What is wrong with John Kasich?

I've always believed a governor would be the most prepared to lead the country as POTUS from day one. It seems the most natural progression. It's like a 4-5 year QB in college going into the NFL as opposed to some phenom and ultimately flash in the pan entering the draft after 1 or 2 years and being instantly overwhelmed (Manziel, I'm looking over towards your direction).

I think Kasich would make a good president. As has been pointed out, he seems to be the adult in the room and he's got the record of governance to run on. And being the sitting governor of a MUST WIN swing state for the GOP has to help.

G'D, you republican primary yahoos. Come to your senses before it's too late.

Kasich 2016 - he's the last governor left.
So, you're done supporting Rubio ?
Kasich is to rationnal, to reasonable for GOP voters.
So, you're done supporting Rubio ?
Kasich is to rationnal, to reasonable for GOP voters.

I like Rubio but he's done. And he's shown that he's not up for it. Kasich is more qualified to be president than anyone left in the field on both sides, as he was from the beginning.

Kasich is done too, so que sera sera or something to that effect.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I have to say:

Kasich is the single republican candidate I would think would actually do the USA good. Well, compared to the other guys running.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I like him too....even though I strongly disagree with much of what he stands for. He seems like the type of executive that could bring people together and that's what we need more than anything right now. Hillary, Trump and Cruz are too polarizing. On the other hand, Kasich is pretty plain vanilla (maybe even plainer than vanilla....tapioca perhaps? How about oatmeal?) so he's not going to induce the same media clamor that Hillary, Trump or even Cruz do so I don't see him suddenly becoming the rally point man for the republican party. He is, however, the only candidate on the republican side for whom I would consider casting my vote. If only the republicans would put up a reasonable nominee as an alternative to Hillary to give disenchanted swing voters a viable option....alas, they won't and thus I am left with no real choice at all. What a fucked-up political system!!
Two liberals so far like him. Not enough to vote for him but they like him anyway. He's not polarizing you know, like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But that kind of polarizing is OK. Kasich will work with people and get things done. You know like he has in Ohio. Expanding Medicare and embracing Obamacare. Getting things done is coded language for giving in to Democrats. When have Democrats given in to Republicans lately?

Compromise with the Democrats and it is called bi-partisanship, Stand on your principles and it is called obstructionist. Kasich is one hell of a nice guy. Hell, I'd drink a couple of pints and scarf down a few hot wings with him and talk politics and maybe even pick up the check. But his conservatism is luke warm. Like putting a Ferrari emblem on a Fiero kit car. The thing still has a GM 301 engine and the lines just aren't right.

Deporting illegals is a no no because it would "break up families" Let John and Jane Six-pack evade their taxes and see how fast the IRS are willing to bust up their happy home and send the kids to live in a foster home or with Grandma and Grandpa.

2 conservatives on this board that I respect seem willing to support him and that is fine, just know that Kasich makes Jeb look like Barry Goldwater.

I'm sorry but John just doesn't cut it.

Not this time. We are going up against a very nasty bunch, not your garden variety Democrats of the past. They will smile and tell you to embrace illegals give them a path to citizenship and we will win them over. The last thing they want is for any Republican to win the White House. They do things like light up the White House with the diversity rainbow on a summer night to appease 2 percent of the population when it goes against the religious beliefs of 45 percent of Americans. Democrats are not satisfied with only winning, they dance around naked in the living room spread their cheeks and fart in your face.

Elections have consequences and all that good shit. Not this time. We need somebody that will fight for conservative ideas like they fight for liberal ideas. The time now is not for Ward Cleaver but for Deathlock The Demolisher or you can kiss your 2nd Amendment rights goodbye. Your private property rights goodbye and within 20 years we will be speaking 5 different languages just to order at the drive thru.

Sorry John, but you just don't have the arm strength anymore to throw that 65 yard pass. But I wish you all the best.
You answered my question, BC.

At least he's a nice guy. I haven't followed Kasich and the goings on in Ohio. I just know him from when he used to fill in for O'Reilly.

The title of this thread wasn't rhetorical.
You want to know what's wrong with John Kasich? He is a Republican that isn't batshit crazy. There is no room for that in today's Republican Party. You have to be a loudmouthed racist or a homophobic religious nut job to get any kind of support. The party has not kept up with the times and have religious ideologists as the core of the party. They can't distinguish between being politically conservative and being religiously conservative.
You want to know what's wrong with John Kasich? He is a Republican that isn't batshit crazy. There is no room for that in today's Republican Party. You have to be a loudmouthed racist or a homophobic religious nut job to get any kind of support. The party has not kept up with the times and have religious ideologists as the core of the party. They can't distinguish between being politically conservative and being religiously conservative.

