I think the problems are on the way to being solved right now, actually, Prof. Even with conservative obstructionism.
I'm honestly tired of the politics in general. I was tired with W. I'm even more tired after the Dems in 2007 (as were most Americans in the polls). And now it's just worse.
I'm prepared to lay all of the blame of "misguided" Iraq and "disinterested" Afghanistan squarely on "gin'ed up" intel that Cheney banged out on his laptop, basically.
Apparently you missed the bombing of Iraq in 1998 and Clinton's
War on Terror that really picked up in 1998.
W. decided to put boots on the ground, but that doesn't mean a lot of the intel wasn't from before. In fact, I was for going in 1998, but
against in 2003, because the intel was so out-of-date (as inspectors were kicked out in 1998). But I blame W. for actually invading.
In any case, Iraq never disclosed anything, and that's reality. Would have we invaded in 2003 had the Democrats taken Congress? Probably not, and I would have been happy that we did not. Again, I thought 2003 was too little, too late.
But anyone who thinks we wouldn't be in Afghanistan because of various entities and what they were doing to western interests is not only overlooking history and fact, but actually Obama's own policy -- both before and after the election. I haven't heard a peep out of Obama being against Afghanistan or thinking it was unwarranted, quite the opposite.
During his campaign, Obama complained (and rightly so) that Iraq was a major distraction from real threats, like terrorists havens in Afghanistan, and extortion by North Korea. People think the North Korean issue is about hypocrisy by the US, until they realize it's actually a six (6) nation issue and has little to do with the US.
Other than, of course, North Korea wanting to make it about only the US, so it's easy to walk away from the table and blame the US. That's why the two-party talks failed, and the six-party talks are working. It's no longer about the US being wrong, but North Korea -- because four (4) other countries, including China, are part of the talks, and what North Korea isn't living up to.
Obama recognizes this. I've also given Obama good, initial marks on handling the pirates off of the Somalia coast. Now we'll see where it goes from here, because it only gets harder. Hopefully he'll do us proud.
I will concede that the Dems pussed out of bringing a close to the Iraq War in 2007/2008. I still don't know why we're in these countries. Maybe to make Republicans feel good?
No, it's called pork for war support. It happened during Vietnam as well. The total decimation of Congressional approval polls after the Dems got double-majority shows that the American people recognize this as well.
I.e., they aren't offering any solutions.
So it's just more of this type of non-sense that keeps most people like myself from even being remotely hopeful that politicians will change. Because too many of the American people want to polay one-sided non-sense.
Hopefully Obama will bridge some issues, but we'll see. In any case, you've totally pegged him totally different than reality. But that's not uncommon when people blame one side completely, and hold the other side harmly (even if they are just as involved).