Vanilla Bear
Bears For Life
I tried that last year, but it didn't work very well.
So I stole this from Shottis thread since it got a big response from some sexy OCSMs.
So ladies, do you also make fansigns for you favorite e-Romeo or only for other girls? :shy:
I don't have big demands. Just a picture of you holding up a sign (or writing it on your body) wishing me something (good or bad) for my birthday. Whatever you wish me.
Extra e-Romeo points for something witty and/or showing your feet along with your face. 
Looking forward to see your replies.
So I stole this from Shottis thread since it got a big response from some sexy OCSMs.
Do you make fansigns? For free or a fee?
My...uhm...yeah my birthday is coming up in May (the 23rd), and i was thinking it would be awesome to have a bunch of sexy women make me birthday fansigns. I could then put them into a book or photoalbum and give me.
So ladies, do you also make fansigns for you favorite e-Romeo or only for other girls? :shy:
I don't have big demands. Just a picture of you holding up a sign (or writing it on your body) wishing me something (good or bad) for my birthday. Whatever you wish me.
Looking forward to see your replies.