Mitt Romney

John McCain
Mitt Romney

John McCain

Romney was an anomaly and the party has got much worse in four years. McCain had to have Palin as his running mate. McCain himself is fine but you have to play to the crazies to win. If McCain would have won the nomination in 2000, the Republican Party would not be as divisive as it is today.
McCain had to have Palin as his running mate. McCain himself is fine but you have to play to the crazies to win.

And yet they lost.

stick to something else because your analysis sucks.

The last conservative christian (which is what you mean by "crazies") the GOP nominated served two terms as well as the one before that.

Like BC said, the candidates your type approve of get trounced, which is the aim.

So fuck you.
I want Trump to win. I want that great wall, I want that moratorium on terrorist/groping types, and I want the batshit liberals who are upset enough about it to GTFO. Mass migration.

Enough with the niceties. Let's get on with the hatred. At least that's honest.
I want Trump to win. I want that great wall, I want that moratorium on terrorist/groping types, and I want the batshit liberals who are upset enough about it to GTFO. Mass migration.

Enough with the niceties. Let's get on with the hatred. At least that's honest.

About the time Trump insults Cruz and I am finished with him, the left wing kooks start attacking him and I want him to win. Just decide on Cruz or Trump and let's get it on. At least both of them will fight as dirty as liberals do. Oh and fuck Mitt Romney!
At this point your beloved GOP is fighting stage five cancer with nothing but prayer. It's sad really. The signs were there. You could have removed the cancer early but it was ignored. The saddest part is that it was once a great party with high ideals. Oh well, denial is a bitch.
At this point your beloved GOP is fighting stage five cancer with nothing but prayer. It's sad really. The signs were there. You could have removed the cancer early but it was ignored. The saddest part is that it was once a great party with high ideals. Oh well, denial is a bitch.

Yeah, about the time Reagan was president. Of course you probably mean Ike.

As for the cancer diagnosis. We're in remission. At least until July.
About the time Trump insults Cruz and I am finished with him, the left wing kooks start attacking him and I want him to win. Just decide on Cruz or Trump and let's get it on. At least both of them will fight as dirty as liberals do. Oh and fuck Mitt Romney!

I see Trump more than holding his own against seasoned politicians and I cheer for him but then he re-confirms what a total narcissistic and childish asshole he is and I cringe. But at least all of that is out in the open. You can weigh the good with the bad. He was mocked for saying he gets his foreign policy intel from "the shows." Where else is he supposed to fucking get it? He doesn't serve on a congressional intelligence committee. In that regard, he's like the rest of us and it's endearing.
I see Trump more than holding his own against seasoned politicians and I cheer for him but then he re-confirms what a total narcissistic and childish asshole he is and I cringe. But at least all of that is out in the open. You can weigh the good with the bad. He was mocked for saying he gets his foreign policy intel from "the shows." Where else is he supposed to fucking get it? He doesn't serve on a congressional intelligence committee. In that regard, he's like the rest of us and it's endearing.

We could do a lot worse. Trump hasn't let people die or lied to grieving family members. And you know something? I don't think he ever would.
I like him too....even though I strongly disagree with much of what he stands for. He seems like the type of executive that could bring people together and that's what we need more than anything right now. Hillary, Trump and Cruz are too polarizing. On the other hand, Kasich is pretty plain vanilla (maybe even plainer than vanilla....tapioca perhaps? How about oatmeal?) so he's not going to induce the same media clamor that Hillary, Trump or even Cruz do so I don't see him suddenly becoming the rally point man for the republican party. He is, however, the only candidate on the republican side for whom I would consider casting my vote. If only the republicans would put up a reasonable nominee as an alternative to Hillary to give disenchanted swing voters a viable option....alas, they won't and thus I am left with no real choice at all. What a fucked-up political system!!

I would agree with you. If I could pick who would be on the ballot and who I could vote for, today, it would be him. We do need to get back to being practical. The pendulum swings and I think it is time to go back to working together and compromising and for both parties to stop holding the other hostage. There will be time down the road for that nonsense again.