Sergeant in trouble for Playboy spread

She is NOT a civilian ...

Every single counter argument I have seen here keeps forgetting one fact ...
She is NOT a civilian!

Again, as I said before, some people were questioning in other threads ...
What's the big deal about the American people and their military?
Why do Americans respect those who serve in the American military?

Now for those that can't put 2-and-2 together ...
She is NOT a civilian!
The reason we Americans respect our military servicemen and women is because of ...
Everything they give up as a civilian the second they sign!

As I've repeated in other, even non-related threads ...
the United States is virtually the oldest Republic that has never been under the jurisdiction of its military ...

There is a huge, massive, mega-history behind that!
And it drives our great respect of the military.
That they put up with the stupidest civilians, who have all the luxuries they don't, let alone they have to listen and protect them!

This isn't about "oppression of the people."
In fact, it's about serving a nation that oppresses its civilians less than any other!
"Flag burning" by civilians or other "rights" has no application whatsoever!

She is not a civilian!
There is a great and massive lack of knowledge of the American society here.
And it sickens me for those who are Americans posting this non-sense.

As a man who never, ever served myself, even I'm appauled!
Hell, civilians can openly protest and spit on the graves of servicemen and women!
So it's the massive and stark contrast in the US between those who serve (military) those who are protected (civilian)!
Re: Turn of "Send Referrer" ...

you lost me. :D
Many browsers send the referring page (i.e., the URL of this Freeones.COM thread) as the "referring page."
The web server can then decide to "re-write" the target URL (the normal link with the babe) to another resource it then serves you.
Hence why you don't see it, even though the URL looks correct (it's done on the web server's side).

As others suggested, if you 'cut'n paste' the link into a new window or tab in your browser, it works.
Then the server thinks you're coming to the link directly.

An easier way is to "turn off" the "Send Referrer" option in your web browser.
I find PrefBar for Firefox is the easiest way to do this with a checkbox:
Re: Turn of "Send Referrer" ...

Many browsers send the referring page (i.e., the URL of this Freeones.COM thread) as the "referring page."
The web server can then decide to "re-write" the target URL (the normal link with the babe) to another resource it then serves you.
Hence why you don't see it, even though the URL looks correct (it's done on the web server's side).

i swear i didnt do it on purpose. it is a default option setting, right?
Re: She is NOT a civilian ...

There is a great and massive lack of knowledge of the American society here.

it's not that those people don't know, it's that they don't care.

none of those things that you stated are facts. They're just opinions, or else they are subjective facts that are really just opinions. And that's fine, it's perfectly allright to say what you feel and think and belive in, that's what it's all about, but claiming that it's some kind of objective truth and that anyone who disagrees is just misinformed is just nonsense.

and knowing that people in the military think I'm just a stupid civilian that doesn't know anything and doesn't do anything for the people in my country is a pretty good reason for me not to like the military.

and furthermore, if you don't like it, don't fucking join. I can't stand to see people that voluntarily put themselves into situations and then do nothing but bitch and complain about how they are unjust against them.


milf n' cookies
Finally got the photos to work.

I think she's very hot!!! :thumbsup:


Closed Account
The detours taken in this thread boggles the mind. Sometimes I just don't get how it possibly happens. :(

This whole thread has traveled the gamut now. *sigh* Here there and everywhere. Once again here is the article the starter began with. I don't think it was about her uniform its self, if shes cute, flag burning, Iraq or who sucks in the political ring. It was concerning if we felt she was wrong in doing it. If we think the postion she holds comes with a "unspoken" set of rights and wrongs when representing. Or if we feel the "freedoms" that are afforded us give us the right to do as we please no matter what. At least that's how I saw it and answered it. :dunno: Maybe since it continues to be posted in, we can all try to head back around to the highway we started on. So few threads are really worth deep discussion that I hate to see a good topic go down the tubes.

IMHO only of course.



Staff member
You choose now, but no-one chooses what they are taught as a child.

And I do understand patriotism, completely. I just think it is misused and abused and is a brainwashing technique used by *many* nations, not just america. And "then leave" is exactly what you're supposed to say when someone challenges the concept of patriotism, so good job there. You know how many times I've been told to leave because I question patriotism and certain other "American" values? There's patriotism everywhere to a point, I'd hate it no matter where I went, if it was used to establish absolute loyalty to a flag, and support for illegal wars, and as hatemongering against other nations and peoples. Not by you or I: but that's how I feel our government and media use the concept of patriotism.

