/Pat LaMarche

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other third party canidate

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • No one

    Votes: 9 8.0%

  • Total voters
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georges said:
you post bullshit with these childish links and tend to pass moore's movies for the truth. so who is babling crap you.i don't how reliable is foxfilm's link. i don't know if it is a not supporting democrat newspaper but i bet it is.

Again with the Moore crap, why you dont stop about this, you know what you're doing Georges, everytime you talk about this, you make someone watch the movie... so if you really want the people stop watching it, than just stop talking about it !

Btw, like always, when we post links its never true and when you post links its always true. So for god sakes, just post arguments without link because heck, we dont believe what you post and you dont believe what we post...
harold said:
arent you canadian?

Yep. But don't you think what happens to the South of us has a huge effect on my way of Life. The idiots in my Province just re-elected the bumbling idiots from the Liberal party to run the Country again (albeit, in a minority rule) and last year elected the idiots from the Liberal party to run the Province. Everything that has ever been promised by these parties during the campain, has never actually been done. Taxes have gone up, while services have gone down. I told anyone who would listen that the two leaders of these parties are not capable of leading this Country/Province, and people didn't listen. Now, after they've be voted in, everybody is complaining. Don't let the ignorance of the mass, interfere with the intelligence of the individual. Thats how Liberal/Democrate parties get elected.

I liked Clinton as Pres. I watch the West Wing, and like Barlett as Pres. But John Kerry is not the right man, at not the right time to be POTUS. Plain and simple.
bigdan1110 said:
Again with the Moore crap, why you dont stop about this, you know what you're doing Georges, everytime you talk about this, you make someone watch the movie... so if you really want the people stop watching it, than just stop talking about it !

Dan, the fact is. Moore's movie is 100% bullshit. It is lies, and mis-information. I'd like to mention there is a movie coming out, which de-bukes Moore's movie (called Fahrenhype 911 ) , and suggest everyone go out and see it. The point I've tried to make concerning Moore (and I imagine same with Georges) is that there are people out there, who have the ability to be heard and to influence, that are doing it by not being truthful. Go see F 9/11, please. And then go look up everything that is in the movie (or watch the flick coming out) and see just how wrong Moore is. That is the point. People are lying about things, and others are believing them.


Staff member
bigdan1110 said:
Btw, like always, when we post links its never true and when you post links its always true. So for god sakes, just post arguments without link because heck, we dont believe what you post and you dont believe what we post...

it is always easy to blame the other party, for liberals not removing saddam would have probably been the solution.
childish links aren't true and some other links are too biased to describe the truth.
Man, again, you just dont get it... i wish you watched the debate last week, Kerry position was really clear, of course the World is a better place without Saddam in power, its just the WAY Bush did it that's wrong... why you dont seem to understand that ?
Unfortunately, some classless asshole like you will have no sense of humor and write something like that.

Keep in mind his picture(Gomer Pyles) is in the North Vietnam War Memorial in Hanoi. He is considered a hero for the Cong.

Ranger said:
Unfortunately, some classless asshole like you will have no sense of humor and write something like that.

Keep in mind his picture(Gomer Pyles) is in the North Vietnam War Memorial in Hanoi. He is considered a hero for the Cong.


:wtf: If its really true, i want to see the picture, because i imagine you must really have it to tell us something like this... if you have not, then its bullshit.
Why would it matter? It won't change your mind one bit. You hate Bush and that's that. I could tell you that Gomer is hosting an alien life form and you wouldn't care because you hate Bush. It's ok, Biddan, most of the people on this thread hate Bush. Just do a search on google, it will show him and Hanoi Jane. You have to look for it.

I'm too busy to spend a lot of time on this board, as the president's tax cuts have people spending money and buying houses.

Originally posted by Ranger Unfortunately, some classless asshole like you will have no sense of humor and write something like that.

I have a sense of humor; it just doesn't extend to denigrating the people who serve our country in uniform.

Keep in mind his picture(Gomer Pyles) is in the North Vietnam War Memorial in Hanoi. He is considered a hero for the Cong.

Yeah, the picture shows him meeting with Vietnamese officials to try to resolve the status of POW/MIAs. So no, he's not doing anything remotely dishonorable in that picture.
Ranger said:
Why would it matter? It won't change your mind one bit. You hate Bush and that's that. I could tell you that Gomer is hosting an alien life form and you wouldn't care because you hate Bush. It's ok, Biddan, most of the people on this thread hate Bush. Just do a search on google, it will show him and Hanoi Jane. You have to look for it.

I'm too busy to spend a lot of time on this board, as the president's tax cuts have people spending money and buying houses.


Then the same could be said about you, whatever we say, you hate Kerry, so why even bother trying to convince us. And btw if they're so many people hating Bush, maybe they have a reason why to hate him...


georges said:
you post bullshit with these childish links and tend to pass moore's movies for the truth. so who is babling crap you.i don't how reliable is foxfilm's link. i don't know if it is a not supporting democrat newspaper but i bet it is.

You are so stupid it is astounding! You only prove my point when you say that! I have never once tried to pass Moore's movies as being true, so give it up and stop babbling crap!


Dirty Sanchez said:
I liked Clinton as Pres. I watch the West Wing, and like Barlett as Pres. But John Kerry is not the right man, at not the right time to be POTUS. Plain and simple.

How do you know he's not the right guy for the job? All you know about him is the rhetoric you hear from the right and you have no idea how he'll perform as president. Remember, they were saying the same things about Clinton before he got elected and you liked him!


Ranger said:
Why would it matter? It won't change your mind one bit. You hate Bush and that's that. I could tell you that Gomer is hosting an alien life form and you wouldn't care because you hate Bush. It's ok, Biddan, most of the people on this thread hate Bush. Just do a search on google, it will show him and Hanoi Jane. You have to look for it.

I'm too busy to spend a lot of time on this board, as the president's tax cuts have people spending money and buying houses.


And is there anything that could change your mind about voting for Bush?

btw that home ownership thing is a scam! Home ownership is up every year! It's misleading to say that it's the presidents tax cuts doing it because home ownership has been up even without the taxcuts!
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Inspector_XXX said:
I have a sense of humor; it just doesn't extend to denigrating the people who serve our country in uniform.

Yeah, the picture shows him meeting with Vietnamese officials to try to resolve the status of POW/MIAs. So no, he's not doing anything remotely dishonorable in that picture.

serving in uniform three months and having self inflicted wounds isn't a proof of being a real experienced soldier.

kerry made an anti vietnam war campaign after returning from vietnam so that means something.


Staff member
bigdan1110 said:
And btw if they're so many people hating Bush, maybe they have a reason why to hate him...

leftists and commies hate bush. comme chez nous les putains de communistes et de socialistes qui font une politique d'assistanat qui a ruiné et ruinera le pays, la droite en france c'est encore pire elle aggravé le déficit grace a raffarien.


Staff member
Brino said:
You are so stupid it is astounding! You only prove my point when you say that! I have never once tried to pass Moore's movies as being true, so give it up and stop babbling crap!

you are so immature and so fucking childish damn taht is unbelievable.you remember the michael moore thread, do a search with michael moore and you will find by yourself the answer in that thread.
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