What gives us the right to eat other creatures?

calpoon said:
some of you people are fucking morons. I really don't care if you eat meat or not. why don't you actually do some research instead of just talking out of your asses and not only saying things based on no logical plausabilty, but things that have been proven to be false and contrary to factual scientific evidence.

I'm really sick of the people on this board that not only do everything in thier power to be destructive to everything around them, but they claim that they are better and morally righteous against the people that they are insulting and belittling.....

You mean me?
So you're walking away from your position, flaming members here, and surrendering your thought process, all at the same time?

I've never read more ridiculous ideas on this board than in this thread, I think. Proposing "alternative food sources" where neither plant nor animal has to die for humans to survive is the most ridiculous notion I've ever heard!!!

This is LIFE. REALITY. For a human being to survive, SOMETHING must die. Deal with it, and get off the hippie bus and stop smoking dope or hash or crack (or whatever has you screwed in the head to think that humans can survive without eating plants and animals).

For life to endure, life has to end - that's how ALL creatures survive. We're not talking about plants, by the way...they have chlorophyll and use photosynthesis. Maybe they should stop photosynthesising...they're robbing the sunlight and hurting its feelings!!! Nonsense.

We've all heard the thoughts of vegans and vegetarians, but this idea that humans shouldn't eat plant life is a new one to me. What the Hell are we supposed to eat? Air? :wtf:

This is the pinnacle of Utopianism and folly. Sorry, but for life to perpetuate, we have to fuck, kill, and defend our land and/or property, and yeah, even though I loathe guns, individuals and nations need to defend their lands and their property, because theft is part of human nature, and theft of our food or goods threatens our survival, so we need a military force.

Life and death go hand-in-hand. It's just how "it" works.

calpoon said:
...some of you people are fucking morons...so what im saying is that I don't want to have anything to do with you people anymore...I just can't stand all of you trolls out there.
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They do taste good. I am pretty drunk right now though but I love meat. Sounds damn good right now.:) . I love you all even though I dont personally know you but if you were here right now I would give each and every one of you a hug.:) . Heres to all of you.:glugglug:
yeah, you're right. sorry guys, that was an overreaction. I've been having to deal with jerks all day long. It wasn't right for me to take it out on here, even if it frustratse me sometimes. I'd just like to see a little but more respect for people on here, but of course me not showing any is not a way to get that done.

like you said nightfly, there isn't a way for anything to live without something having to die. that's how life works. that's not a bad thing. that's all about that balance i'm talking about. one thing dies, so that another lives, and the next day it knows it may lose it's own life for anothers. you have to have respect for life and death. I think that not eating animals and animal derivates is a good way to equalize that balance, cuz we humans have a tendacy to take more then we give to the rest of the world. I don't expect or suggest this for everyone, and I know that a lot of people aren't ready to do that. that's up to them.

I said before that I see no point in arguing the morality of meat. people have been keeping livestock for thousand of years, but today it's not about feeding people, it's about running a business. that's what I'm talking about when I say that we treat animals like products. many of them are forced to endure suffering and torturous conditions, because these methods yeild the most product results. people never used to do these things as part of everyday farm life. I don't see any reason for this, it's just cruel. we can still eat meat and have humane treatment for living things with feelings.

another thing that we do is clearcut rainforrests to make grazing land for cattle. this process wipes out thousands of organisms and plant life, and pollutes the water, soil and air with toxic waste, which winds up going into the food that we eat. There is no good reason for this, it's more harmful then it is beneficial. that's what I mean when I say we need to work toward a sustainable lifestyle.
calpoon said:
I really don't care. I don't hurt anything or anyone, and that does make me a better person then others.
If you drive a car.
If you use electricity.
If you eat animals.
Heck, some believe in the greater "gaia" and you're bad if you eat plants.
You hurt ... period ... and some people won't see it otherwise.
Unless you try to point it out that they are hypocrites in the same regard.


Too many people like to believe they are "better" than others, and like to gossip why and how. Me? I hold myself to my own standard. Not in the belief that I'm doing good, but in the believe that there's just too much self-rigthteous judgement going around.

And a lot of it is from the standpoint of ignorance of the viewpoint of others. You can't always walk in someone else's shoes, but you can walk in your own, and be considerate in your own first.

calpoon said:
I'm really sick of the people on this board that not only do everything in thier power to be destructive to everything around them, but they claim that they are better and morally righteous against the people that they are insulting and belittling.
There are a lot of young people on the board.

The difference between a 30 year old and a 20 year old is that the 30 year old's actions didn't change from when they were 20.
The 30 year old just realized many of their views and actions when they were 20 actually did more harm than good and weren't as "ideal" as they thought.

When you're young, you blame everyone but yourself.
When your old, you realize you did your part of the problem.
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He's right. Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. At that point you will be a mile away from him AND you will have his shoes.
Peter Gazinya said:
He's right. Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. At that point you will be a mile away from him AND you will have his shoes.


I'm going to eat animals. Sure it isn't fair, but I want to be healthy, I want to survive. People who think it's wrong, and people who want to remove humans from the world because we hurt it can go to hell.

If you think not eating animals is the right thing to do, then YOU do it. It's your body, so go for it, but don't tell other people they can't.

I would expand all of this to make it seem not half-ass, but I need to do some work.



Food for anyone that is reading this, for that matter almost anyone living in the countries where people are able to read this, really is no longer about "survival", so I don't think that really applies.

There are many futurists, intellectuals and technocrats, philestines all, that would love to have a pill replace the culinary arts and dining.

Dining is, (and the conversations and experiences that go along with it), a bedrock of many cultures. Many cultures, even in the first world and I make no apologies to my allusion to 2 of the biggest G5 members, simply do look at food as something to eat and to sustain.

