The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

I'm also not a big fan of Obama, But i'm still in the ' let's see what happens ' mood.. for now that is..
Really? You actually took his posts seriously??? :eek:
It's a novel for him when he posts 2 sentences, and always says the same thing..."I hate...**** "; they're all fucking ****** "; Republicans are**** " , etc.

I like a spirited discussion, but DlaC is like the old geezer yelling at the neighborhood kids..."GET OFF MY LAWN!, goddammit!":rofl2:

Not really, but I thought I would at least let him feel good. :D
And when have you ever stood up for your ideals? I mean really did it?

Again you are representing yourself as an un-informed sock puppet.

I just can't take you seriously anymore.

your the uninformed sock puppet, unless you call being brainwashed by hannity, beck and limbaugh informed. how do you know when i've stood up for my ideals? you don't know anything about me. ooh you went to a teabag party! wow what a great american you are
your the uninformed sock puppet, unless you call being brainwashed by hannity, beck and limbaugh informed. how do you know when i've stood up for my ideals? you don't know anything about me. ooh you went to a teabag party! wow what a great american you are

Would you have preferred I called you something far more derogatory??

Your right.. I don't know anything about you except you have a venomous disdain for anyone that has any sort of right leaning thoughts or ideals.

... and that for you, as of this writing, this is the lengthiest post you have ever made.
Truth ...

As someone who attended my local tea party... I can tell you that there were much more than GOPers there.
By the way... it wasn't a GOP event, it was a NON-partisan event. Meaning ANYONE regardless of your political stance was more than welcome to attend.
I find it insulting that MSNBC making fun of everyday Americans that gather to voice a dissenting opinion of the government.
Let me guess, you were one of the few that snickered like a 2nd grader when the mindless tv personalities were saying "teabagging".
It was billed by GOPers because alot were ASKED to participate by speaking at the rallies.
Fox covered the events because the other liberal media either ignored or just made fun of the events.
There were no sponsorships for these events. I didn't see any corporate logos out among the crowd.
Did you? Oh that's right, you didn't. YOU weren't there, you just giggled like a little child at the teabagging comments didn't you?
If you don't know, then do not open your mouth. Your foot is not a flattering accessory.
Gimme a freak'in break! What do you want? DO liberals use the internet?
Do groups like ACORN not use grassroots organization?
These events were by normal everyday Americans that make if lucky $30,000 a year.
What.... were you fishing for the rich, white Republican funder and you didn't get it?
Just tell me what you really want, instead of trying to find something that you can blog about on some screwy "fuzzybunny-treehugging" website.
This is reality.

When it's an allegedly left-leaning movement, labeled "grass roots." When it's an allegedly right-leaning movement or, worse yet, "compatible" with allegedly right-leaning views, it's labeled "radical." It's times like this that I'm glad Fox News exists, because you wouldn't hear anything from real people.

I'm not praising Fox News, but I'm just saying it's nice to have at least one news organization that leans "the other way" than the left leaning outlets, of various degrees, elsewhere. Most anyone who is even remotely right leaning at any news outlet has left for Fox these days, which is making the others even more left.

I can't stand the slant on either side, but at least there is that "counter-slant." These are real people. For all those that claim they are "funded by the Republicans," even several of the pre-Iraq invasion protests were knowingly funded by several, world socialist organizations. We can play those rhetoric games all day.

There are always organizations and agendas that will find these "compatible." But if people think that only right-wingers come out to these things, they are seriously out-of-touch with reality. But then again, the media itself always is, Fox News as well. The media is the most sexist, racist and conflict-driven enterprise we have here in the US, so it's not unexpected.

I'm also not a big fan of Obama, But i'm still in the ' let's see what happens ' mood.. for now that is..
I'm watching the Organization of the American States with great interest. It's one thing to shake hands with die-hard, socialist leaders. But it's a completely other thing to forgo any capitalism at all.

Chavez and others will have a real difficult time trying to push the common stereotypes on the US and capitalists with Obama in the White House. Of course, if Obama embraces socialism like some people fear he will, I will join the dissenters. So far, Obama has a leftist agenda and spend crazy attitude that will help no one, but he hasn't gone full socialism.

