Small Hands, Massive Boobs

I love black chicks but they always have to have massive tits and huge areola too.
Nina Star fits the bill!
a bunch here.
I have to keep in perspective the enormity of it all....really. So I present to you an example. Sapphire 38L

It drives me crazy when I see any girl that appears to be big breasted in clothing. You say ok, shes got a big rack but she also has alot of weight so maybe its mostly fat:

and then she strips off her shirt and you can see her bra. Now you realize she's bigger than what she appeared:

But we're not done. Because as full as that bra pushes her tits together it packs it all in as well. So she removes the bra and now you're stunned:

You can't help but want to feel them, suck on them and adore them. That's the real prize in knowing that the kind of tits you love...YOUR kind of tits are the ones so huge that any size hands look small next to them so here we are. Sapphire, show me how small your hands look on your tits:

Oh yeah.....
Heres another example. I loved this girl back in the day, wonder whats shes up to now.
Lenka Berkiova

Ok, from this pic she looks short and has a little meat on her and a nice rack right? Notice how high up her boobs look and probably DD?

Lets see the bra shot. Wow, overflowing. Ok she's bigger then what we thought and that chest is heaving out and downwards:

So she starts to pull one tit out and you say ok she was a little bigger right?

Wrong!!! Lenka, show me your small hands against your gorgeous and MASSIVE boobs:

F@#$ yeah!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!
And yet another one: Haydee Rodriguez
As a cleaning maid. And well, ok you can see shes got a HUGE rack with all that cleavage right? But they seem to sit up high and they are being compressed by her arms here right?

Ok so on to the bra shot. Hmmm, guess they are a little bigger from this view...

And here she begins to pull them out and so they seem a little bigger as we previously thought right?

Nah...wrong again...they even bigger!
Ok, next up: Charlie Cooper. Dynamite face and tits!!
dressed up:

The brashot, ok getting bigger....

Lets see those hands and boobs:

and cause shes so f'ing hot another set. Quick tease -

We bypass the fully covered clothing and are right to the bedroom wear.

Whatcha hiding there Charlie? They look kinda large...

Show them to me now: