What is the latest good film you watched ?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
^I like your taste Cindy.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2: The Beginning.
You sure are a completionist!! :D Might I suggest Lord of the Rings next (the extended versions)?

I do not own all of the Lord of the Rings movies my friend. I have the first one in it's extended version and that's it. I don't think I will ever own them all as I've no real interest in them to be honest. I don't hate them, I just don't feel the need to watch or own them is all. Future movies to watch will be Ghost Busters and Ghost Busters 2. Then it will be the four Pirates of the Carribean movies (but only once the fourth one comes out in the middle of September).

cindy CD/TV

Talledaga Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

"Ahhhh, help me Baby Jesus!"

Big-time rep is yours for this pic. She is probably (no, wait, NOT probably), no let me start again ... she IS the best part of that movie.

I do not own all of the Lord of the Rings movies my friend. I have the first one in it's extended version and that's it. I don't think I will ever own them all as I've no real interest in them to be honest. I don't hate them, I just don't feel the need to watch or own them is all. Future movies to watch will be Ghost Busters and Ghost Busters 2. Then it will be the four Pirates of the Carribean movies (but only once the fourth one comes out in the middle of September).

That's cool! :) I suggested it only because it represents to me the Mt. Everest of Single Day Movie Series Marathon Watching. I keep saying that I'm going to devote a weekend day and watch all 3 extended movies of the trilogy in one shot. Now that I have the whole set on Bluray there's nothing holding me back ... except carving out about 15 hours or so to do the deed. :facepalm:

How about the "Matrix" movies? That's another set I would tackle but for two reasons: 1) The first movie is much better than the second, and 2) the third is just, well, there's other way to say it: :baconsalt:

With "Stars Wars" coming out on Bluray (all 6 together), that's gonna be another set I'd like to take on during a weekend. I hear Lucas has tweaked the movies a bit ... but what else is new? :dunno: :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That's cool! :) I suggested only because it represents to me the Mt. Everest of Single Day Movie Series Marathon Watching. I keep saying that I'm going to devote a weekend day and watch all 3 extended movies of the trilogy in one shot. Now, that I have the whole set on Bluray there's nothing holding me back except carving out about 15 hours or so to do the deed. :facepalm:

I managed The Two Towers and The Return of The King in a single day, I had watched Fellowship of The Ring(best of the trilogy in my opinion) the day before.

cindy CD/TV

I managed The Two Towers and The Return of The King in a single day, I had watched Fellowship of The Ring(best of the trilogy in my opinion) the day before.

You still managed to do it in one weekend! :clap: While I like Return of the King the best of the three (if I was forced to pick only one), Fellowship of the Ring makes me feel the most nostalgic about the books. They capture the feel and look of the Shire, Bree, Moria, Lothlorien, Isengard, etc., perfectly just the way Tolkien described them.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Never said that it was on a weekend ;)