The WTF? - Files..

Largest island, in a lake, on an island, in a lake, on an island..


I recommend starting at the top of the page and working your way down.
Nursing Home for the aged....wait for it.....dogs!

Where dogs go when they can no longer wag their tails

100 million points if you guessed which country.....yup, Japan

Judge Cries over loss of pants..

Cry baby, Cry baby, 1-2-3

He said Soo Chung tried to give him a pair of charcoal gray pants.
As Pearson explained that those weren't the pants for the suit, he choked up and left the courtroom crying after asking Bartnoff for a break.
IN: Aftershave

OUT: Vodka

Only in Russia

Father Jack seen packing suitcase and heading east..

On the plus- side, their piss smells wonderful.
Good: Man tries out some new ideas to spice up his sex life

Bad: It involves a padlock

WTF?: He gets his penis stuck in the padlock....and the hole is superglued-up.....and the hospital can do nothing to help.....and it's left to the local fire department and their bolt cutters to sort out....

Bank-Robbers checklist

Guns - CHECK
Swag-bag - CHECK
Face masks - CHECK
Getaway Car - Er...Will scooters do??


Closed Account
Good: Man tries out some new ideas to spice up his sex life

Bad: It involves a padlock

WTF?: He gets his penis stuck in the padlock....and the hole is superglued-up.....and the hospital can do nothing to help.....and it's left to the local fire department and their bolt cutters to sort out....

You know that had to be pretty shameful getting removed. :o
and it's left to the local fire department and their bolt cutters to sort out....

I feel sorry for the people at the fire department. That guy better hope the person operating the bolt cutters has good dexterity and isn’t pissed off about that.