Right now he's just trying to keep the world financial system believing in the US dollar. That's no different than what W. was trying to do. And tearing down capitalism is the last way to accomplish that.

But you're right on one thing, it's a "let's see what happens" attitude for me as well.
Perfect example ...

your the uninformed sock puppet, unless you call being brainwashed by hannity, beck and limbaugh informed. how do you know when i've stood up for my ideals? you don't know anything about me. ooh you went to a teabag party! wow what a great american you are
This is a perfect example.

In fact, every time I watch Beck on the airport TVs, he's bashing the crap out of both Democrats and Republicans. He was even showing his graph that both Democrats and Republicans are totalitarian, and want to control in different ways.

If Beck is "brainwashing," then I must have "independently" come to the same conclusions. So I must be an idiot as well.

In fact, you just proved stampede2873's point further. There are a lot of people who aren't Democrat but aren't Republican either, and some want to label anyone who isn't an alleged "hard core Democrat" (often ignoring the hypocrisy of many Democrat leaders who vote the same as Republicans) as being Republicans, or just brainwashed.

Every election year, the exit polls don't change. As much as people try to demonize the media outlets that release the statistics (typically the leftist publications don't), they are collected by the government.

The percentage of people who vote Democrat are either around or below the poverty level, often with a HS education or lower, or very high income, affluent or those with a PhD education. Those who vote Republican are common middle class to upper middle class, and with a BA/BS or MA/MS. People who either have serious money and education problems or have no money problems and the cream of education so they have to worry about others taking versus those who scrape by or are just trying to save for their retirement and are often the regular college grads.

Or even more simply put. Those who didn't make themselves versus those who did often make their own success. People like to think about rising taxes on people like Paris Hilton and other celebrities who "don't do much and don't deserve what they have" not realizing that they don't pay income taxes and often vote Democrat!

Working, successful people are tired of both the left and right bullshit. That's what these "parties" are about.


Damn that Barrak obama appointment, Department of Homeland Security Czar, Janet Napolitano !
Not one reported incident of extreme radical, religious, right wing, Veterans of Foreign Wars disturbances at any of the Tea Parties ! :laugh:


Obama Administration quietly expands Bush's legal defense of wiretapping program
April, 2009

In a stunning defense of President George W. Bush's warrantless wiretapping program, President Barack Obama has broadened the government's legal argument for immunizing his Administration and government agencies from lawsuits surrounding the National Security Agency's eavesdropping efforts.

In fact, a close read of a government filing last Friday reveals that the Obama Administration has gone beyond any previous legal claims put forth by former President Bush.

Full Story


I must have a hundred "barrak obama has done this nation wrong" stories in my archive by now by now. :laugh:

I don't even meed tp say it ...

But I will ... I told you so!

This, combined with many other things, are starting to scare the fuck out of me.

Welcome to the new, federally run, police state.

Under W., maybe you had to worry as a non-US citizen caught in a foreign land. Under Obama, not even your US state can protect you any longer.

Those claiming the 10th Amendment need not bother, it's what "racists" used to protect themselves before, so you must be a racist if you do.

Now I await all of the arguments that "oh, Obama is just trying to protect the previous administration." No, the Obama administration has woken up to what it actually does, and is keeping it in place.

Not just for the same reasons W. implemented it, but because it looks like it's going to be used for spying on domestic communication. At least W. only did it on international calls from or to domestic locations.


Hiliary 2020

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad – President Barack Obama offered a spirit of cooperation to America's hemispheric neighbors at a summit Saturday, listening to complaints about past U.S. meddling and even reaching out to Venezuela's leftist leader.

i'll admit, i'm not sure if its good or bad.
maybe he's pulling a Godfather "keep your friends close but your enemys closer" thing.
or maybe he's kissing ass.
Chavez does hate the US and is in bed with the colombian drug traffickers. so i don't know what obamas deal is here.

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad – President Barack Obama offered a spirit of cooperation to America's hemispheric neighbors at a summit Saturday, listening to complaints about past U.S. meddling and even reaching out to Venezuela's leftist leader.

i'll admit, i'm not sure if its good or bad.
maybe he's pulling a Godfather "keep your friends close but your enemys closer" thing.
or maybe he's kissing ass.
Chavez does hate the US and is in bed with the colombian drug traffickers. so i don't know what obamas deal is here.

