Every one of the "civilised" countries must do his part to help people from poor countries.
Because we have this in our streets...
...doesn't mean we don't have to do anything for this
The fundamental reason why there is hunger is the fact there are too people people.
Someone may say that population growth in developing countires is their own fault.
The one thing that the Saudis and Jews agree on is to nuke the Persians.
If you are a Christian in Mosul, Iraq I hope you keep your head on your shoulders to see the dawn of a new week also.
The Iraq people-and other inhabitants of the Middle East- have broken the commandments of God so many times that they are doomed to destruction.
Christian who have been murdered can arrive in heaven.
The are both Caucasian from a racial standpoint. Their differences are religious and your statement, which would seem to have validity if one looks only at the historical record, is indubitably horseshit from a physiological standpoint. Genetically, all people are home sapiens and only use artificial means to find differences between themselves for which there is seemingly no solution in many cases (such as the Jewish-Palestinian issue). Shameful, really.
In my view the Israelis and the Palestinians are colored people, they are not Caucasian.
Why they do not tolerate each others even thought they are very similar to each other is the question.
so true, so which idiot putted them together then?
United Nations founded the state of Israel in Palestinian area about 1948.
If Israel has a right to defend themselves, then let them defend themselves.
If Mexico would occupy part of America would you be angry at them?