Two liberals so far like him. Not enough to vote for him but they like him anyway. He's not polarizing you know, like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But that kind of polarizing is OK. Kasich will work with people and get things done. You know like he has in Ohio. Expanding Medicare and embracing Obamacare. Getting things done is coded language for giving in to Democrats. When have Democrats given in to Republicans lately?
Compromise with the Democrats and it is called bi-partisanship, Stand on your principles and it is called obstructionist. Kasich is one hell of a nice guy. Hell, I'd drink a couple of pints and scarf down a few hot wings with him and talk politics and maybe even pick up the check. But his conservatism is luke warm. Like putting a Ferrari emblem on a Fiero kit car. The thing still has a GM 301 engine and the lines just aren't right.
Deporting illegals is a no no because it would "break up families" Let John and Jane Six-pack evade their taxes and see how fast the IRS are willing to bust up their happy home and send the kids to live in a foster home or with Grandma and Grandpa.
2 conservatives on this board that I respect seem willing to support him and that is fine, just know that Kasich makes Jeb look like Barry Goldwater.
I'm sorry but John just doesn't cut it.
Not this time. We are going up against a very nasty bunch, not your garden variety Democrats of the past. They will smile and tell you to embrace illegals give them a path to citizenship and we will win them over. The last thing they want is for any Republican to win the White House. They do things like light up the White House with the diversity rainbow on a summer night to appease 2 percent of the population when it goes against the religious beliefs of 45 percent of Americans. Democrats are not satisfied with only winning, they dance around naked in the living room spread their cheeks and fart in your face.
Elections have consequences and all that good shit. Not this time. We need somebody that will fight for conservative ideas like they fight for liberal ideas. The time now is not for Ward Cleaver but for Deathlock The Demolisher or you can kiss your 2nd Amendment rights goodbye. Your private property rights goodbye and within 20 years we will be speaking 5 different languages just to order at the drive thru.
Sorry John, but you just don't have the arm strength anymore to throw that 65 yard pass. But I wish you all the best.