What does Chavez "hate" about the US? BTW, disagreeing with a US policy or leader isn't equivalent to "hate" for a country or it's people.

For example, we disagreed with the leadership of Afghanistan and now that they're gone we're working to help that country and it's people. We didn't dislike Afghanistan, we disliked it's leadership and their policy of sequestering a fugitive and enemy of the US.

Chavez doesn't "hate" the US. Hell, he even offered heating oil 40 pct. below market value to US nonprofit firms for US poor (bet you Fox didn't tell you that)..Chavez doesn't "hate" the US, he hated Bush and his administration for meddling in the affairs of his country.

[Chavez Offers U.S. Poor Cheap Heating Oil
Greg Levine,

Is Santa a socialist?

Depends on whom you ask: This winter may be just a tad warmer for some of the poorer residents of Boston and New York City, thanks to the largesse--or political calculation--of Hugo Chavez.

The firebrand leader of Venezuela has committed more than 12 million gallons of home-heating oil at a cost 40% below market prices. Citgo Petroleum, controlled by Chavez' government, will hand the oil over to two U.S. nonprofit organizations, which will then distribute it to low-income people in the East Coast cities. ]
Gimme a freak'in break! What do you want? DO liberals use the internet?

Do groups like ACORN not use grassroots organization?

These events were by normal everyday Americans that make if lucky $30,000 a year.

What.... were you fishing for the rich, white Republican funder and you didn't get it?

Just tell me what you really want, instead of trying to find something that you can blog about on some screwy "fuzzybunny-treehugging" website.

Apparently you don't understand. Someone or some group had to make the arrangements for the venue, publicity, props, etc. for these events.

My contention is, the overwhelming majority of the individuals or organizations who were responsible for these events taking place were GOP-affiliated or associated with so-called conservative causes. And the overwhelming majority of people who showed up for these events likely did not vary much from the same type of person who would show up at the typical republican campaign rally.

ACORN like the groups you cite is an example of a grassroots organization. They are responsible for organizing local events just like the groups you cite....ACORN is a left leaning organization just like many if not all of the organizations you cited are likely right leaning organizations.

What does "rich, white Republican funder" have to do with this discussion if you understood the premise of my point? Meaning these events, didn't need to be well financed, these types of things merely need be organized, advertised and logistically supported. As you've demonstrated, most of the people or groups responsible for all of that are overwhelmingly GOP or conservative leaning. But having said that, what do you think it amounts to when Fox is promoting this event through it's hosts and television promos??? That is in effect, free advertising under guise of news coverage. You'd have to willfully suspend any intelligence you have to not understand the obvious orchestration at work behind this.

Fox, GOPer radio hosts and politicians work hand in hand. And again, you'd have to willfully suspend all of your intelligence to not believe or recognize that. To the extent that is true, how difficult would it be to orchestrate this gimmick then "cover" it as a "news" story which actually amounts to promoting it??

Just another GOPer gimmick they're using to try and gain some political traction and become relevant.
Apparently you don't understand. Someone or some group had to make the arrangements for the venue, publicity, props, etc. for these events.

My contention is, the overwhelming majority of the individuals or organizations who were responsible for these events taking place were GOP-affiliated or associated with so-called conservative causes. And the overwhelming majority of people who showed up for these events likely did not vary much from the same type of person who would show up at the typical republican campaign rally.

ACORN like the groups you cite is an example of a grassroots organization. They are responsible for organizing local events just like the groups you cite....ACORN is a left leaning organization just like many if not all of the organizations you cited are likely right leaning organizations.

What does "rich, white Republican funder" have to do with this discussion if you understood the premise of my point? Meaning these events, didn't need to be well financed, these types of things merely need be organized, advertised and logistically supported. As you've demonstrated, most of the people or groups responsible for all of that are overwhelmingly GOP or conservative leaning. But having said that, what do you think it amounts to when Fox is promoting this event through it's hosts and television promos??? That is in effect, free advertising under guise of news coverage. You'd have to willfully suspend any intelligence you have to not understand the obvious orchestration at work behind this.