When you are given an education freely, you don't spit on it. You honor the country that gave you this education and you thank the country that has welcomed you. You are far to understand patriotism otherwise you would never speak of countries like Cuba and other countries who were/are under socialistic/dictatorial regimes. Patriotism has nothing to do with brainwashing but with the pride of belonging to a country and serving its interest which is something you have not really understood till yet. There are behaviors that can't be tolerated and that really call for a non negotiable withdrawal of citizenship: like approval of terrorism, hatemongering of the country who welcomed the person and criminal activities.
When you are given an education freely, you don't spit on it. You honor the country that gave you this education and you thank the country that has welcomed you. You are far to understand patriotism otherwise you would never speak of countries like Cuba and other countries who were/are under socialistic/dictatorial regimes. Patriotism has nothing to do with brainwashing but with the pride of belonging to a country and serving its interest which is something you have not really understood till yet. There are behaviors that can't be tolerated and that really call for a non negotiable withdrawal of citizenship: like approval of terrorism, hatemongering of the country who welcomed the person and criminal activities.

this is what i meant to say all along. why cant i have the words like you georges? cheers. :glugglug:
You're not given an education, you're buying one, whether directly or through taxes. Don't try to tell me I owe anything to a country, because anything I get from it, I've already given to it.
You're not given an education, you're buying one, whether directly or through taxes. Don't try to tell me I owe anything to a country, because anything I get from it, I've already given to it.

you owe everything you have to your country. you dont believe me? thats cool. move to zimbabwe. then we will see if you have the rights that you have now.;)


Closed Account
you owe everything you have to your country. you dont believe me? thats cool. move to zimbabwe. then we will see if you have the rights that you have now.;)

You are not without the right words, simple is often best. To everyone of the whiners or complainers, if you hate it that much, MOVE. Trust me the grass is brown on the other side. We are getting kinda crowded anyway.

You are not without the right words, simple is often best. To everyone of the whiners or complainers, if you hate it that much, MOVE. Trust me the grass is brown on the other side. We are getting kinda crowded anyway.


i dont mean to step on your toes LL, but i want to take this a step further. i hate exploiters. especially those who use america and the freedoms that we have and wont give back.

fox, you say that you have no national allegiances. do you know who else has no allegiances? mercenaries. to me mercs are the lowest form of soldiers. they will serve whoever pays the most. like LL said, if you dont love the country you live in, get the fuck out. if you are going to exploit the states, then embrace it as well. take the good with the bad. i dont have the right words like roughneck or georges, so bear with me. i give you the layman's terms.
i dont mean to step on your toes LL, but i want to take this a step further. i hate exploiters. especially those who use america and the freedoms that we have and wont give back.

fox, you say that you have no national allegiances. do you know who else has no allegiances? mercenaries. to me mercs are the lowest form of soldiers. they will serve whoever pays the most. like LL said, if you dont love the country you live in, get the fuck out. if you are going to exploit the states, then embrace it as well. take the good with the bad. i dont have the right words like roughneck or georges, so bear with me. i give you the layman's terms.

Pardon me iamforever, this is in reply to all the similar threads from georges, LL etc.

Patriotism doesn't ask for unconditional surrender to the whims of the powers-that-be. Sometimes it is absolutely required to go against the flow. Just watch the history, you will find, in most of the cases, the turn to better civilization came in the wake of somebody going against the flow. Even the birth of USA should be attributed to the same trait.

You are talking about exploitation of an individual. Just think how several governments exploit the people in general, who, and only who, creates a country. A country is not a land mass. It is the men that inhibit that boundary that creates a country.

A person can never be unpatriotic, just because he goes against the whims of a government. You may find the same person laying down his life for a co-citizen and the country.

If your logic is true, the labours who revolted on 1st May (Among American non-pagans, May Day is now more commonly celebrated as a commemoration of the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago, United States which occurred on May 4, but was the culmination of labor unrest which began on May 1. The date consequently became established as an anarchist and socialist holiday during the 20th century, and in these circles it is often known as International Workers' Day or Labour Day. In this form, May Day has become an International celebration of the social and economic achievements of the working class and labor movement. from wikipedia), the people of America, who came down on the street against Vietnam war should also be called traitors.

