i dont mean to step on your toes LL, but i want to take this a step further. i hate exploiters. especially those who use america and the freedoms that we have and wont give back.
fox, you say that you have no national allegiances. do you know who else has no allegiances? mercenaries. to me mercs are the lowest form of soldiers. they will serve whoever pays the most. like LL said, if you dont love the country you live in, get the fuck out. if you are going to exploit the states, then embrace it as well. take the good with the bad. i dont have the right words like roughneck or georges, so bear with me. i give you the layman's terms.
Pardon me iamforever, this is in reply to all the similar threads from georges, LL etc.
Patriotism doesn't ask for unconditional surrender to the whims of the powers-that-be. Sometimes it is absolutely required to go against the flow. Just watch the history, you will find, in most of the cases, the turn to better civilization came in the wake of somebody going against the flow. Even the birth of USA should be attributed to the same trait.
You are talking about exploitation of an individual. Just think how several governments exploit the people in general, who, and only who, creates a country. A country is not a land mass. It is the men that inhibit that boundary that creates a country.
A person can never be unpatriotic, just because he goes against the whims of a government. You may find the same person laying down his life for a co-citizen and the country.
If your logic is true, the labours who revolted on 1st May
(Among American non-pagans, May Day is now more commonly celebrated as a commemoration of the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago, United States which occurred on May 4, but was the culmination of labor unrest which began on May 1. The date consequently became established as an anarchist and socialist holiday during the 20th century, and in these circles it is often known as International Workers' Day or Labour Day. In this form, May Day has become an International celebration of the social and economic achievements of the working class and labor movement. from wikipedia), the people of America, who came down on the street against Vietnam war should also be called traitors.
Freedom of speech is one that none of us should abuse.
Sorry for the long post.