Which of those three things am I being accused of, Georges? Approving terrorism (by not supporting Bush and the US military uncompromisingly?), or hatemongering (by complaining about their illegal actions?), or criminal activities (free speech = crime?)?
If supporting terrorism is grounds for removal of citizenship then all in favor of the war in Iraq should have their own US citizenship revoked, that would leave a much more peaceful country and we could vote the terrorists out of power in OUR country - a country which gave me citizenship and does not give anyone a "free" education by the way, but which also gave a lot of families around the world corpses, lost limbs, and puppet dictators controlled by Washington.
Thank god I don't live in the Nazi world that revokes citizenship or status for freedom of speech.
"If you don't like it, leave." How can you stand by the flag and say that, any of you? How can you claim to have an ounce of "American values" in your veins? Have you confused the word American with the word Apathy? This country and EVERY other was founded on good people who refused to be apathetic and wanted to make things better. I want to make things better. Say what you like, but if YOU want a place free of so called whiners, then YOU leave, because in North Korea and Iran, they don't like whiners, so you'll be RIGHT AT HOME, meanwhile we can be free to whine, in the land of the "free". Fuck patriotism. It only ever caused division and death. Fuck patriotism, to any nation. I am patriotic to no nation but the world, and I am supportive of no terrorists, be them Arab or American.