Torn & Frayed.
Sadly I get the same message.
I was able to rep this though....
So was I....but...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to HappyHapyJoyJoy again.
Sadly I get the same message.
I was able to rep this though....
So was I....but...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to HappyHapyJoyJoy again.
I tried that last year, but it didn't work very well.
You were recently told in an OCSMs thread that you make comments that aren't nice. Then you ask OCSMs for fan signs. Then you are confused why you don't get fan signs.
At some point you have to connect the dots.
I may be forced to give you a little rep back...damnit.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 7630910, member: 114093"]I may be forced to give you a little rep back...damnit.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 7631133, member: 579739"]I think he deserves itHe's a good boy.
Heh, Petra, listen to Harley!
Yes, because then when dirk gives me rep it will actually, you know, give me rep!
Not that I'm self-centered or anything though... :o
I have my favorites here (Harley Spencer, Briana Lee, Aaliyah Love and Siri, among others) and I wouldn't bother them for fan signs (and don't want any from the OCSM's here I think are really rude). Same as I wouldn't go bother them for an autograph if I saw them out eating lunch. I love that they interact, but I am not gonna bug 'em for free stuff.
Edit: How come Siri doesn't show up in blue?
It's all about you, isn't it, you bastard.
Hey, come on now! Sometimes it's about your penis! :angels:
Love said. “My career took off a year ago when Twistys made me their Treat of the Month in April, so it feels right that exactly a year later they feature my first boy/dirl scene."
Thank you! So many people don't get this..they get rude when they ask me to go out of my way to do stuff for them for free and I explain to them that I don't jump thru hoops just because someone who calls themselves a fan asks me. So then I try to explain it another way..
"If you support me..aka you are a member of my website, you buy my clips, etc.. I will support you and hook you up w a fansign, or something along those lines. But I can't fulfill everyone's requests to drop what I'm doing and do something for them every time they ask. It's not fair to ask me to do things for free and expect it. Just because you watch my porn on free websites and can send an email/tweet doesn't mean you deserve my time and effort, which I have so little freetime." ..then some assholes will say things like "you're so money hungry you expect to get paid for your every move" LOL!
As if there's any other type of business/job where employees are expected to work for free/work on their days off/give their product out for free.. and are treated like shit when they don't?
So it makes me happy when people understand and treat us girls like we're actual human beings.
Back in the day fansigns were for 2 purposes.. as a treat to members of paid websites, and to drive traffic. A new girl would do a fansign thread on webmaster forums, then all of the companies who are affiliates of her website would get a sign. Then the hope was they would use those signs to start driving traffic to your website.
What people don't know is a fansign shoot day takes HOURS. Last time I did it, it took me 2 hours to write up all of the fansigns, and another hour tacked onto an already incredibly long shoot day. I pay my photographer and location fees by the hour, so that cost me money. Then I had to wait to get the pics back from the photog, resize and color correct them all, them email them all out one by one. It was a huge pain in my ass and most of the recipients weren't even that grateful.
In the last year I've only done 2 fansigns. They were both for guys who have paid to have a lifetime membership to AaliyahLove.com. And if either of them asked for another, I would def go out of my way to do one for them.
I do agree with your post here, but I'd like to point out that not all fan signs need to some big production. I've done pretty much all of mine self shot, and they usually take a whopping 20 minutes of my time. A couple minutes to tweak my hair and makeup if needed, get the camera situated, take the photos and pick one or two, then upload and resize them, none of them being retouched.
And they still look great. I'm actually a little surprised that you don't do more self-shot photo sets for your site.
Well it's actually harder to do self shot sets than sets shot by my photographer. With the self shot ones, I have to check each photo I take to make sure it looks ok since unless I take the photo in a mirror, I don't know what it looks like. It can take over an hour to shoot one set self shot, whereas with a photographer it can sometimes be less than 20 minutes, give or take depending on what exactly I'm shooting and how into I get.
Though I did get a new video camera recently that's got a tilting LCD screen (i.e. I can turn it around and see what I'm shooting while I'm recording), which also has photo taking abilities. I tried taking some photos with it yesterday but I can't figure out how to get it from video mode to photo mode. Even the instruction manual doesn't explain it good enough.
Well, you can always use the mirror as it seems to work fine for your fansigns, and with some practice I'm sure it would take you less time.
What model and make of camera? Maybe Google has the answers you seek? (it usually does)
Is it one of the little hand held JVC cameras that has 2 SD card slots??
If it is, you can dedicate one card for photos and the other for video.
I do agree with your post here, but I'd like to point out that not all fan signs need to some big production. I've done pretty much all of mine self shot, and they usually take a whopping 20 minutes of my time. A couple minutes to tweak my hair and makeup if needed, get the camera situated, take the photos and pick one or two, then upload and resize them, none of them being retouched. Absolutely none of my images are ever retouched, whether they're my actual photo sets for my site or something as simple as a fan sign. That's way too time consuming.
Well it's actually harder to do self shot sets than sets shot by my photographer. With the self shot ones, I have to check each photo I take to make sure it looks ok since unless I take the photo in a mirror, I don't know what it looks like. It can take over an hour to shoot one set self shot, whereas with a photographer it can sometimes be less than 20 minutes, give or take depending on what exactly I'm shooting and how into I get.
Though I did get a new video camera recently that's got a tilting LCD screen (i.e. I can turn it around and see what I'm shooting while I'm recording), which also has photo taking abilities. I tried taking some photos with it yesterday but I can't figure out how to get it from video mode to photo mode. Even the instruction manual doesn't explain it good enough.
wurd, but even 20minutes of my time is precious to me. And I still think it's fair to require someone to spend a whopping $20 a month on me before they start making requests of me and my time. I just don't work for free.