What If Mitt And Jeb Really Do Go At It, Hammer And Tongs?

+ punk bitch Scott Walker.

That "punk bitch" has won 3 elections including a recall in a blue state. I engage in nicknames for the other party as well but I don't think I have called them names such as this. I might have said something in a heated debate that was less than complimentary. So far we have a wish of catastrophic health problems for Cruz and creative name calling fir Walker and god knows who else. Such compassionate and tolerant people the libs are.
And our wingnuts don't run for Prez like your wingnuts do. 2012 proved that. tvstrip posted: Seriously? He's the guy who makes Bachmann and Palin look intellectual.
If Sanders decides to run, he's still light years away from Bachmann, Cain or Perry, as wingnuts go.

But don't you believe that a significant portion of the voting US public doesn't scrutinize the leadership ability/specific platforms, but instead blindly base their vote on criteria like race, gender or simply which party they belong to? How many people would you think describe how they voted in 2008 as "I voted for the black guy"? We'd like to think that the office of the most powerful person in the world is chosen based on political & intellectual merit, but I think we all know pure showmanship and personal appeal can be even more decisive.

I remember someone said something along the lines of "George Bush is like Joey from "Friends"; dumb as a rock but someone you'd like to hang out with"


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
"The problem with politicians is they talk like lawyers. The people see this and nobody likes lawyers." Chris Christie.


But don't you believe that a significant portion of the voting US public doesn't scrutinize the leadership ability/specific platforms, but instead blindly base their vote on criteria like race, gender or simply which party they belong to? How many people would you think describe how they voted in 2008 as "I voted for the black guy"? We'd like to think that the office of the most powerful person in the world is chosen based on political & intellectual merit, but I think we all know pure showmanship and personal appeal can be even more decisive.

I remember someone said something along the lines of "George Bush is like Joey from "Friends"; dumb as a rock but someone you'd like to hang out with"

You have an interesting way of posing your questions. I can go along with the scenarios above, to a limited degree. But I also think the scenarios describe America's tragically low voter turnout even more.

Shit got real here in the 21st century. And the country learned a hard lesson (and so did I) by voting for the guy they want to have a beer with. The war(s) on terrorism, the Recession, everyone getting hacked, Russia, China. The Presidential elections I was alive and mature enough to observe, up to 2000, had the luxury of being more philosophical. Now the threats are perceived as real and immediate. "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

Remember that little wink that Palin kept doing to underscore her points, when she debated Biden? Maybe she thought that up (probably), or someone told her to do it. Either way, it was irritating. We're way past the point where a wink and a smile impresses us.
You have an interesting way of posing your questions. I can go along with the scenarios above, to a limited degree. But I also think the scenarios describe America's tragically low voter turnout even more.

While low turnout isn't a good thing, I'm also glad the US doesn't have mandatory voting like Australia. Sure, it makes some take it seriously, but there are so many others who, like all mandatory duties, give it a half-ass effort. Voting for the first name on the ballot, or whoever has the funniest name, etc. Imagine what US elections would look like with mandatory voting - scary huh?

Mayhem said:
Shit got real here in the 21st century. And the country learned a hard lesson (and so did I) by voting for the guy they want to have a beer with. The war(s) on terrorism, the Recession, everyone getting hacked, Russia, China. The Presidential elections I was alive and mature enough to observe, up to 2000, had the luxury of being more philosophical. Now the threats are perceived as real and immediate."

Trust me, I really hope you're right. I even tend to agree that voters are more informed in the 21st century about actual issues and platforms due to things like social media. I agree that many were able to see past Palin's charm and that there are limits on how far personality alone can get you.

But Palin's lack of intelligence only proves that her nomination was based on other factors (i.e. her appeal, gender, etc), so what's to say another candidate won't be nominated/elected in the same way? This is a country which has elected Movie stars and Pro Wrestlers into politics after all. Personally I think Ron Paul had the best platform (even Dems could easily vote for him), but he didn't have the charisma (or money) Mitt did. I'll be watching if the same thing happens again.

Speaking of wrestling, and to underscore the importance of showmanship/pandering in presidential elections, let me leave you with this:

....If you smell what Barack is cookin'


While low turnout isn't a good thing, I'm also glad the US doesn't have mandatory voting like Australia. Sure, it makes some take it seriously, but there are so many others who, like all mandatory duties, give it a half-ass effort. Voting for the first name on the ballot, or whoever has the funniest name, etc. Imagine what US elections would look like with mandatory voting - scary huh?

Trust me, I really hope you're right. I even tend to agree that voters are more informed in the 21st century about actual issues and platforms due to things like social media. I agree that many were able to see past Palin's charm and that there are limits on how far personality alone can get you.

