The Official President Donald J. Trump appreciation thread

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Bronze Member
You need to stop playing the Obama muppets and his bitching cronies card because aside constant obstructionism, retarded and villified insults and threats nothing clever or intelligent comes from their mouth. Seriously have you seen what kind of are states managed by democraps such as Illinois and Commiefornia and yet you want to blame all the aches of America on the republicans because of the shitty presidency of 8 years of your goddamn community organizer who had the biggest number of people living on food coupons and the biggest debt ever who was the worst president and a muppet of the islamic world.

You need to stop drinking the white tear Kool-Aid flavor as well. He's a joke, everyone know this.

Even world leaders like Jacinda Arden know he's a joke.



Staff member

You need to stop drinking the white tear Kool-Aid flavor as well. He's a joke, everyone know this.

Even world leaders like Jacinda Arden know he's a joke.

Nobody gives a shit like Jacinda Arden who is from the left. Unlike Obama who was an apologist and who kneed in front of other politicians and even ready to lick and kiss their asses, Trump isn't backing down and stands on a firm ground kinda like Reagan.He is perhaps the most patriotic president the US ever had, yes he puts America first before globalism first and yes he is right. Tell me how much the encomy of New Zealand weighs in as opposed to the USA??? Which country has the strongest economical growth and the strongest job recovery in less than two years??? USA not New Zealand. You seem to like leftist/socalist/globalist and unpatriotic political leaders as if socialism was the remedy to all the society aches. :rolleyes::facepalm: In USA, socialism will never work for these following reasons:
-people are strongly attached to the constitution and their constitutional rights
-people care about the 1st and the 2nd amendment
-people want strong and secure boarders
-people don't want illegal aliens who are unwilling to work, health care and social security leech offs but also criminals and potential gang members
-in the USA you are on your own and you don't expect anyone to give you a hand , you rely on your own
What has your dear community organizer Obama done concretely? Nothing but shit during 8 years


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Hiliary 2020
UnderBro is kind of a dim bulb.

He believes propaganda thats all.
"Trump sucks.
Because everyone says he does."

There are some good reasons to hate or not like Trump.
But the MSM and Hollywood won't ever address those things.
Because they are actually Pro Trump.
They are actually above him on the food chain.

Everything is the opposite of what it is portrayed as being.


Staff member
Trump Redoubles Support for Kavanaugh After Seeing Hearing

Nikki Haley Just Revealed What Happened After UN Members Laughed at Trump

President Trump Rescued Our Economy from Barack Obama’s ‘New Normal’




Hiliary 2020
Fox News is fake news indeed for editing out 45 being laughed at in front of the world.

Wake up Republicans, evangelicals, and conservatives, the world is laughing mostly at you for standing behind a terrible leader.

17, 698​

You need to wake up and get out of the republican/democrat jail cell you live in, that you created for yourself.
They are both the same thing. Wake up and see that.

This our side against their side stuff is all a show.
A show they created to make people like you think they have a choice. You don't.

All these politicians and appointees #1 are all owned. They are owned by the people at the top. The richest of the rich.
Its all one big club. There is no our side/their side. They are all the same.
Trump, Bushes Clintons Soetoro are all the same, only difference is their scripts. The end result is the same.

Youre telling people to wake up when you yourself are sound asleep.
You need to wake up and get out of the republican/democrat jail cell you live in, that you created for yourself.
They are both the same thing. Wake up and see that.

This our side against their side stuff is all a show.
A show they created to make people like you think they have a choice. You don't.

All these politicians and appointees #1 are all owned. They are owned by the people at the top. The richest of the rich.
Its all one big club. There is no our side/their side. They are all the same.
Trump, Bushes Clintons Soetoro are all the same, only difference is their scripts. The end result is the same.

Youre telling people to wake up when you yourself are sound asleep.

Preach my brother. Preach! Fuck corporatists



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Talking about his "... large - uh-brain..."

You just can't make this shit up



Hiliary 2020
Preach my brother. Preach! Fuck corporatists


It wasn't preaching. It was telling someone who is telling others to wake up to wake up himself.
there are no sides in politics/government/media. until most people figure this out nothing will change and their country will keep being sold out.
but that won't ever happen because as a whole american people are just too stupid to ever catch on.

Hooray for my side! Your team sucks. We're #1. Go team. Yay!
They teach us that mindset before we're even able to walk. I wonder why.
Rudy Giuliani

Senator Lindsay Graham distinguished himself today as the fairest man and the best lawyer in Washington. He voted for Justices Sotormayor and Kagen on old fashioned principles. I also did. If he is going to vote for Judge Kavanaugh, the Senate all should.

1) It's Lindsey Graham, Sotomayor and Kagan
2) Giuliani never voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. Senators vote ton confirm SCOTUS judges. Giuliani never was in Congress

Giuliani later made a correction tweet, indicating he supported Kagan's an Sotomayor's nomination but he failed to correct their names...
1) It's Lindsey Graham, Sotomayor and Kagan
2) Giuliani never voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. Senators vote ton confirm SCOTUS judges. Giuliani never was in Congress

Giuliani later made a correction tweet, indicating he supported Kagan's an Sotomayor's nomination but he failed to correct their names...

So you’re saying that he misspelled a name. Or wrote a confusing tweet. It’s not like he confused Neville with Wilt Chamberlain.
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