I said the same thing to you in the PM that I did here.
If you have something I said that you want to respond to then please do.
Your cheap shots are immature.
I posted this:
"Look at all the nonsense threads on this board now.
Its all bullshit.
Its all a scripted show that never ends and never reaches any conclusions.
That is because now , today, the GOV and the MSM are one in the same.
They work together.
They are one.
And it all a manufactured production.
Feed for the animals over here.
Do you remember all this go nowhere nonsense in politics and news 20 years ago? 30?
Its all a show today.
Sad thing is Americans are so used to it now that they can't see it.
They actually take it all seriously.
PS Trump is just another actor, readin from a script.
How Glory! Praise The Lord! Can I get an Amen?"
Would you like to respond? If so please do.
I respect your right to an opinion and would never mock or degrade you for expressing one.
Like if you thought this was real. I would never mock or degrade you for being dumber than a sack of potatoes.