But Palin's lack of intelligence only proves that her nomination was based on other factors (i.e. her appeal, gender, etc), so what's to say another candidate won't be nominated/elected in the same way? This is a country which has elected Movie stars and Pro Wrestlers into politics after all. Personally I think Ron Paul had the best platform (even Dems could easily vote for him), but he didn't have the charisma (or money) Mitt did. I'll be watching if the same thing happens again.

Speaking of wrestling, and to underscore the importance of showmanship/pandering in presidential elections, let me leave you with this:

That's one helluva good post. :thumbsup:

There are no good answers. McCain appointed Palin out of desperation. He was getting beat by Obama and he knew that there were a lot of Dem women who were pissed that Hillary wasn't nominated. So he threw a Hail Mary.

This is a country which has elected Movie stars and Pro Wrestlers into politics after all.

Hey, Jesse Ventura was a good politician and incredibly smart. And I remember well how over-the-top he was when he was a wrestler. But he worked out. By all accounts, so did Steve Largent (Seattle Seahawks). Schwarzenegger, not so much. (And even though he's not a politician, look up Dolph Lundgren sometime. Match his image with his credentials.)

But you're right. It's an incredibly slippery slope between being perceived as capable enough while seeming personable enough. We seem to want someone who can fix the world's problems while changing their own oil and splitting a cord of wood. And of course we want people that are pro/anti what we're pro/anti about, we want lower taxes and reduced deficits all at the same time, we want smaller government as long as what we like is funded to the gills.

Sounds like a job for a Democrat. :D
If the two of them went at it, it would be like choosing between the less of who cares.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I find this scenario ascinating.

Firstly, I only really know SOME things about Mitt, Jeb is just known to me as Bush clan member and gouvernor of... Florida? I guess that was the state

Christie will be in it just to ensure that every comedian, satirist and newsmaker can dish out jokes by the shitload.

Right now, I would say: Jeb has the best chance. He got the name and I guess he got a lot of the old cronies on his side. Romney wears the 'Loser' hat, and Christie, I don't kno a single thing that would speak for him

But hey, I know nearly jack about the race right now


Ted Cruz Warns: A Republican Presidential Nominee Who Isn’t Conservative Enough Won’t Win in 2016


Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is urging South Carolina conservatives to help nominate a Republican president from their own ranks in 2016 or risk losing a third consecutive national election.

The Texan spoke Sunday in Myrtle Beach at the Tea Party Coalition Convention. His remarks reflect the view that recent GOP nominees haven’t been conservative enough.

“If we nominate another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole or a John McCain or a Mitt Romney, all of whom are good, honorable, decent men,” Cruz said, according to the according to the Houston Chronicle, “the same people who stayed home in ’08 and ’12 will stay home in 2016 and the Democrats will win again.”

In his speech, Cruz celebrated Republicans’ midterm election sweep and mocked establishment Republicans who chided him in 2013 for his role in a partial government shutdown.

He said the midterms prove the country is ready for a Republican president from the conservative movement.

Cruz met privately with a few dozen grassroots organizers and prominent donors. South Carolina hosts the first Southern presidential primary in the weeks after the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.

I swear, if someone tried to assassinate Ted Cruz, I'd jump up and take the bullet for him. He is going to be the Democrat's best friend over the next 2 years.

I was struck by one thing in his comments:
“the same people who stayed home in ’08 and ’12 will stay home in 2016 and the Democrats will win again.”

Really? For all the hatred the Right has for Obama, some of them stayed home? I don't really believe it, but if it's the case, the Right needs to quit hating Obama so much.

But anyway, as I knew it would, so it begins. This guy is going to ruin the GOP.
No he's not and right now in my circles, the talk is Cruz, Rand Paul and Scott Walker. Conservatives are hungry to nominate a fellow conservative. The GOP is already ruined with the likes of McConnell and Boehner running the show.

We're gonna give this a shot. And we certainly aren't going to let democrats dictate who we nominate by saying that they are unelectable. The last thing dems want is a conservative leading the ticket.


Presidential campaigns are like baseball. You're going to win 54 games, you're going to lose 54 games. The other 54 games are decided by the centrists.
Presidential campaigns are like baseball. You're going to win 54 games, you're going to lose 54 games. The other 54 games are decided by the centrists.

A little less than 2 years left. We'll see. That baseball analogy didn't hold up in your favor in 1980, 1984, 2000 or 2004. Where the centrists broke for Reagan and GWB.


I never said they don't break to the Right. And between Carter, Mondale, Gore and Kerry, there was nowhere to go but to the Right.
A little less than 2 years left. We'll see. That baseball analogy didn't hold up in your favor in 1980, 1984, 2000 or 2004. Where the centrists broke for Reagan and GWB.

I believe Romney won the independent vote in 2012 and also the white women vote. Obama's base turned out again while the conservative turnout wasn't as energized.

If there was someone who could hold onto or increase that lead with independents while winning the battle of the bases they'd have a nice crib for use on Pennsylvania ave.