The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

I suppose when he fuck's up the war with Iran :D

LOL. I just hope the American public has the stomach for what is probably going to happen in Afghanistan. Iraq will pale in comparison.
Alright. Then I wonder how long into the administration it will be before people actually start placing blame on the current POTUS.

Hmmm, I'm thinking as soon as a policy he enacts bears fruit or a policy he enacts creates problems. If he takes appropriate action when necessary or fails to take reasonable action when appropriate.

For example GWB sought a policy of intervening in Iraq, he blew the invasion and occupation which contributed to the skyrocketing of oil prices. Resulting in economic collapse of many of the worlds economies including ours. It's going to take awhile to clean that up.


Hiliary 2020
Is this a fuck up?
Obama and the democrat kill a free trade agreement with colombia.
Colombia is a peaceable, ecomonically growing , capitalist country, allie to the united states.
A growing capitalist country. A friend.
And he basically says fuck you to them.

In the meantime he meets with hugo chavez, the socialist who now owns venezuela, is in bed with the leaders of iran and who supports FARC, the biggest terrorist group in south america with arms, money, other resources and sanctuary.
these are the guys who supply the world with cocaine and kill anybody who gets in their way, and who given the chance would take the free country of colombia with force.
So obama meets him, does a few photo ops, apologizes for the us's behavior towards him and promises the begining of a new relationship with this guy.

would that be considered a fuck up?
Is this a fuck up?
Obama and the democrat kill a free trade agreement with colombia.
Colombia is a peaceable, ecomonically growing , capitalist country, allie to the united states.
A growing capitalist country. A friend.
And he basically says fuck you to them.

In the meantime he meets with hugo chavez, the socialist who now owns venezuela, is in bed with the leaders of iran and who supports FARC, the biggest terrorist group in south america with arms, money, other resources and sanctuary.
these are the guys who supply the world with cocaine and kill anybody who gets in their way, and who given the chance would take the free country of colombia with force.
So obama meets him, does a few photo ops, apologizes for the us's behavior towards him and promises the begining of a new relationship with this guy.

would that be considered a fuck up?

No. I would call it an error in the framework of your analysis.


Hiliary 2020
No. I would call it an error in the framework of your analysis.

ok so i guess i'm wrong about obama damaging ties with colombia and making them with hugo, basically at this piont a socialist dictator.
and maybe everything else i wrote.
if someone has the time enlighten me please.

obama 69% approval rate ?
now i feel a whole lot better.



You’re not seeing things and it is not a spoof picture from The Onion or any other satirical website. The image…is a painting by artist Michael D’Antuono called “The Truth” that will be officially unveiled at Union Square in New York City on April 29 to mark President Barack Obama’s hundreth day in office…

and we wonder . . .

What's with the lapel pin !!!!! :D
ok so i guess i'm wrong about obama damaging ties with colombia and making them with hugo, basically at this piont a socialist dictator.
and maybe everything else i wrote.
if someone has the time enlighten me please.

obama 69% approval rate ?
now i feel a whole lot better.

Maybe it's because you're living in the old, idiotic Bush paradigm of "you're either with us or you're against us".

i.e. Making new ties with someone doesn't automatically cost you ties with someone else unless you explicitly and expressly end one relationship in favor of another.

Tell us specifically what Obama said to Velez to damage ties with them.


Current Democratic party approval for this President hovers around something like 80% give or take 5 percentage pts. while inside the R party the approval for the President is 20% +/- 5.

That's unprecedented ! Nixon had far more support in the Dem party,
as did Carter amongst repubs, back when.
Current Democratic party approval for this President hovers around something like 80% give or take 5 percentage pts. while inside the R party the approval for the President is 20% +/- 5.

That's unprecedented ! Nixon had far more support in the Dem party,
as did Carter amongst repubs, back when.

What's you're source for that? There are other, credible sources that have his support among GOPers higher than 15-25 pct.
i'm still laughing at the fact that for so many in this thread it seems as though obama has FAILED before even getting to 100 days in office...good times :D clearly he is being the benefit of the doubt
Obama has not Fucked up, the people that voted for him thinking he was a solution to problems did.
Obama has actually done everything he has intended to.
He has increased unemployment
He has put the country on the virge of financial colapse by devaluing the dollar (When the treasury bought our own bonds *first time in history*)
He has made the US look weak not only to our enemies but our allies as well.
He has flushed billions of peoples retirement funds down the toilet.
He has increased the deficit more in less than 100 days than any 8 entire Presidencys combined.

Number of people Obma's porkoulious bill have put to work on those 'shovel ready projects', 0.
Number of projects underway as a result of porkoulious, 0.
Days Obama waited to sign the all important we must pas this now 1000 page porkoulious bill that no-senator read, 4.


Crimes happen all the time and we'll have to see what trends develop. Cops are already suspect and profile career criminals who may become violent when confronted. The question is do they now need to profile individuals who made statements in anger about perceived bans on firearms.

We'll have to see if as a result of the constant bombardment of dishonest propaganda about firearms, more fringe lunatics will act against law enforcement or enjoin extremists organizations.

The guy who killed cops in Pittsburgh actually acknowledged his motivation was a perceived concern that Obama was going to take "guns". Now he got that lie from somewhere because Obama has said no such thing. In fact, he's said unequivocally he believes the 2nd amendment confers an individual right to bear arms (firearms). But that doesn't stop extremists from mischaracterizing, misquoting or outright lying about Obama's positions in order to gin up opposition. But again, in many cases they stir up the lunatic fringe into committing crimes (as in the Pittsburgh case) they may otherwise might not.

Sometimes you make a lot of sense...just not this time.
Some flaky attention whore tells how the cop killer was afraid Obama was gonna take away his guns...and you actually take that at face value.
Scenario...[bad guy]: Police! what am I gonna do? (looks around frantically)
That socialist President is gonna take away my guns soon...I know! I'll shoot some cops!
That oughta work...! [gunfire]
Obama has said a lot of things he then ignored and did something else, or just flat out lied and knew his hordes of O-Zombies would just call it "evolving opinion"...
So he said he would never infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights...:sleep:
Has he ever said no to Evil Nancy? Or to any of the rampaging extreme Lefties coming up with more and more extensions of the govt's reach into our lives?
There is a real good possibility that they will surely get around to much more stringent regulations and taxes on things like "intention to shoot" or somesuch. (Play Beatles song "Taxman" here)
Dems are traditionally for gun control ...i.e., legislation designed to make gun ownership difficult or impossible for those who pay attention to rules and laws.
Is it even slightly hard to imagine with the Democrat free for all going on in D.C. they might get busy on extreme gun restrictions and ammunition marking? (there's a silly idea, but not too far Left for the Dems.)
Maybe they should make it a Federal statute that any shooter leaving the scene of a shooting must leave a note on the victim with his name, address, and social. Phone number optional...that oughta make it easier for Law Enforcement.:thumbsup:
Some flaky attention whore tells how the cop killer was afraid Obama was gonna take away his guns...and you actually take that at face value.
Scenario...[bad guy]: Police! what am I gonna do? (looks around frantically)
That socialist President is gonna take away my guns soon...I know! I'll shoot some cops!

Well it wasn't just that. There was a friend who subsequently confirmed his angst regarding Obama.

Besides him, we had a man commit the largest, domestic born terrorist attack in US history based on a bunch of untruths disseminated about what the government did in Waco.