********** said:
I don't need to work nearly as much as you did. Sounds tough. I have a full academic scholarship.
I had several scholorships and so did my wife too. But it wasn't enough. There's absolutely no way I could have gone to college on a $6/hour job, even at 32-40 hours/week. I didn't get that job through the university -- interns typically made more than I -- but went out and sold my own technical abilities.
Now thank God my father was an engineer, so I had some existing technical skills. I feel sorry for those in poverty and those with parents who didn't have white collar jobs and skills. But even we struggled when I was growing up. I've known very few poor people who have full scholorships. I know a lot of middle class and affluent people who do, and their grades and standardized test scores were a result of their attending a better school more than anything.
********** said:
Still, what's your point? And what does all this have to do with anything?
It has
everything to do with your perspective!
It shows up repeatedly, and you don't value many of life's lessons like many of us.
You're an idealist who shoots down other people's viewpoints, because you've never experienced what they have.
How would you like to be a poor white person who went to a high school that resulted in an education that was sub-par, so his grades and standardized tests didn't get him a scholorship, but he's raw intelligence, study and work ethic was superior to yours?
Then remember there are far more of African Americans in that boat than White Americans, especially versus the 20% or so affluent African Americans with full scholorships. That's why I strongly believe in the 10% (or similar percent) rule and free education for African Americans. If you want to fix 75-80% of the African American poverty problem in 3 generations, that's a damn good one!
Until then, people like yourself who focus on "race" are just causing the affluent to stay affluent, and the under-privileged to stay under-privileged. You think you are enlightened. But in reality, for all that "compassion" and "humanity" you believe you have -- you're limited experience and perspective causes you to be wholly ignorant of the other viewpoint.
Which causes you to make suggestions that, despite their "compassion" and "humanity," are wholly
ineffective and only worsen the problem. There is a phrase I often use ... "Mother doesn't always know best, because she's not you."