Fox, GOPer radio hosts and politicians work hand in hand. And again, you'd have to willfully suspend all of your intelligence to not believe or recognize that. To the extent that is true, how difficult would it be to orchestrate this gimmick then "cover" it as a "news" story which actually amounts to promoting it??

Just another GOPer gimmick they're using to try and gain some political traction and become relevant.

Okay... so what your saying is that Liberals are the only ones that can have grassroots organizations with white, fat cat rich supporters/donors like George Soros.

...and that "grass-roots" is strictly the province of Libs, and that Repubs are not welcome because they're to well organized?

Gotcha. Rediculous.
Okay... so what your saying is that Liberals are the only ones that can have grassroots organizations with white, fat cat rich supporters/donors like George Soros.

...and that "grass-roots" is strictly the province of Libs, and that Repubs are not welcome because they're to well organized?

Gotcha. Rediculous.

Dude, I'm trying desperately to have a reasoned discussion on this with you but what in the hell are you talking about?????

Where (in this ENTIRE thread) did I say only Liberals can have grassroots organizations???????????????????????????????????????

I acknowledged that they exist on both sides...and pointed out that the ones you cited are examples of right leaning grassroots organizations. Therefore in my mind it was nothing more than a GOP gimmick. The point is that if ACORN and a group of other left leaning, grassroots organizations orchestrated a similar nationwide protest and the primary focus of their criticism was aimed at Republicans or a republican president. And it was re-iterated over and over on MSNBC by the station and their liberal hosts and every other host on Air America...I'm not going to be silly or stupid enough to try and spin that as anything more than a Democratic partisan gimmick.

That is what occurred in my view with these so called tea parties BUT it was republicans.
Full Story


I must have a hundred "barrak obama has done this nation wrong" stories in my archive by now by now. :laugh:


Where's the story? Obama has made it clear that he's not interested in marching a bunch of defendants into court who were just following orders. He's right. The casualties of Bush Administration policy shouldn't be the pee-ons who were following orders and just doing their jobs.
Dude, I'm trying desperately to have a reasoned discussion on this with you but what in the hell are you talking about?????

Where (in this ENTIRE thread) did I say only Liberals can have grassroots organizations???????????????????????????????????????

I acknowledged that they exist on both sides...and pointed out that the ones you cited are examples of right leaning grassroots organizations. Therefore in my mind it was nothing more than a GOP gimmick. The point is that if ACORN and a group of other left leaning, grassroots organizations orchestrated a similar nationwide protest and the primary focus of their criticism was aimed at Republicans or a republican president. And it was re-iterated over and over on MSNBC by the station and their liberal hosts and every other host on Air America...I'm not going to be silly or stupid enough to try and spin that as anything more than a Democratic partisan gimmick.

That is what occurred in my view with these so called tea parties BUT it was republicans.

Finally.. a straight answer.

It wasn't just for repubs, it was for anyone... and I MEAN anyone that is feeling Obama is doing harm. It didn't matter if you were rich or poor (mostly poor/middle class people showed), Right/Left/or Independent.

Were Repubs in attendence? sure. But they were not alone.
Finally.. a straight answer.

It wasn't just for repubs, it was for anyone... and I MEAN anyone that is feeling Obama is doing harm. It didn't matter if you were rich or poor (mostly poor/middle class people showed), Right/Left/or Independent.

Were Repubs in attendence? sure. But they were not alone.

Uh Okay, if it was planned, orchestrated, promoted, advertised and sponsored overwhelmingly by GOPers largely aimed at attacking Obama (for what I'm still not sure of yet) who do you think is likely to show up irrespective of who may show up??.

I presume anyone can go to a gay club but just because that's true I wouldn't expect there to be a mixed
Well you happy people that voted for Obama, make sure it last because as soon as he starts fucking shit up, I will be there to tell you I told you so, don't want to hear your bitchin and get over it you got what you deserve. (A ranting/piss off independent).:mad::mad:

Amusing :)

It's been fucked since you let a monkey rule it for eight years, lol, but he's gone now so calm down :D

I dunno why some people can't realise that the USA is a very young country. Most powerful it may be, but certainly not the most advanced or aware. No offence to any Americans, just stating a fact. I think Obama will move ya on, he'll listen and learn, which is what countries need to do to move on. Bush couldn't listen because his brain can't take in intelligent input.