What gives us the right to eat other creatures?

This is always one of the silliest arguments I see. Sorry, but humns are meant to eat animals. It's just nature. Reminds me of that story of the turtle carrying the scorpion across the river after they make a deal to get along so they can survive the trek across the river. Scorpion stings the turtle who asks him why? He says, because I'm a scorpion.

We need animal products. We can synthasize some things, but, especially with food, it's usualy not healthy or even a good replacement. It's a bit pretentious to think we can, since there are many things we should be able to, yet haven't.
Frame313 said:
Yes. but what makes you think that plants don't feel pain? They certainly have feelings, as they are able to react to stimuli, so is it simply their inability to express their feelings in a conventional way that we appreciate that makes people think that they have none? One only needs to see a tightly curled flower slowly open and blossom as the rays of the early morning sun settle upon it to know that a plant can feel, and is capable of responding to those feelings. Yes, their feelings might be primitive, their feelings might not be complex, and their feelings may not be bound by anything other than immediate sensory input, but their are plenty of animals whose feelings are limited in this same way, yet they are recorded respect and protection, while plants are treated just as brutishly and brutally as if they were in no way living. Plants may not spill blood like we do (though they 'bleed' in their own fashion when wounded), they may not cry out like we do (though perhaps they do, just not in way that apreciable to human senses) but they are living things with feelings. To say that animals (which humans tend to anthropomorphize to a great deal - lending them great sympathy) are living things and we have a moral obligation not to harm living things is fine, but to then continue harming plants simply because their suffering doesn't bother you (or you cannot 'relate' to the feelings of a plant) is to be guilty of a hypocrisy that shows that selective cruelty is a trait that not only carnivores posses.

Frame, there is more than considerable evidence that plants respond to specific sensory stimuli, but at the same time there is very little scientific to suggest that they have the capacity to feel pain. YOU COME BACK TO ME WITH THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT PLANTS FEEL PAIN AND THEN I'LL TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY!

I also don't follow the argument that I'm somehow brutal towards plants as I'm a great advocate of environmental protection in both theory and practice.

But even if your argument has the slightest credence your argument falls down flat. Okay, you may feel that I'm brutal to plants but at the same time I won't touch anything containing animal products. Even so, if you're a meat eater I've gone much further than you in being vegan in taking this moral high ground that your hypocrisy argument seems so keen to achieve. Furthermore, what are those animals you eat being fed on during their lives? More often than not its more plants.

Furthermore, if we are to not eat plant products then what would we eat? If you count Gina Lynn's ass then perhaps I could be persuaded to quit veganism? :thefinger
I'm a level 9 vegan, I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.
Here are my thoughts...

1. If there are ET's out there who want to come here and eat us, whether we eat meat or not won't matter. So, I might as well go out with a prime rib in my tummy.

2. Many people have brought up evolution (Darwinism). If you actually look at nature, there is not one form of life that purposely hunts a greater life form for food. All predators hunt lesser animals to ensure survival.

3. If you don't happen to believe in evolution, you are more of a religious person, the result wiil be the same. God gave man all things on the Earth to use to multiply and prosper.

Now i'm not saying that the human race does not severely abuse our natural resources, we certainly do. But are we meant to eat lesser plants and animals and use the planets natural resources. YES
It would be pretty hard to change. I don't know if it is conditional, but the only food option that has ever caused me to salivate is meat. There is nothing like marinated and seasoned meat. I don't eat the stuff constantly, but i'm not willing to make the sacrifice. Call me an asshole. I thought this was a weird topic for a porn forum too.


The Anal Connoisseur
I kill bugs because they annoy me and sometimes I don't even realise that I'm stomping on entire families of bugs. Do I think that we don’t treat the living well, yes I do! You need to destroy to build and you can’t create something from nothing. So as a creature from this universe I will do what I need to do to help me live and evolve. So if some animal gives me the nutrition my body requires once I eat it than so be it. I’m sorry to say that most veggies take more transformations and processing to be eaten like tofu and most other soy products. Animal meet all you need is to gut it and cook it.
what gives us the right? i believe its called the food chain.

best demonstrated on the simpsons... us in the middle and every other animal on the outside with an arrow pointed toward us...
juballs said:
what gives us the right? i believe its called the food chain.

best demonstrated on the simpsons... us in the middle and every other animal on the outside with an arrow pointed toward us...

lol remember when they did the hotdog? lmao the boot, the racoon, the pigeon and all kinds of other weird things
metaphorx said:
Frame, there is more than considerable evidence that plants respond to specific sensory stimuli, but at the same time there is very little scientific to suggest that they have the capacity to feel pain. YOU COME BACK TO ME WITH THE SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT PLANTS FEEL PAIN AND THEN I'LL TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY!

So, it doesn't matter that it's a living thing with feelings? It only matters if those feelings fit your human concept of discomfort? There was a young girl I saw on TV recently whose brain could not register pain. She could get tachtile responses, but they had to bias towards the positive or negative. She had nearly blinded herself because she could scratch her own corneas, she had no pain response that kept her from hurting herself in that way. Does this girl no longer count as human? She was a living thing, she could respond to stimuli, but she felt no pain.

Ok, we agree that plants feel and respond to the feelings, so wouldn't there be, almost by definition, some feelings that were positive (ie, moving toward the sunlight) and some that were negative (ie, curling up to avoid predators). Pain (as we understand it) is a negative feeling, joy (again, as we understand it) is a positive feeling. The plants version of pain might not be as complex as ours, but I think the arguement could be made that, even without "scientific proof," we have established that plants feel at least THEIR VERSION of pain.

metaphorx said:
I also don't follow the argument that I'm somehow brutal towards plants as I'm a great advocate of environmental protection in both theory and practice.

