What is the latest good film you watched ?

Prowl, a decent horror flick.

I bought this movie and found it to be a bit of a disappointment. And it didn't help that they killed off one of my favourite actors Bruce Payne. He was the truck driver that took them to the abandoned factory.

I thought the same thing but I think the cut scenes are still in there in a way, a lot of the film involves a guy reviewing scenes on a portable hd recorder so the cut scene will still have characters talking about what they are seeing as well as their reactions but not showing the viewer what they can see. I'm sure the baby raping scene was one they took out and there was a clip showing that pornstar standing dangerously close to a horse (I'm sure the uncut scene took it futher)!

Maybe I'll buy it when it comes down to something like £3 or something so it wont cost much from me. And that includes postage and packing by the way. It's not worth anything more thanks to the BBFC's antics.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And it didn't help that they killed off one of my favourite actors Bruce Payne. He was the truck driver that took them to the abandoned factory.

I didn't like that either, but the girls were good looking.

cindy CD/TV


I may be the only person on the planet who doesn't like this movie. I understand why it's considered a great movie and a great example of filmmaking. But sometimes even a great meal prepared by a great chef just doesn't taste right. I found it too long, boring, with too many hours of Ray Liotta's shrill, horrible acting and his weird watery eyes. :eeew:

Last night I watched "Devil" for the first time. It's a decent horror movie with great suspense and build-up of tension. But the ending was a very weak letdown. It's like the filmmakers brought the audience to the very edge of something terrible and then chickened out at the last moment. I give it a solid B.

cindy CD/TV

Forgot to mention in my earlier post:


Colonel James: I'm looking forward to seeing you in action. Jack says you've got a great big cock.
Eddie Adams: Well, I don't know, I guess so.
Colonel James: May I see it?
Eddie Adams: Really?
Colonel James: Please!
[stares as Eddie lowers his shorts]
Colonel James: Thank you, Eddie!
Eddie Adams: No problem.
[the Colonel continue to stare as Eddie walks away]

"May I see it?" :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: