supafly BNF minidog


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
She's a Conservative
You’re out of town travelling and feeling lonely. Lying back on your hotel bed, you begin to fantasize about BNF Minidog. She’s a married girl you went to school with and you frequently picture her whenever you feel like a quick wank. She’d probably die if she knew how many tissues you’ve impregnated while thinking about her glorious big boobs.

But this time a wank isn’t going to be enough. You pick up your smartphone and Google for an escort. Why the hell not — you’re a long way from home and no-one will ever know.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. Just over an hour later there’s a knock at the door. Amazingly you’ve managed to keep your hand off it while you were waiting.

Okay, this next part is going to seem highly improbable…

You open the door and are shocked and amazed to find BNF Minidog herself standing in the hallway. She’s wearing a short, figure-hugging red dress that barely contains her bulging tits. The dress is so short it reveals most of her stocking-tops. Not her usual style at all. Make America Great Again.

“BNF? What are you doing here?”

“supafly? Holy fuck. Er…”

“I’m sorry, you can’t stay, I’m expecting someone!” you exclaim.

BNF starts to say something, then stops, instead stammering “Oh, okay, that’s fine. Some other time, okay?”

You watch her hurry away down the hall. Wow, that was close. If she’d seen you with the escort…

It takes a few seconds for the penny to drop.

“Hey BNF,” you call out.

She freezes but doesn’t turn around.

“Get back here!”

BNF turns and walks back to you sheepishly.

“Quick, get inside before someone sees you.” You usher BNF through the door and check the corridor both ways before closing it behind her.

She moves to the center of the room and eyes you warily, holding her bag protectively in front of her. There’s an awkward pause.

“So,” you eventually say. “You’ve changed.”

“Yeah,” she replies with an awkward smile.

“I didn’t know you were a…” You search for the right word. “…working girl.”

“Oh, so it wasn’t mentioned in the yearbook, then?” she asks sarcastically.

“Well, I have to say I’m surprised,” you say with a disapproving tone.

“Hey, don’t get up on your high horse, supafly. You’re the one who made the call!” she points out indignantly.

“That’s true,” you admit. “What are you doing way out here? We’re a long way from home.”

“Well, I’m not going to do this back home, am I?” she retorts. “I’m on tour.”

“You’re on tour…”

“Yeah, I tell everyone I’m going to visit a friend for a week or two, then come down here for some easy cash. I’ve got an agency that books my appointments. There’s actually quite a bit of demand for me.”

“I bet there is,” you whisper under your breath. “Can I get you a drink?”

“I think I need one,” she replies.

You pour BNF some Southern Comfort from the bar fridge. She takes the drink from you and downs it in one gulp, then meets your eyes with a serious expression on her pretty face. “You can’t tell anyone about this, supafly.”

“Of course not.” Yeah, like you’re going to admit hiring a prostitute!

“Especially my husband,” she continues.

“Naturally,” you respond. Internally this throws you for a loop. You were assuming that the poor girl had been forced into a life of prostitution and that her boyfriend or husband was probably involved.

BNF scrutinizes you for a moment, then relaxes, apparently satisfied. “Well, I thought I’d probably meet someone I knew eventually. But I never guessed it would be you, supafly.”

“You don’t think I’m the type?”

“Something like that,” she replies. “Got another drink?”

BNF sits on the edge of the bed. There follows a few minutes of very awkward small talk while you both knock back a couple more glasses of spirits. Then she gets up and grabs her bag.

“Well, it’s been nice talking but I’d better get going,” she announces.

“So soon?” you reply, taken aback. You haven’t yet come up with a plan for handling the situation, but you were hoping that something interesting might happen. After all, you and BNF Minidog are alone in a foreign hotel room, and BNF has been exposed as a dirty slut who exchanges sex for money.

“Yeah sorry,” BNF replies. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I need the money and I don’t want this night to go to waste. The agency can probably find me another appointment.”

“What’s wrong with this appointment?” you ask tentatively. Your heart is beating wildly as you say the words, but fate has thrown you and your dream girl together under bizarre circumstances and it can’t just end now.

BNF looks up at you, startled. “supafly! We know each other! You don’t really want to…”

You nod, causing her voice to trail off. Then she tries again. “It just wouldn’t be… professional.”

You choose your next words carefully. You build a wall.. to block Mexico's cartels.

“I’ll pay you just to talk. I only wanted company.”
“I’ve always wanted you. I’ll pay double!”
“Is my fucking money not good enough for you?”
*reads another longwinded Torre post*



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You beat me to my story about BC and Animus ^^

Nice read, tho :1orglaugh