I was using the rhetoric directed normally directed at carnivores in order to make a point. I, personally, don't think there is anything wrong with eating either plants or animals, especially as a large portion of the animals we consume are artifically created 'surplus' animals who would not have exsisted if it were not for the people raising them for the express purpose of using them for food.

metaphorx said:
if you're a meat eater I've gone much further than you in being vegan in taking this moral high ground that your hypocrisy argument seems so keen to achieve.

I am a meat eater, I'm a confirmed heterotroph, I consume all manner of living things. I have no problem with it & I never felt I was morally superior or inferior for doing so. I do, however take offense at some (and I do stress SOME ) vegans idea that their person dietary choice is a matter that they should use to elevate themselves above the other people in the world who have not made the same choice. I make stances and compromises in all aspects of my moral responsibilities, just as every other person on the planet does. Just because I do not choose to make one individual crusade my own does not mean that anyone has the right to belittle me. I'm not singling out anyone in particular here, just reacting to many different people I've encountered over the course of my exsistence who cannot grasp the idea that I cannot and will not react with the passion and fervour that they bring to the table (pun) because Ive set my priorities elsewhere. My point was intentionally over-the-top in order to pont out that EVERYONE draws a line somewhere. Some choose to eat plants despite their desire to not harm any living thing, some choose to eat animals and there's even a small percentage of people who have eaten other people. Honestly, I don't think that plants do feel pain, I was being hyperbolic in order to make a point - and specifically, to use some of the same arguements that vegans use in a way that showed how those arguements can cut both ways, if seen in certain context.

metaphorx said:
Furthermore, if we are to not eat plant products then what would we eat? If you count Gina Lynn's ass then perhaps I could be persuaded to quit veganism?

I'll be interested if anyone is ever allowed to come up with an answer to the first question - I certainly don't have one. As to the second, well, let's just say I know several nubiles who I would consider walking buffets. :rofl:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Because burgers TASTE GOOD...because McNuggetts TASTE GOOD...but most tastily of all...VEAL TASTE GOOD!! I also subscribe to the belief that, just because that carrot doesn't have a mouth to scream, when you rip it from the ground...doesn't mean it isn't in pain!
Trigger1286 said:
I completely agree. We're able to make these sophisticated stealth bombers that look like U.F.Os designed for war but we can't find a way to survive without eating other creatures?

what u and fox arent thinking of, mr i know we can survive w/o eating animals or animal byproducts, is the full scale of natural selection. You wanna know what would really happen if we stopped eating animal and animal products? The animals would keep multiplying eating the smaller animals those smaller animals may eat leaves and crops and bugs. the number of fish would get real large and everything those fish eat will die off, which will make the fish die cause of lack of food. after that the animals that eat the fish die off cause of the lack of fish then the animals above them die off. The animals who eat plants will multiply and eat up too many plants and there wont be enough for us. all the cows and such will eat too much cause its too many cows. You dont understand man if we stop the animals that we eat will take over. most will die eventually and the rest will eat too much there wont be enough for us. Of course this kinda thing doesnt happen quick but yes it would def happen in time.

We humans keep the balance, if we dont keep the population of certain animals in check the more they will multiply and kill off other species and those other species will run out and so on and so forth. The animals will take over to the point that they will distrub us humans even more then some will be shot cause of danger. So before u wanna look for this peace on earth lets not kill any animal hippie bullshit u actually need to think about what would really happen.


It's good to be the king...
I accept I'm an omnivore - I like eating meat, and I'm not going to apologise or feel regret for my eating habits.
all others creature were destined to be eaten by humans....except for the carnivourous ones....they also can eat human for food....

currently there is no demonstration on why we should stop to eat chicken, beef, mutton or even bacon.....

those creature is destined to be eaten by us....so why bother? the same applies to vegetarian.
show me a strict vegan and show me a red meat, and potato loving man and see which one is healthier. and happier with life not just being smug and loving the smell of your own farts just cause you think your helping the animals. cause all these dumbasses that think they're gonna help the poor little creatures you'll be the ones that fuck up our earth and natural balance.
some of you people are fucking morons. I really don't care if you eat meat or not. why don't you actually do some research instead of just talking out of your asses and not only saying things based on no logical plausabilty, but things that have been proven to be false and contrary to factual scientific evidence.

I'm really sick of the people on this board that not only do everything in thier power to be destructive to everything around them, but they claim that they are better and morally righteous against the people that they are insulting and belittling.

so what im saying is that I don't want to have anything to do with you people anymore. I hope that some of the things i've said before have given soem useful information, and there are some really smart nice people here i'll miss. I just can't stand all of you trolls out there.
What gives people the right to be judgemental all the time here?

Really? The sad thing is that some people who are most bleeding heart left are actually just as totalitarian as the most religious right. Both breed intolerance and continual judgement of others -- instead of looking at themselves and realizing it starts with them.
I really don't care. I don't hurt anything or anyone, and that does make me a better person then others. If they have a problem with that, too fucking bad. I have a responsibilty to myself and the people that I care about to live a life as best that I can, I'm not going to give any respect or good treatment to people that are trying to interfere with that. the way that some (most) people live there lives hurt other people, nevermind animals and nature, and I won't stand for that. I'm not going to "live and let" live for people that are not going to do the same to me. and I have every right to do so, whetever you think so or not. you have the right to disagree with me and do the opposite, but I am going to do everything in my power to stop you.