And it wasn't like it was something he paid for!
That kind of attitude pisses me off. I really can't stand it when people are disrespectful to others without a damned good reason.
See it's this entitled "what ELSE can you do for me for free?" attitude of too many people who call themselves "fans" even tho most of them have never spent a dime on me or my porn that really irritates me.
I really hate the term "entitlement". It's become a buzzword that's throw around way too often, and used to disparage people who have
legitimate gripes and complaints. Whenever I see it I have a nice big, negative, knee jerk reaction. That said, in cases like this it's totally warranted. The fact that
I can endorse the use of
that word is probably a good indicator of how much I dislike the behavior.
Models are just as bad as other people when it comes to wanting things for free. When NNBoards was around it happened that models would ask me if i could do some graphics for them/their sites. Most of them had the decency to offer something in return, but then there were those who seemed to think that they were the center of the universe, and everyone else should for some reason give them stuff for free.
That's not the same. There's nothing wrong with
wanting stuff for free. There's something wrong with
expecting stuff free, and there's definitely something wrong with
complaining about something you got for free.
There's nothing wrong with models asking people if they someone can do something for them, just like there's nothing wrong with someone making a topic, say, asking for fansigns.
Look at Shottis' topic. Seems most of the OCSMs were happy to oblige, and I don't see them asking for stuff in return. He asked a favor and they were nice enough to find the time and put in the effort, and that's really cool. That's nice of them, the same way it would be nice of someone to, say, make a banner or something for a model if they wanted one. See,
that's nice. Now if someone, say, made a topic asking for fansigns and started getting pissy with any OCSMs who didn't provide them? Not cool. Also, if that person got one and started bitching about not liking the sign that a particular OCSM put the time and effort into making for them? Again, totally not cool. That shit is disrespectful.
That's the problem. It would really only apply to your scenario
if the models were treating you badly should you
not provide them with free services or if they complained about the free services rendered (and simply not giving you free stuff really
doesn't qualify).
What you're describing doesn't have anything to do with nice. It's
not disrespectful either, but it's
not nice. You're not describing doing anyone a favor, like we saw in Shottis' topic, you're describing a
deal; something that's give and take. That's a transaction and by their very nature they aren't nice, you aren't doing something for someone in order to do something for them, you're doing something mutually beneficial to get something in return. There's no appreciation shown there.