Freedom of speech is one that none of us should abuse.

Sorry for the long post.

You are talking about exploitation of an individual.
no i am not. im talking about exploitation of the constitution.
Just think how several governments exploit the people in general, who, and only who, creates a country.
my point exactly. we, the citizens make a country.

A person can never be unpatriotic, just because he goes against the whims of a government. You may find the same person laying down his life for a co-citizen and the country.
tell that to fox.
good point PD. that's a bit of an anesthetized version though. it doesn't mention the fact that the military and police were routinaly sent in to murder american citizens for envoking thier "right" to peacable assembly (thousands still die every year as a result of unsafe working conditons right here in the USA) and various other so-called freedoms that are supposedly granted by the (military) state. we could also talk about how people were jailed without trial for merely publically speaking opposition against war.

the reason that I bring this up is because it's all right there documented in history how the military has repeatedly been used to take away peoples rights as opposed to the sentiment expressed by many here that we owe them for our freedom. at least for me that forms the basis for my criticism and mistrust and also is reflected in the original topic of question about the sargeant's posing and reaction.
you know calpoon, you and the rest of the "idealists" really irritate me. name one instance where the evil military has taken away any of your rights. maybe this war in iraq is wrong. maybe its right. maybe the military is used for american profit. maybe its not. maybe the government is out to screw the people. maybe they arent. its all speculation. i for one will always back my country. no matter who runs it. in the end, america is a hell of a lot bigger than one person. i for one will always back my troops. and i for one am proud to call myself an american. you can say that a country doesnt grant you rights. you can say that america is evil. that is your right. just dont take what you have for granted.
I don't have the right to take a piss wherever I feel like it. I mean 6 billions pigeons are shitting all over new york city today, what's the difference?

yes. I know that was absurd, and that's the point. the government has so much control over people lives that they take for granted the fact that society permeates every level of everything to the nth degree of uselessness. I could take the time to post all the things that I really care about that are being repressed, but I don't want to load this whole page up with OT stuff.

how about the fact that it's against the law to do anything to live unless you work for someone else.
you owe everything you have to your country. you dont believe me? thats cool. move to zimbabwe. then we will see if you have the rights that you have now.

Why would I move to a place that does not share my values? I pick where I want to live based on my values and makes some compromises about the rest. But it doesn't mean I'm going to get killed because of something I don't believe in or that I won't move if I find a better place. I have no allegiance to a geographical location, which is what a country is unless you start making abstractions based on romantic notions created by people who wanted others to follow them. The minute you start demanding that people fight for a country, you're back in the medieval ages when peasants were forced into the army to fight for your local feudal lord. In many cases, these peasants didn't even know what "country" they lived in (and the invention of nationalism helped leaders inspire the peasants to fight).

You are not without the right words, simple is often best. To everyone of the whiners or complainers, if you hate it that much, MOVE. Trust me the grass is brown on the other side. We are getting kinda crowded anyway.

I don't hate it. Perhaps if you tried listening instead of passing judgement just because what I have to say might not fit into your system of belief, you'd know that. How could I possibly hate a country when I've just gone over that I have no intention of acknowledging its existance as anything more than governmental unit (for example; individual -> family -> town -> state -> country -> continent -> planet -> solar system -> galaxy -> universe -> possibly god)? I swear my allegiance to my values and to life in general directly, not an indirect and flawed representation of it. I don't hate, I'm indifferent. As long as I get to live my life as I wish, it doesn't matter one bit to me where I live and I'm willing to contribute to the society that provides me with that. But I will not contribute to the society by doing something that I don't believe in, nor will I ask anyone else to do so. If I expect education for everyone, I'll pay taxes for it. If not, I won't and try to find a place that agrees with me (or possibly compromise in exchange for something I care more about). I will, on the other hand, expect you to do what you believe in. Any leader that urges his people to go to war should be the first one to go over the top. If nothing else, it'll make the world a lot more peaceful, and perhaps it will ensure that those elected to represent us has some amount of moral fiber, as opposed to merely being the best and most charismatic liars.

my point exactly. we, the citizens make a country.

And yet, you are apparently terrible offended when I say I may die for people, whether members of my country or not, but not for a piece of land. How odd. You would do well not to judge me for what I do or don't contribute, when my belief is no less altruistic than yours supposedly is. You just happen to believe in a lower and abstract level.
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