The fact is that the anti-meat activist agenda is not a winning cause. Instead, and better for it, the cause has made conditions better in many parts of the world for animal protection in livestock industries. IMO The problem could be helped even further by teaching people the value of local produce and carefully raised livestock on the palatte. A firebreathing, sallow, drawn faced vegan hippie didn't get meat off my plate, but he did help show others the value of organic humane produce/meat both in flavor and sustainability.
BNF said:
Food for anyone that is reading this, for that matter almost anyone living in the countries where people are able to read this, really is no longer about "survival", so I don't think that really applies.

There are many futurists, intellectuals and technocrats, philestines all, that would love to have a pill replace the culinary arts and dining.

Dining is, (and the conversations and experiences that go along with it), a bedrock of many cultures. Many cultures, even in the first world and I make no apologies to my allusion to 2 of the biggest G5 members, simply do look at food as something to eat and to sustain.

The fact is that the anti-meat activist agenda is not a winning cause. Instead, and better for it, the cause has made conditions better in many parts of the world for animal protection in livestock industries. IMO The problem could be helped even further by teaching people the value of local produce and carefully raised livestock on the palatte. A firebreathing, sallow, drawn faced vegan hippie didn't get meat off my plate, but he did help show others the value of organic humane produce/meat both in flavor and sustainability.

BNF for the Nobel Peace Prize.
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I was actually a vegetarian for 6 years, and I have to say, as I was nearing the end of my tenure as one, it didn't feel natural not eating meat. There is a reason why humans have evolved with the teeth and the digestive systems that we have. it is because we are naturally omnivorous. On a personal note, it was also because I felt like whenever I visited a foreign country and wanted to try their local cuisine, i kept feeling very limited by what I could or could not have. I wanted some life experience etc.
That's because you're waiting for a government "handout" in a capitalist country. Work harder (or better yet, smarter) and don't wait for socialism (which is not the system established here in the USA) to bail you out of your shortcomings and/or bad decisions and "level the playing field."

Life's hard. People struggle. People fail. People succeed. I've done both myself. I wish you the best, despite our "philosophical differences," but you (and millions of other people worldwide) have to stop feeling like a victim and need to endeavor towards success, not wait for it to be given to you.

Just my :2 cents:


********** said:
...I take my dates to Waffle House in my 3rd-hand Ford Taurus :(
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********** said:
No, it's 'cause I'm in college, sweetheart. Jesus.
Are you working to put yourself through college?

I did, making $6/hour and not even having "intern" status (i.e., I worked my ass off and never got to do homework at work). Always held a 32-40 hour/week job while going to college full-time -- majoring in engineering no less (which is considered the heaviest load for an undergraduate major -- typically 3-4 hours homework per 1 hour in class -- I took 14-17 hours/week).


Center of the fothermucking universe
Nightfly said:

For life to endure, life has to end - that's how ALL creatures survive. We're not talking about plants, by the way...they have chlorophyll and use photosynthesis. Maybe they should stop photosynthesising...they're robbing the sunlight and hurting its feelings!!! Nonsense.
Funny you mention that. Plants actually live off death just as much if not more than carnivores and vegetarians. Soil is enriched by organic decay!

We've all heard the thoughts of vegans and vegetarians, but this idea that humans shouldn't eat plant life is a new one to me. What the Hell are we supposed to eat? Air? :wtf:
Actually there are such people. They call themselves, dig this, Breatharians. Haha!

********** said:
I don't need to work nearly as much as you did. Sounds tough. I have a full academic scholarship.
I had several scholorships and so did my wife too. But it wasn't enough. There's absolutely no way I could have gone to college on a $6/hour job, even at 32-40 hours/week. I didn't get that job through the university -- interns typically made more than I -- but went out and sold my own technical abilities.

Now thank God my father was an engineer, so I had some existing technical skills. I feel sorry for those in poverty and those with parents who didn't have white collar jobs and skills. But even we struggled when I was growing up. I've known very few poor people who have full scholorships. I know a lot of middle class and affluent people who do, and their grades and standardized test scores were a result of their attending a better school more than anything.

********** said:
Still, what's your point? And what does all this have to do with anything?
It has everything to do with your perspective!
It shows up repeatedly, and you don't value many of life's lessons like many of us.
You're an idealist who shoots down other people's viewpoints, because you've never experienced what they have.

How would you like to be a poor white person who went to a high school that resulted in an education that was sub-par, so his grades and standardized tests didn't get him a scholorship, but he's raw intelligence, study and work ethic was superior to yours?

Then remember there are far more of African Americans in that boat than White Americans, especially versus the 20% or so affluent African Americans with full scholorships. That's why I strongly believe in the 10% (or similar percent) rule and free education for African Americans. If you want to fix 75-80% of the African American poverty problem in 3 generations, that's a damn good one!

Until then, people like yourself who focus on "race" are just causing the affluent to stay affluent, and the under-privileged to stay under-privileged. You think you are enlightened. But in reality, for all that "compassion" and "humanity" you believe you have -- you're limited experience and perspective causes you to be wholly ignorant of the other viewpoint.

Which causes you to make suggestions that, despite their "compassion" and "humanity," are wholly ineffective and only worsen the problem. There is a phrase I often use ... "Mother doesn't always know best, because she's not you."
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Prof Voluptuary again
BNF said:
Please re-read the thread title.
Nightfly said:
No kiddin' LOL :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
Yeah, I think at this point, with as far off as Fox goes and I follow him, we should probably "get a room." ;)
Prof Voluptuary said:
Yeah, I think at this point, with as far off as Fox goes and I follow him, we should probably "get a room." ;)

That'd be the thing to do, sweetheart. :rofl: